14 side effects of coffee drinking each day, according to dietitians

Drink a cup of Java every day can have positive and negative side effects.

For many of us, the first thing we think when we wake up is coffee. Whether you prefer so hot or cold is the drink synonymous with morning and the beginning of a new day.

While the first thing that comes to mind on our first sip is theBenefits of coffee (Hello, Focus!), We tend to forget that there may be negative side effects of the consumption of this caffeinated drink every day. To get the entire photo, we asked dietitians about the side effects of coffee drinking every day - the positives and the negatives. Read it and for more things on how to drink coffee in a healthy way, do not miss7 things you should never add to your coffee.


It increases your consumption of polyphenols.


"Black coffee contains polyphenols that are antioxidants (antioxidants help protect cells from damage and constitute the way our body is to release harmful byproducts of important metabolism for a variety of chronic health conditions)" , declaresMelissa PersT, DCN, RDN, CSR, LDN, Nutritionist and spokesperson for dietitians recorded for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Coffee has more antioxidants than black and green tea. Coffee beans contain quinines, which become more powerful after roasting. Coffee antioxidants have the potential to combat obesity and reduce weight can Help protect retine and eyes, can contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, or chronic diseases such as cancer and features. "

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The coffee is good for the gut.

Cup of pour over coffee being poured into a mug in the morning.
Mike Marquez / Beldshash

"Studies have shown that coffee can reduce the risk of pancreatitis, Wales-Bigstles and vesized disease," saysLauri Wright, PhD, RDN, LD, Nutritionist and spokesperson for dietitians recorded for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "In addition, caffeine in the cafe stimulates muscle movement in the intestine, so it helps to eliminate (that is, your bathroom.)"


It improves vigilance and concentration.

man take break at workplace relaxing finished work, happy black professional employee enjoy success rest from computer feeling stress relief peace of mind sit at desk

"With 1 american 1 out of 3 do not meet the recommended amount of sleep of 7 hours or more per night, coffee can help reduce drowsiness and improve vigilance and concentration," saidElizabeth Spencer, MS, RDN, LDNDietary nutritionist recorded at the Central Dupage Hospital of Northwest Medicine. "The coffee contains stimulating caffeine that acts on our central nervous system to increase norepinephrine and dopamine that lead to increased vigilance and motivation. Caffeine also blocks the effects of cerebral chemical adenosine inducing fatigue."


It has a large nutrient profile.

Iced coffee

"Naturally, the coffee is a low calorie drink option with 0 grams of fat and 0 grams of sugar or carbohydrates, offering a delicious option for those seeking to limit their consumption of calories or nutrients mentioned above", declaredSamantha Bartholomew, MS, RDN, LDN, Dietary nutritionist registered fresh communications. "Coffee is only a potential food concern when other ingredients are added such as cream and sugar." Hence the10 ways your coffee makes you weight, let's say experts.


It decreases the risk of certain chronic health problems.

Black coffee

"Some research shows that regular coffee consumption can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease and potentially reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease," Persst said. "The usual coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease in women."


This can be addictive.

Man barista making coffee latte

"Caffeine is a drug and, therefore, your body can be addicted to this one," says Dr. Wright. "The removal of caffeine can cause severe headaches, nausea and constipation."


This reduces the risk of liver disease.


"Coffee has many protective properties of the liver. Moderate amounts of coffee, between 1 and 4 cups per day can help combat liver conditions, such as alcohol-related cirrhosis, foie gras disease. Linked to alcohol, liver cancer and hepatitis C, "says Spencer." The growth of scar tissue that leads to liver fibrosis is slowed down by the production of a chemical called paraxanthine. Paraxanthin is produced when the body digests the stimulating caffeine found in coffee, coffee drinkers lent to a development risk of 84% cirrhosis development. As little as 2-3 cups of antioxidant-rich coffee can result in a 38% reduction in the risk of developing liver cancer. "


Excessive intake can interfere with good sleep.

barista making a cappuccino

When you drink more than three to five single-ounce coffee cups a day, you can disrupt your sleep schedule, according to Pat. "We know that good quality sleep is important and the disruption of our body's ability to sleep has consequences for health, as an increased risk of heart disease and obesity," Persst said.


This increases anxiety.

drinking coffee

"Consuming too much coffee can have the uncomfortable side effect to increase anxiety and nervousness. Ingestion of too much coffee caffein can result in an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormones, all Symptoms that will increase the feelings of anxiety, "says Spencer." Those who are sensitive to caffeine are at a higher risk of feeling jitters for a longer period, even some ordinary coffee giping. Those who suffer from a panic disorder and a social anxiety disorder also need to take caution, such as caffeine large doses can exacerbate panic and anxiety. "


This stimulates your mood.

Happy woman sitting on a couch

"Caffeine in the cafe also stimulates dopamine in the brain that helps to increase our mood and happiness," says Dr. Wright.


This can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


"Studies show that those who consume 2 cups or more cafeveine coffee per day can undergo a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to non-cafe drinkers," says Spencer. "Some studies show that several components found in coffee, such as the polyphenol acid rich in antioxidant, mineral magnesium and stimulating caffeine have a beneficial effect on glucose metabolism and improved insulin sensitivity, which contributes all Two to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. It should be noted that search shows this positive effect with black coffee, sweet coffee drinks can have the opposite effect and can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. "In addition to drinking coffee, check the10 best ways to reduce your risk of diabetes, according to doctors.


This can aggravate the GERD.

coffee grounds

"Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition where the acid appears several times from the stomach in the esophagus, leading to an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest and throat," explains Spencer. "For some people, acid reflux is known to be triggered by caffeine, the main component of coffee. Caffeine can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, the muscle that prevents the stomach content from moving through the esophagus that Conduct to acid reflux. Roasts are also more acidic, which can further aggravate the symptoms of reflux. The dark roasts and cold coffee are lower acid choices. "

Related:28 best and worst food for acid reflux


It improves energy levels.

coffee pot pouring into two mugs

"The coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine that is in many plants, including coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa beans," says Bartholomew. "This is the stimulating coffee component that allows us to improve energy levels that help us wake up in the morning or on the power of the afternoon!"


It can be packaged with added sugar.

chocolate frappuccino

"This is not the coffee itself that creates food concerns, it is the common ingredients we add to improve the taste. One of these ingredients being sugar, whether in the form of sugar packets , liquid sugar or flavored syrups, "says Bartholomew. "Sugar can significantly increase the caloric density of coffee drinks and decrease the nutrient's profile. As a dietitian, I like using sugar alternatives in my coffee and recently experiment with brown sugar substitutes such as Brown swelling And let me tell you that it's a game changer! And definitely avoids Drinks at unusual coffee in America are classified!

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