50 best foods for women

Foods that will help you beat cramps, getting a shiny skin, get rid of wrinkles and many more!

Cope with mood swings, cramps, energy drains, and headaches, not to mention having a job, the management of a household, to maintain relationships, and looking impeccably beautiful While doing so, everything is in the work of a day for many women.

It may seem too much to manage at certain times, but there is a simple way to mitigate some of these constraints: yourdiet. While you can not have the choice when thedebilitating cramps Come, you have control over what you eat. All you put in your body can be a tool in your arsenal health care and choose the best weapons very important. The following healthy foods call for great boasting rights by protecting the future of a variety of women's health problems: they can postpone diseases such asDiabetes, Heart disease, andbreast cancer; strengthen your bones; strengthen yourimmune system; Protect and smooth yourskin; and evenFeed your baby in development.

Most of these healthy foods may already be in your pantry, but otherwise, is now the time to load your basket and overeat your health. As there are many nutrient candidates on supermarket tablets, we dug by science to know those who give women an added advantage. Continue reading to learn more about how these 50 delicious foods can be powerful allies for your health andWeight loss efforts for the coming years. And then double on your efforts by avoiding theseWeight loss Errors Women, too much!

Food for your heart

woman heart health

Get this: Cardiac disease is the leading cause of death of women and men in America. According toCDC, A death of four women is the result of heart disease. Coupled with a healthy diet and the coherent routine exercise, the following foods can help avoid some of the main causes of high cardiovascular high blood pressure,cerebral accident,High cholesterol levelsAnd heart disease.



Food for women fish

Fat fish like wildSalmon, Mackerel, herring and owe their super powers health promotion to their highOmega 3 content. These powerful anti-inflammatory fatty acids can help reduce your chances of dying of heart disease of more than 33 percent, help reduce your risk of arthritis, and maybe make your baby smarter. To see which omega-3 fatty acids of the fish you should titubant in, consult our exclusive reportFish classified for nutritional benefits.


Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

Attention, chocoholics! Dozens of studies show that people who consume cocoa as a hot drink or asdark chocolate-Is in much better cardiovascular form than those who do not do it. A nine-year study in the journalCardiac Failure The women found who ate one to two portions of high quality chocolate per week had a lower risk of 32% to develop heart failure than those who reported no cocoa. The benefits for cocoa health attribute researchers at its high concentrations of polyphenols and flavanols, anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect the heart. When you buy it, make sure to pick up dark chocolate that contains 74 percent or stronger cocoa, as these are compounds rich in flavanols.



Food for women walnuts

One in four American women die fromcardiopathy Every year and 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors to develop cardiovascular disease. The protection of your most vital organ is as simple as adding a certainnuts to your diet. This heart-shaped nut antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that can help you stay safe. A recent study revealed that numbering over two ounces a day could significantly improve blood flow to and from the heart in just 8 weeks. Another study revealed that the same quantity can help delay the development of breast cancer and slow tumor growth in mice. Speculation is that antioxidants called phytosterols, cancer fighters already known, could be the culprit.



Food for women garlic

Nearly a third of women between 45 and 55 have high blood pressure, a disease that can lead to more serious problems such as heart disease or stroke, and this number increases from 50 to 70 percent for older women. 55 to 65 years and over. It is, the plant that repels vampire is both essential of flavor and a superstar against heart disease.Garlic contains phytochemicals, including allicin, which an examination in theIntegrated blood pressure control log A shown may decrease blood pressure by up to 10 points similar to standard blood pressure medications. Garlic can also prevent the progression of heart disease by reducing plaque accumulation and preventing the formation of a new plaque in the arteries, according to a study in theNutrition log. Cooking is that cooking destroys this beneficial compound, so you will need to use garlic powder, an elderly garlic extract or sprouting garlic.


Olive oil

Food for women olive oil

A study in theNew England Medicin newspapere found that theMediterranean diet, which includes healthy greases such as olive oil, prevents about 30% of heart attacks, strokes and heart disease deaths in senior cardiovascular risk.Olive oilIn particular, is loaded with monounsaturated fats (Mufas), which is lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and elevate "good" cholesterol HDL, which helps to reduce your risk of heart disease.



Food for women apples

One of the best female foods should be eating is the one you are probably already: theApple. Metabolic Syndrome - A syndrome that refers to a bunch of conditions such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure and high cholesterol - is the main contributor to heart disease, the main killer of American women. While women who eat a rich diet inGlâches-sugar-spike refined carbohydrates Or those who are overweight are the most susceptible to metabolic syndrome, even healthy menopausal women are also at risk.Iowa's Women's Health Study, which has followed 34,000 women for almost 20 years, revealed that apples are one of the three most effective foods to reduce the risk of death of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular diseases in women because these women had less Abdominal fat and more arterial pressure as their peers that have not consumed apples.



Food for women oatmeal

High cholesterol can lead to plaque accumulation in the walls of the artery. Left untreated, this accumulation can lead to a heart attack and a stroke, resulting in 2 of the 5 main causes of death in American women. Fortunately, it is not too difficult to fight. Just eat a healthy diet that includesRich in soluble fiber Whole grains, such as oats, can help.groats Can also protect you from heart disease. A Harvard study of more than 68,000 women found that those who were eating that most daily fibers were 23% less likely to develop heart disease than those who least consume. Thanks to the breakfast clipfiber-rich content, it can also reduce the chances of developingType 2 diabetes by a 61 percent! The nutrient of the Superstar also helps to stabilize blood glucose, which deactivates the hunger of slippers and dangerous dip in glucose.



Food for women beans

Unlike sources of protein animals, beans are free of unhealthy fats. This could be the very reason for a study revealed that people who have eaten legumes at least four times a week had a lower risk of heart disease by 22% compared to those who consume them less than once. week. Equally encouraging results have been published in theCanadian Medical Association Journal. A scientific examination of 26 clinical trials discovered that eating 3/4 of a daily bean cup could reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol in the 5% blood.

Foods that stimulate your brain


According toAlzheimer's associationAlzheimer's disease - a neurodegenerative disorder that is the most common type of dementia - is currently the fifth cause of death among women and disproportionately affects women more than men. In fact, nearly two-thirds of the Americans with Alzheimer are women, but many experts attribute the disparity that women often live longer than men and old age is the largest risk factor for Alzheimer. Experts suspect other risk factors to be related to the reduction in consumption ofFoods rich in antioxidants, which usually cleans free radicals of cells that can lead to a cognitive decrease. Corresponds to these foods in your diet to strengthen your brain and feed your Noggin for a longer life, more productive, then checkthat you should avoid.



Food for women shrimp

Shrimp is the most powerful source of an essential and difficult nutrient to obtain choline. This neurotransmitter building block is required for the structure and function of all cells, and a deficiency in this compound has been linked to neurological disorders and the decrease in cognitive function. Not only does it act ascerebral foodBut this can also help reduce your risk of breast cancer.



Food for women cinnamon

There is a genetic base on Alzheimer, and if the disease circulates in your family, it is particularly important to make changes to your lifestyle to minimize your risks. One of these changes adds cinnamon to your diet. The same constituents of the cinnamon thatModerate spikes in blood sugar levels-Proanthocyanidines and cinnamaldehyde-exposure of other properties that can inhibit protein aggregate formation at the origin of Alzheimer, according to a study of theAlzheimer's Disease Journal.



Food for women blueberries

Blueberry Are one of the most powerful and most resistant superfausses to antioxidant. Their wide range of health benefits is mainly attributed to their powerful anthocyanas, their antioxidants, which clean your cell damaged cellular radicals. In a study of 16,010 women, those who have eaten a weekly portion of blueberries have experienced a less mental decrease during the study that participants who have not consumed any of the blue berries. These same antioxidants who help maintain your mental sharpness also help keep your skin smooth andwrinkle-Something every woman would be eager. But that's not all; These fruits help fight cardiac disease with othersBenefits of Berry.


Almond butter

Food for women almond butter

ExchangePeanut butter for almond butter Could better your chances of breaking the loss of memory related to age. Almonds contain high concentrations of vitamin E (three times more than peanut butter), which has been demonstrated to help reduce the risk of cognitive impairment. And some studies indicate that nutrient can also slow down the decline caused by Alzheimer's disease. For a snack, spread a teaspoon on the celery or mix a spoonful in your oats at the morning.

Food to protect you from cancer

women running breast cancer awareness race

Next to cardiac disease,Cancer is the second less killer of American women. Breast cancer is specifically the most common, lung tracking. Although no food can guarantee you without cancer, research has clearly shown that cancer prevention and diet go hand in hand. And the following foods are nutritional reserves in the fight against cancer.



Food for women turmeric

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women around the world and the second leading cause of cancer mortality in women. Scientists have found that a means of reducing cancer mortality is to prevent, which can be accomplished by eatingTurmeric. This ginger-family spice contains curcumin, an antioxidant polyphenol with chemophopratic properties. Chronic inflammation is a major risk factor for the development and metastatic cancer progression, and anti-inflammatory curcumin properties have been recognized to reduce the formation of breast cancer, according to a study ofMolecular oncology.


Whole grain bread


A Harvard study revealed that eating more fiber-rich foods that can reduce the risk of breast cancer in part by helping to reduce the high levels of estrogen in the blood, which are strongly related to the development of breast cancer. And just a single slice of whole grain bread can provide up to 6 grams of fiber! Learn more about how fiber affects your health in our exclusive report,What happens when you do not eat enough fiber.




Thanks to their high concentration of antioxidant lycopene,tomatoes Can help protect our DNA from damage that may result in chest carcinoma cancers, endometrium, lung, stomach, prostate and kidney cells, depending on researchers. SinceOhio State Researchers I found that the heating process increases the amount of lycopene available so that your body is absorbed, be sure to add a tomato paste, jumped tomatoes or organic tomato sauce with omelettes, chicken dishes and Pasta to harvest the benefits.



Food for women peanuts

One of the most sub-estrighted cancer fighters, peanuts are a great source of cancer control choline. TheJournal of the Federation of American companies for experimental biology found that women who consumed the largest amount of choline had the lowest risk of breast cancer compared to those who have the least to consume. And other studies have connected and choline impairment with a higher risk of liver cancer as well as other adverse health effects, such as foie gras disease. Another reason for foie gras disease? Too much of a type of sugar: discover which one in our report,Every popular sweetener - classified!


Green tea

Brew green tea

Green tea is packed with polyphenols, an antioxidant with enormous health benefits, including anti-breast cancer properties. In a study of healthy Japanese women in theNational Institute of the National Institute of Health CancerThe researchers found that those who drank at least one cup of daily green tea had less urinary estrogen - a known carcinogen of the breast-than non-tea drinkers.




Grenades have been linked tofertilityAnd health for centuries, but today experts are fascinated by the ability of fruits seeded to inhibit the growth of breast cancer depending on the hormonone. According to a study published inResearch on cancer preventionEellagic acid in grenades could help protect against cancer by removing estrogen production and preventing the growth of breast cancer cells. Although additional studies are needed, researchers say people can consider eating more grenades to protect against cancer. Go get your POM on! Raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, nuts and pecans are also rich in ellagic acid, but they have variable amounts offruit sugar.

Foods that stimulate your immunity and your mood


With a juggling duration between work, children and yourself, it is not surprising that women are more prone to men to feel anxiety and depression, with nearly 12 million women affected by a depressive disorder each year. When your stress levels are high, you also put your immune system at risk, which is in addition to the fact that about 75% of people living with autoimmune diseases are women, according to theAmerican Autoimmune Disease Association. The following foods will tackle your stress hormones that manage ravages about your immune system (and your size) and help mitigate problems with self-immune disorders.


Rooibos tea

Food for women rooibos tea

When anxiety rises high, you are at the mercy of stress hormones such ascortisol: The "Grasse hormone of the belly" that pulls lipids from your blood and stores them in your fat cells. Turn torooibos tea, one of the most popular teas of the7-day flat-stomach tea cleaning. What makes Rooibos tea especially good to appease your mind is the unique flavonoid called Aslathin. Research shows that this compound can reduce these stress hormones that can lead to depression as well as hunger and storage of fat. Drinking rooibos tea is actually one of10 Worldwide Weight Loss Tips; Can you guess which country?


PORTABELLA mushrooms

mushrooms in basket

Not only aremushrooms Super low-neck, they are a good source ofpotassium, a nutrient that can help reduce blood pressure and compensate for the negative effects of excess sodium. Another reason to add veggie to your shopping list:Researchers at the University of Floridashowed increased immunity in people who have eaten 4 ounces cooked mushrooms every day for four weeks. Experts attribute the increase in high levels of mushroomsVitamin DAnd the mushrooms of Portobello offer the highest concentration.


Brazil nut

Food for women brazil nuts

A particular self-immune disease that affects women is the thyroiditis of Hashimoto, a condition that leads to 80% of allhypothyroidism case. In this condition, your immune system attacks your thyroid gland - a gland controlling your metabolism, which has led to a decrease in function and you feel soft and possibly gain weight. To help reduce anti-thyroid antibodies, consider adding nuts to Brazil in your diet. These nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that serves as a "on" switch with a suitable thyroid function. It also helps protect the gland from inflammatory by-products from thyroid hormone production. Many people with soft or thyroid thyroid diseases have selenium gaps and studies show that the supplementation of 80 micrograms per day - on what you will find in a single walnut of Brazil, helps reduce anti-thyroid antibodies.



Food for women beets

In addition to being a source of several phytochemicals, beets are a unique source of Betalain pigments, which have been found to display powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and chemiopratic activity. One of these pigments, betaine, is a nutrient that does not only fight inflammation, but is also known to reveal your metabolism, positively influences the mechanism of insulin resistance, close the genes that encourage fat to Suspend and strengthen your mood. This is because Betaine has been found to raise serotonin levels (the hormone of sensation-good) in the brain. These root vegetables are also one of the14 anti-inflammatory healing foods To help you fight the weight gain!

Food to help you look fabulous


In search of our best, it's all in a day of work for women. This is because when we are beautiful, we feel good, and studies have even shown that we perform better in our jobs. But why should you discover your hard-won money on sera and fancy lotions when you can keep your skin healthy, resilient and radiant by simply eating these foods? That you need to treat acne, prepare premature aging, reduce appearance wrinkles, gethealthy hairOr fight against another pest condition, the right diet can be a precious help. Eat these foods to feed your hair and skins to get thathealthy glow You are after.


Red peppers

Food for women red pepper

Oranges get a lot of credit forvitamin C, But peppers are actually the best source. Vitamin C is known for its advantages for skin and immunity.Researchers in the United Kingdom I looked at the consumption of vitamin C in 4,025 women and found that those who eat more had less wrinkles and drought. As an additional bonus, although getting enough vitamin C will prevent you from capturing a cold or influenza (you can blame your children for that), studies show that this could help you recover faster.



Food for women cilantro

If you havecellulite, you are certainly not alone. This cosmetic condition will affect nearly 90% of women at some point in their lives, even women who are fit and are broken. This is because cellulite is simply a big pushing against your skin and its emergence means that the collagen of your skin is too weak to support the skin softer and not grease. A solution consists of eating fresh herbs, likecoriander, which promotes detoxification by helping to eliminate the heavy metals of the body that tend to hide in fat cells. These heavy metals can disrupt the function of normal tissue and, therefore, prevent your body from healing and working properly. By reducing the overall toxins of your body, you can help you get rid of excess fat stored, which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Check these29 incredible recipes that reduce cellulite.


Sweet potatoes

Food for women sweet potatoes

Not only are women more important than men for eye-related diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), they are also higher for global health conditions that have a Impact on their vision, like diabetes, which affects an American woman over 10 more than 20 years old. Kill two birds with a stone withSweet potatoes. These tubers are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor for vitamin A - the essential nutrient that protects and maintains the health of the eyes and a maid maid provides 80% of your DV. Oh, and we mentioned that a study published in the journalEVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR Discovered that foods rich in carotenoids (like sweet potatoes) can give you a healthier, more attractive and radiant glow than you will not receive exposure to the sun? They can!


Shiitake mushrooms

Food for women shiitake

Not quite ready to join the salt and pepper club? Get more copper in your diet. A study in the newspaperOrganic trace Elementary research Found premature skying individuals had considerably lower copper levels than a control group. Your body requires copper to produce pigment for your skin and hair and that Shiite mushrooms are one of the best food sources. Just half a cut supplies 71% of your recommended copper daily consumption!


Spa water

Food for women spa water

How many products and corrupts did you buy to cover these pesky circles, swollen and black under your eyes? They can be a sign of lack of sleep, but it can also indicate another more common problem:dehydration. Salty foods, alcohol, exercise, hot weather and simply do not drink enough water can create inflammation, which causes these raccoon eyes. Start rebuilding your body withThese detox water: Cut big citrus (crusts included), soak in a pitcher of iced water and drink. Vitamin C in citrus fruits will help balance the electrolyte levels and expel the excess weight while the D-Limonene in the skins serves as a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that helps the body Flush toxins of the body.

RELATED: YourAnti-inflammatory regime guide This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.



Food for women natto

Natto is a Japanese dish made by boiling and by fermenting soy with bacteria that increases the nutritional value of beans. Natto is unique in that it is the main food source of vitamin K2-an important vitamin for cardiovascular andbone health In addition to promoting the elasticity of the skin to help prevent wrinkles. On top of that, Natto is a powerful source of Gut healing probiotics. A healthy gut can maintain inflammation at the bay, that researchers say can affect the health of our skin for many troubles likeacne,eczemaAnd psoriasis comes from inflammation.



If you are in the phase watching this baked roll,There are some foods you can add to your dietTo make things happen and prepare your body for another friend. NosHing on good foods can support vaginal health, stimulate mood and increase libido so you can focus on the most important things.


Fourte-fed oxen

Food for women red meat

It could not only be your busy schedule that will make you too tired for sex. One of the main causes of fatigue in women isiron Deficiency or anemia, which is typically caused by a blood loss in the blood due to a strong menstruation or pregnancy. The condition can zapner from energy and can lead to feelings of exhaustion, weakness and irritability.Fourte-fed oxen Is the perfect solution: it provides your iron body with iron, the iron form more easily absorbed by your body compared to non-dumme iron found in spinach or enriched iron foods. Grass-powered beef also provides additional advantages from up to 5 times more Omega-3 fatty acids such as corn-powered beef and contains two times more conjugate linoleic acid (CLA) - fatty acid which has been demonstrated to exercise anti-carcinogen, antioese, anti-diabetic and antihypertensive properties. It also contains up to ten times the amount of boosting vitamin E immunity, which also serves potent antioxidant against free radicals.



Food for women flax seeds

"If you feel a little dry before sex, try to wince on flax seeds. Lin contains a rich source of phytoestrogens that help increase your estrogen levels and lubricate the vagina," says Nutritionist Cassie Bjork, RD, LD.


Greek yogurt

Food for women yogurt

Probioticyogurt This is ideal for the digestive health of everyone, but probiotics are particularly important for the urinary and vaginal health of women. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your intestines and play an essential role in all, mood and weight maintenance to balance our immune system. If the balance of your good bacteria is off, when the wicked bacteria go out of your body through your colon, by virtue of proximity, they can colonize the vagina and the urinary tract. Support the restoration of a healthy gut flora, eating yogurt or one of theseProbiotic foods without yogurt.



Food for women nettle

Contrary to what you might think, the common nettle is more than a peaceful weed.Piquant nettles Are a rich source of iron and folic acid, and a 2013 study revealed that its anti-analgesic properties can benefit the anemia and seasonal allergies and UTIS. It also contains vitamin K, which helps the blood clot, so it's great if you tend to get some anemia because of heavy periods. Make a tea by adding a tablespoon of water grass dried with water and steep for at least 30 minutes.


Cranberry juice

Food for women cranberry juice

About 60% of women will live this common problem (and painfully frequent urination that goes with it) during their lives. On his arrival, the cure at your mother's house could actually help! According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyWhen women took a cranberry juice pill equivalent to two portions of cranberry juice for 6 weeks after gynecological surgery, it reduced the speed of UTI wear. Two ingredients in fructose-fructose and fructose-type proanthocyanidines (CAP) - help using UTIS by selecting more adhesive strains in the stool or directly preventing bacteria and e . Coli, in particular, to adhere to the wall of the bladder. This could prevent UTI from happening, but that will not kill bacteria once they are established; In this case, only prescription antibiotics can provide relief.



Food for women oysters

Oysters are full of zinc and women with higher zinc levels in their system have been demonstrated to have higher sex conduct than those with lower levels. It's easy to get your fall at Happy Hour: half a dozen oysters on the half-shell will provide you with 33 mg of Zinc, more than twice the 14 mg RDA for adult women.



Food for women lentils

Beans, beans, musical fruits, the more you eat more ... can reduce the symptoms of PMS as a 24/7 hunger, mood swings and water retention? It's true! And everything is thanks to their high levels ofmagnesium. The mineral helps the body rinse the water and can also strengthen serotonin levels - the hormone that keeps the mood stable and control appetite. But that's not all! The lenses are rich in fiber, a nutritional element responsible for the reduction effects of the cholesterol of the legume. In fact, researchers have found a relationship between a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and a higher consumption of legumes such as lentils, according to a study of theInternal medicine archives.

Foods for you and baby

Food for women pregnant

There is no biggest way to promote a healthy baby than by the foods you eat before and during your pregnancy. Studies show that a balanced diet - like the one described in our book,Eat this, not that! When you wait-Deads unless more complications, easier deliveries, fewer birth defects and happier babies and happier after birth. (That's right. What you consume today can dictate what they want to eat tomorrow, and even how many times they fall sick.) Here is justSome foods you should be appropriate in your diet When you wear an additional passenger.



Food for women spinach

Have a healthy community ofgut microbes is very important for maternal and child health. Several studies have found a healthy microbiome can protect both you and your small against the outbreaks of the immune system like allergies and help you avoid preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, vaginal infections and excess weight gain. On the other hand, when your intestine is out of whack, a study published inPediatric research Noted that your baby could have a deficiency for brain development and other studies suggesting that your offspring could be predisposed to obesity.

Eating yogurt probiotics and fermented foods can help, but sometimes, when foods are pasteurized (which is essential to prevent you from being vulnerable to the threatening bacterial infections of pregnancy), their probiotic levels decrease. That's why one of the safest ways to improve your intestine health during pregnancy is to eat moreprebiotics like spinach. This Super Veggie is full of sulfoquinovose, a source of food for your gut bugs that studies have found a role in the development of a protective barrier in the gut, preventing the growth and colonization of bad bacteria.


Pumpkin seeds

Food for women pumpkin seeds

If you thought you would never be a bodybuilder, think again. You literally build a body during pregnancy, which means you will also need to start pumping iron. Just not the same kind. In addition to the mineral, iron, will help your body make blood, which contributes to the shuttle quantities of oxygen to your baby. A deficiency can increase the risk of premature birth, low birth weight and even maternal and child mortality. The best thing aboutpumpkin seeds Simply consume them in small quantities to harvest the advantages: a single ounce contains more than 8 grams of protein and 23% of your Iron DV! Top your yoghurt or oatmeal with seeds or seeds inmountain mix for aSnack on-the-go.



Food for women quinoa

This old gluten-free grain is grained for its exceptional balance of oil, fiber, protein and grease.quinoaIs it high in folate, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, making it a source of carbohydrates packed nutrients for durable energy levels and help feed your child. In addition, it is a complete protein - which means that it has all the 9 essential amino acids, which makes it particularly beneficial for those who do not eat products of animal origin and wait for mothers. The protein is essential for healthy growth and development of the fetus, but also to support the strong development of fetal support tissues included, including placenta and extra-tested membranes, which is why protein requirements for Pregnant women are higher than non-pregnant women.



Food for women broccoli

No wonder mom was still trying to make you eatbroccoli; It's quite thesuperfeument! A half-cup of broccoli cooked 85% of your vitamin C DV. Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production: a structural protein needed in construction bones, cartilage, tendons and skin (that's why you need it during pregnancy) and also to maintain appearance and The elasticity of your own skin. Not to mention, vitamin is also working to reinforce your body's iron absorption, which is essential for the proper transportation of oxygen in the blood.



Food for women ginger

If your stomach that was caused by morning disease related to pregnancy or the next visit of the Belle-Family,Ginger can most likely help. An examination of six dual-blind randomized clinical trials published in the journalObstetrics and gynecology concluded that ginger was an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Studies from 2009 to 2012 have also shown great success combating nausea of ​​chemotherapy.


Almond milk

Food for women almond milk

Have milk? Well, you should!CalciumIs crucial to build your little bones, teeth, muscles and nerves, and if you do not have enough, your body could start drawing from your own bone system. And it is certainly not a good news because all women are at risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease that causes weak and fragile bones. While exercising asfunctioning Can help improve bone density, calcium combined with vitamin D is essential parts of the equation. Calcium can not only keep the bones healthy and strong, but it also helps fight grease and weight gain. Although milk is the classic source of calcium, drinking whole milk during pregnancy has been linked to a bigger birth weight, according to research, we recommend that you stick with almond milk.



Food for women eggs

The FDA recommends pregnant women to get 600 IU vitamin D a day during pregnancy and wake up withTwo eggs for breakfast Cut this number by 100 UI. This vitamin is so important because, in addition to helping your body absorb calcium into bone development, vitamin D is essential for healthy skin and a view, and has been associated with a greater chance of preeclampsia - a serious illness can threaten your health. Even better, a study published inThe Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunologyfound greater vitamin D consumption (equivalent to these twoeggsDuring pregnancy was associated with 20% less hay hay at his child at the age of school. And as for your health? Sunshine vitamin has been recognized to reduce the risks of heart disease and breast cancers, colon and ovary, say researchers from the University of California San Diego.



Food for women asparagus

At the national level, there are 4,000 neuron tube defects (NTDs) -Affective -Fandering -Effrieurs each year, making it one of the most common defects of birth. NTDs are a group of brain development disorders and spinal cord. Because this part of the fetus is developing in the first few weeks, which could be before a woman even knows that she is pregnant, doctors recommend that all sexually active women are considering becoming pregnant should consumefolic acid-A B Vitamin used by the body to manufacture DNA daily. Up to 70% of NTDs can be warned if women consume only 0.4 mg / day of folic acid and a cup ofcotional asparagus gives you two-thirds of this recommendation.



Food for women cod

The cod is an excellent source of omega-3s while being low in mercury, this fish, superb pregnancy. This is because Omega-3 found in fish are essential to developing a brain function suitable for babies. An observation study published in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology found that the moms who have eaten three portions of fish recommended by the FDA per week during their pregnancies fed babies who had higher IQs and less inattention, hyperactivity and symptoms of autism than those who have consumed the least fish-whatever the amount of mercury present in the fish. Researchers attribute these positive neurological benefits toDha, one of the omega-3 in large fish in the construction of neurons and cell membranes.

Food to make you go through menopause

Food for women menopause

Cramps, mood swings,blockerand persistent fatigue due to a lack of sleep are just some of the symptoms that every woman will spend duringmenopause-And they are not very fun. The studies connect the debilitating symptoms of menopause downstream levels of estrogen when your ovaries stop producing hormones. These foods have been found to decrease some of these serious symptoms to help you grow gradiently.



Food for women sage

Sheila Kingsbury, N.D., Chairman of the Department of Botanical Medicine at Bastyr University, explains: "Sage has been transmitted from generation to generation of the tradition based on Western plants as being safe cure of hot flashes." One of the first clinical trials to test this old published method of results in the journal,Advances in therapy, confirming that the treatment of menopausal women with a fresh sage tablet once a day for 8 weeks significantly decreases the average number of 46% hot bats and very serious 100% flushes. "Sage has also been used in Native American crops to erase negative energy so that it can help mitigate some of the irrational fears that can browse your head during menopause," says Herbalist Margi Flint, author ofThe practicing herbalist.



guacamole and chips

Yes, your favorite dip is actually afunctional food! Many women suffer from the inability to fall asleep while they go through menopause and something that can help you get zzzly is a few spoonfuls ofguac. (But keep barely one or two guacks is also high in the fat, which will take your body longer to digest, keeping your body late rather than snozing.) It is because lawyers are a rich source in Muscle mineral magnesium. In a study in theJournal of Research and Medical SciencesThe magnesium had a positive effect on the quality of sleep in the elderly with insomnia by extending the time spent sleeping in bed. The lawyers also contain tryptophan, the precursor of soothing hormones and regulating serotonin and melatonin. Read on these30 best and worst foods to sleep For more foods in Nosh on or to avoid - stop counting sheep.



Food for women bananas

According to a study published by theAmerican Physiological SocietyThe risk of women's cerebral accident increases after menopause due to declining estrogen levels. Before menopause, women have a lower race risk compared to men because of their estrogen levels, whether the body uses to prevent immune cells from becoming hyperactive after a stroke, which has allowed to kill brain cells rather than repair them. The FDA found that "the combination of low sodium and low sodium potassium consumption is associated with the lowest levels of blood pressure and lowest frequency of stroke in individuals and populations." Well guess what?Banana are high in potassium and low sodium content, and the fruit is officially recognized by the FDA to reduce blood pressure and protect against the heart attack and stroke.


Goji berries

Food for women goji berries

According to a study published in thenewspaperMenopauseWomen who reported less than 3 30-minute physical activity sessions per week had more serious symptoms of menopause, hot flashes and articular pain in depressed mood and anxiety, than those who were more assets. For some winning-snack energies can help you be motivated at the workout, make goji berries. A study published in theAlternative and complementary medicine newspaper found that 50% of those who drank every day of Goji juice for two weeks reported less fatigue, more energy during the day and increased sports performance compared to it before starting to drink juice goji.



Food for women kale

You already know thatkale is a superfail, but it wins a status of female superstar thanks to the presence of vitamin K, a powerful bone constructor. Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that menopausal women who ate vitamin K-rich diets for two years have increased 50% of fractures and a 75% reduction in cancer incidence that those who have cancer. Taken a placebo. The experts attribute the advantages of vitamin K to increase bone force through activation of bone proteins needed to preparation of osteoporosis, disabling bone disease that strikes women four times more often than men.



Food for women chickpeas

Studies have found that many of the debilitating symptoms of the peridenager and post-marscaus are caused by the low levels of estrogen that occur due to the lack of ovarian hormones. Fortunately for you, one side ofHoummous or any of theseAmazing and surprising chickpea recipes Can help your body regulate these hormones and helps your menopause symptoms, according to a study published by the Chinese Pharmacological Society. It is thanks to the high levels of chickpeas of a nutrient called isoflavone. Isoflavones act as a phytoestrogen in humans; In other words, they mimic the structure of the estrogen, allowing them to function in the same lanes of estrogen.

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