Dangerous side effects of glukels, according to science
As you can quickly reduce, there are side effects not so nice to leave these carbohydrates.

If you choose from theAlley of bread at the supermarket Or attempt a redesign of your full diet, I charge the carbohydrates of your diet can trigger a major weight loss without the feelings of deprivation associated with other food plans. However, low glucidity can also have serious side effects beyond weight loss.
Digestive questions to increase your risk of chronic disease, read it to discover the potentially dangerous side effects of the abandonment of carbohydrates, according to science. And if you are looking forward to losing a few pounds, check these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.
You can experience constipation.

When you cut a lot from themain sources of fiber, Like some vegetables and grains, your diet, your digestive tract may not work as effectively as that.
A 2015 study published inThe pediatric newspaper found that in children with epilepsy prescribes a cetogenic regime,65% experienced constipation as a side effect. And before you board yourself on a new way of eating, check out these5 dangerous errors that you do on a low carbohydrate diet.
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Your memory can worsen.

If you feel a little blurred afterSauffer your carbohydrate consumptionYou are not alone - and this could be one of the side effects of your low carbohydrate diet. According to a 2009 study published inAppetite, people who have joined a low glucidity dietDone worse on memory-based tasks that those who have eaten a reduced calorie, but more balanced, diet. If you want to stimulate your brain, see these21 tips that improve your memory, according to doctors.
You may be more likely to experience heartbeat issues.

Butterflies in your chest can be a good thing when you are in love - but they can also be a potentially dangerous atrial fibrillation sign, especially among those who have seriouslylimited their carbohydrate intake.
According to a 2019 study of theAmerican Cardiology CollegeBetween 14,000 individuals, "poor carbohydrate regimes were associated with an increased risk of incident [atrial fibrillation], regardless of the type of protein or grease used to replace the carbohydrate," explained the cardiologistXiaodong Zhuang, MD, PhD, the main author of the study.
Your bad cholesterol can increase.

Not surprisingly, these fatty animal proteins-think the chopped beef, the bacon, the sausages - you eat as part of your low carbohydrate diet can result in an increase in your "bad" cholesterol.
According to a 2018 study published in the journalAtherosclerosis, individuals on low-fat schemes for a period of three weeksincreased their LDL, or "bad" cholesterol An average of 44% compared to a control group. Do you want to recover your LDL in a healthier territory? Try these17 foods that lower cholesterol.
You can increase your risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Although there are many ways to keep your vegetable consumption high while you spend few carbohydrates (thanks tocarbohydrate vegetables), if you count strongly onProcessed meats As part of your diet, you can increase your risk of colorectal cancer along the way.
In fact, a 2015 research review published inOncology Reviews found that the consumption of red and transformed meat can increase aRisk of colorectal cancer of the person between 20 and 30%.
Your risk of developing renal calculations can increase.

If you hadkidney stones In the past or just wanting to avoid painful calcium deposits in the future, you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a low carbohydrate or cetogenic diet.
As indicated in a 2010 study published in theYonsei Medical Dayl, "the cetogenic regime is aRisk factor for renal calculations"And should be approached with caution among those with renal health problems. And if you want to make your diet with low carbohydrates more balanced, consult the 20 bas-carbs healthier foods .