8 best immune supplements that work

Vitamin deficiencies can undermine the ability of your body to put on viruses. Make sure you have enough of these nutrients from food and supplements.

Rolling the crest of theCOVID-19 [Feminine pandemic in the middle of the cold and the flu season, you may wonder which oneVitamin supplements to be taken to strengthen your immune system and provide additional protection against any mock through your mask.

Before suggesting pills to consider blowing up, remember what doctors say: the best immuno-boosting supplement is not something you buy on the counter and swallow with a glass of water. It is more important to follow healthy food rich in foods containing nutrients in immune support. It is also important to sleep well.Clinical Studies have proven that extra sleep is your most powerful complementary insurance to avoid getting sick. Research strongly suggest that sleep reinforces the capacity of your immune system to retain invasive pathogens such as viruses and mount the appropriate defenses against them.

Inadequate sleep is not the only arrow that can pierce holes in the immune defense of your body. Stress, being out of shape, be overweight or obese, undernourishment and nutritional deficiencies all can allAlter the responses from the immune system. "Sometimes the" healthier "eater does not eat good foods for a good balance and nutrient absorption, so supplements are often needed," saysNicole Avena, PhD, a neuroscientific research at the Mount Sinai School in New York and author ofWhat to eat when you are pregnant. "You can work on filling nutrition gaps in your diet that can lead to nutritional deficiencies."

No food or supplement can not prevent the disease, but a good nutrition variety, including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E, probiotics, proteins and zinc on a regular basis, can offer protection against diseases seasonal, according toThe Academy of Nutrition and Dietaryand the doctors and nutritionists we consulted. Read it To find out which nutrients you need to store to strengthen your immune system and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Learn your a, b, cs

man taking supplement

"The best way to get your vitamins goes through your food sources," saysArielle Levitan, MD, an internal medicine doctor, co-founder of you vitamin and co-author withRony Block, MD, ofThe vitamin solution: two doctors identify confusion on vitamins and your health. But your food may not be sufficient. "Even people who focus on the consumption of sufficient fruits and vegetables may have problems, because a lot of food consumed comes from soil exhausted nutrients or have a deterioration of nutrients at the time of consumption," said Levitan. . "Many people need to supplement their diet with vitamins. And although there is no vitamin regime to prevent the disease, including Covid-19, taking good vitamins can certainly help strengthen Your immune system. "

All experts contacted for this article emphasized the importance of taking a personalized approach to select vitamins and minerals based on specific health needs and issues and to know the potential interactions with drugs and other supplements. Consult your primary care doctor to determine which supplements are the safest for you.

"Remember that the FDA does not test the purity of supplements. Companies can therefore market and label supplements as they wish," says Clinician-Scientist.Florence Committee, MD, founder of the center of precision medicine and health in New York, and author ofContinues like that.

While buying the vitamins listed below, search for products tested by third-party laboratories. "Even if tests are available, businesses sometimes test these products but do not necessarily remain vigilant," says Dr. Committee. "Ideally, look for institutions that have a validity methodology and keep over this methodology."

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Probiotic pill supplement

Swallowing even the best supplements will not do much good if your body does not absorb these beneficial nutrients. "We must first address the inflammation of the intestines, because a unhealthy intestine does not allow the good absorption of nutrients," saysAlexander Lightstone Borsand, MDLifestyle medicine doctor certified by the board in Scottsdale, Arizona. "It starts withprobiotics And oneanti-inflammatory regime. We must first reduce sugars and red meat, which can cause inflammation, swelling and "gut flees:" the inability to absorb the nutrients needed to improve our immune system. "

A diet that fights inflammation includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat fish, herbal proteins and fresh herbs. Only after healed a burning gut can you start effectively developing the healthy flora that studies suggest that studies can strengthen immunity, says Dr. Borsand.

"The intestine hosts the immune system and the delicate balance of the microbiome is important to maintain the strong immune system and function effectively," says the nutritionistLisa Richards, author ofThe candida regime. "Probiotic supplements can be an effective way to give your immune system the extra boost that it has to go through a period of important disease."

For example, a clinical trial recruited people aged 45 and subtracted who reported having obtained the cold or the influenza at least four times in the previous year. Persons tested at the double-blind and placebo controlled test gave a glass of probiotic yogurt containing dailyLactobacillus andBifidobacterium Against subjects given to a placebo drink containing no probiotic. After 12 weeks, participants who drank the probiotic yogurt experienced less than half of the upper respiratory infections that the placebo group did. In addition, the probiotics group showed significantly higher immunoregulative substance levels.


Vitamin C


Ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C soluble in water, is called an "essential vitamin" because our body does not. You must get this nutrient of your food or supplements. Vitamin C has been long for its immune benefits to stimulate antibody formation.

"Vitamin C is the queen of fully natural immune boosters," saysCarrie Lam, MD, co-founder of theClinic Lam of Integradative Medicine in Tustin, ca. "It is a powerful antioxidant that is crucial for the health of capillaries, skin, teeth and bones and one of the most recommended adrenal fatigue supplements."

Vitamin C plays an important role in creating white blood cells that help fight infection and disease. It has been shown that it has been demonstrated to accelerate the healing of wounds and reduce the risk of cardiac disease. Although obtaining vitamin C in your diet is essential to prevent the deficiencies of the immune system, there is not much clinical evidence that this immune callback nutrient can prevent cold or flu. Instead of,studies The effects of regular supplementation of vitamin C showed a modest 8% reduction in the duration of adult disease and a 14% reduction in children. Vitamin C also seemed to reduce the severity of the symptoms.

"Vitamin C is generally safe to support long-term supplement, even at relatively high doses, so it is an excellent addition to most supplement regimes as a means of defending against diseases that can exacerbate symptoms" , declaresTrista Best, Rd, a nutritionist and environmental health specialist toBalance a supplement in Delaware.


Vitamin D

Pill bottle

Vitamin D We often call "sunshine vitamin" because our bodies produce it naturally when we expose our skin to the sun. Is it a wonder while a rise in seasonal flu and flu coincides with winter when there is little possibility of lounging in full sun and many people have very low vitamin D levels in their body? A meta-analysis of 2017 published in theBritish medical newspaperhas shown that taking daily vitamin d supplements could help prevent colds and influenza, especially in vitamin D persons. A separate more recent study has revealed that vitamin D supplementation can reduce the tract infection viral respiratory 70% in deficient people of vitamin D.
"Vitamin D is important for the function of the immune system and vitamin D supplements have been previously demonstrated to reduce the risk of viral respiratory tract infections," saidDavid Meltzer, MD, Head of Hospital Medicine at the University of Chicago Medicine and head of the head of a recent study on vitamin D published inJama Open Open Network. "Our statistical analysis suggests that this can be true for COVID-19 infection."

Before you rush to store vitamin D, however, a precaution: "Vitamin D has recently increased in popularity and there are some evidence that people consume load", warnsDr. Jessica Nouhavandi, Pharmdand co-founder of Honeybee Health, an online pharmacy in Los Angeles, in ablog. "For most people, the recommended dose of daily vitamin d is 600 to 800 international units (IU)." A recent national survey highlighted an 18% increase in the number of people taking 1,000 IU or more daily.

Related:5 signs of vitamin D deficiency that you should never ignore


Vitamins B12 and B9


StudiesSuggest that the adequate amounts of B12 vitamins (cobalamine) and B9 (folic acid) based on individual needs are essential to the force of the immune system. "If there is a place in the body which is the center of control of the immune response, it would be the pituitary gland and this gland has the highest concentration of B12 in the body," said Nutritional PsychiatristSheldon Zablew, MD, author ofYour vitamins are obsolete. "Therefore, a B12 deficiency will negatively affect the body's ability to heal and grow with a balanced immune response." Dr. Zableow pointed out that the deficiencies of vitamin B, including the inadequate folate, can trigger the immune system to react excessively, causing chronic inflammation, "the source of nine of the 10 main causes of illness and death. ", did he declare. ZableWow recommends high quality B12 and folate supplements, because "current multivitamins contain bad vitamins that are poorly made, poorly absorbed and metabolized," he said. We are fans ofWellmade by Methyl B-12 Thrive Market: These vegan supplements are made with high quality ethical ingredients and are produced according to strict and regulated standards for the FDA for quality and safety. Thrive Market also tests perfectly their power and purity supplements.


Sorteau and zinc extract


Elderness,my dear, ginger, garlic, echinacea, and a dozen other plants and herbs have been used as popular remedies for colds and influenza for centuries. Although they can not turbase your immune system, some studies show that they offer relief and even recovery of the speed of these seasonal diseases. The zinc pellets (but no zinc supplements in the form of a pill) can help reduce the symptoms of common cold if taken with 23 hours from the beginning of the symptoms, according to theNational health institutes. But a more study is needed to determine the most efficient dose and life of the processing time. "There are many supplements that are suggested to support the immune system but few are studied insofar as vitamin C, D, sucking extract, probiotics and even echinacea have in some cases," saysJason Mitchell, ND, co-founder of HempFusion.com. "I would consider that these are the five essential items in immune support."



multivitamin supplement

If the simplification of your life is the resolution of your new year, start by taking a multivitamin; It is much easier than trying to keep track of a handful of vitamin supplements to swallow each day. "Ideally, a personalized daily multivitamin that may contain doses of vitamin D, C, E and certain B vitamins that all contribute to supporting the ideal health on an annual basis," says Dr. Levitan. It emphasizes that the exact composition of multi-dose and good dosage will vary from one person to the other of their diet, their way of life, their health concerns, their sex and their age. "Sometimes special concerns, such as when bad or feel stressed or flowing, an additional vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc can be useful," she says. But again, check with your doctor before starting a new regime of vitamin supplements. Otherwise, you could experience one of the9 dangers to take a multivitamin every day, say experts.

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