Drinking this for only 10 days can improve your health, declares a new study

The new search awards the promotion of this juice of good bacteria to the mouth of being a winner of the health of the heart and brain.

We know: it's easy to go beyond the juice, with so many discussions onthe amount of sugar in it. But a new study has highlighted a powerful juice for yourcardiovascular health and cerebral function. Curiously, it has to do with the way our mouths deal with a particular chemical ... and the best of all, it comes from a plant that lights up on many tables this time of the year.

Now inA new study At the University of Ex Exeter from U.K., A team of physiology researchers examined 26 participants aged 70 to 80. For 10 days, participants drank beet juices, which is naturally rich in chemicals in the form of nitrates, as well as a nitrate-rich placebo juice twice a day.

Previous research has shown that an important reason for cardiovascular health and the cognitive function declines over time with a reduced capacity of our body to transform nitrate nitrate. When the body works just right, these chemicals begin to undergo a process that starts inside our mouth to help the blood vessels expand to promote a healthy blood flow to the heart and brain.

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What this study has been observed is that beet juice has increased dramatically the levels of bacteria associated with good vascular and cognitive health and lowering the levels of bacteria known to cause inflammation (and therefore, the disease we AGEGE).

"Our conclusions suggest that the addition of foods rich in nitrate to diet - in this case via beet juice-for only ten days can significantly alter the oral microbiome (bacterial mix) for the best" the professor of researcher Main, Anni Vanhatalo explained. "Maintaining this long-term oral microbiome could slow down negative and cognitive vascular changes associated with aging."

The study also pointed out that green vegetables likespinach,salad, andcelery are as high in nitrates too.

This is all the more right to eat your beets and even coarse these eggs this spring. Discover our19 recipes BOSS BEET.

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