The best and worst cereals of children ranked

We have compared some of the cereals of children with some of the dense nutrients-dense.

What is your favorite cereal of all childhood times? Frosted flakes? Cailloux of cocoa? Unfortunately, some of the most beloved cereals of children have a common theme - they contain a lot ofadded sugar. All children's cereals are not filled with sweet stuff. There are actually several brands that make cereals that children and adults can appreciate dense nutrients and evenfiber top And the proteins, which allow you to make you feel full. You can even be surprised by some of those of this list.

Separate the best cereals fromthe worst, we analyzed the sugar content that is in a portion of each cereal. We have also taken into account in the fiber, the protein and the contents of the fat if necessary.

See now which cereals for children are the most nutritious and which can also be considered a dessert.

The best cereals of children

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

cinnamon toast crunch graded
Courtesy of Cinnamon Toast Crunch

3/4 cup (31 g): 130 calories, 3 g of grease (0.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 180 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 9 g sugar), 1 g protein

Cinnamon on Toast Is already a game changer, but you then put it in the form of cereals and it is the game. This is one of our favorite children's cereals, and as it turns out, it's not awful for you. The first ingredient inscribed on this product is whole grain wheat. How many kids cereals can you think that are made mainly on enriched or bleached flour? This cereal is alsofortified with many vitamins and minerals, including severalB vitamins like vitamin B12 - which occurs naturally in meat and dairy products - andvitamin D3.

What made us account of this cereal has B was the 9 grams of sugar that are only 3/4 cup of things. However, we will always examine this cereal a healthier option!

Honeymoon Cheerios

honey nut cheerios graded
Courtesy of cheerios

3/4 cup (28 g): 110 calories, 1.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 160 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 9 g sugar), 2 g protein

We love honey walnut cheerios because they are bothgluten free and vegan, which means that it is more inclusive forChildren with dietary restrictions. It is also notable that, only one portion of this cereal lends 25% of your daily needs ofiron, an important mineral you need to prevent fatigue. We have awarded this cereal to b + because it is low in bold, but it always contains 9 grams of sugar during a cup of things.

RELATED: TheEasy guide to cut sugar is finally here.

Cereals of cinnamon

life cereal graded
Courtesy of Quaker OATS

1 cup (42 g): 160 calories, 1.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 200 mg of sodium, 33 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 10 g sugar), 4 g protein

Cinnamon's life cereal is an excellent cereal option for children and adults. A cup offers three grams of fiber, which is more than most cereals of children. Although this has 10 grams of sugar, we ranked it slightly higher (assigning it an a-) than that of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and honeymoon cheerios because it represents a cup of grain full that 3/4 cup. We also like it contains 4 grams of 4 grams ofprotein!

Erewwon Cinnamon Crosspy Brown Rice Brown Rice

erewhon cereal graded

1 cup (30 g): 110 calories, 0.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 330 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 2 g of sugar), 2 g protein

The crunchy brown rice puffs of Erewhon Cinnamon receive a solid from us. Why? A cup of thiscereal Has only 110 calories and 2 grams of sugar. Another great pole about this cereal is that it contains only six ingredients - all that, with the exception of salt, arebiological.

Original puffins of Barbara

puffins cereal graded
Gracious in Barbara's

3/4 cup (30 g): 90 calories, 1 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 170 mg of sodium, 24 g carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 5 g sugar), 3 g protein

The best of the best are the original macarous of Barabara, which contains five grams of fiber and three grams of protein per serving, both of stimulating satiety. Of course, it has 3 grams of sugar more sugar than puffs of crisp brown rice with cinnamon cinnamon, but we have dragged it by considering that it has more fibers and protein per serving.

The worst cereals of children

Golden Grahams

golden grahams graded
Courtesy of general factories

1 cup (40 g): 160 calories, 1 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 300 mg of sodium, 34 g carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 12 g sugar), 2 g protein

Although we appreciate the fact that Golden Grahams uses whole grain wheat, we can not have the fact that it contains 12 grams ofadded sugar by each service of a cup. Children do not need to start their day with a lot of sugar!

The puffs of Reese

reeses puffs graded
Courtesy of general factories

1 cup (39 g): 170 calories, 4.5 g of fat (0.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 210 mg of sodium, 30 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 12 g of sugar), 3 g protein

We need to admit that Reese's shoots are one of our best cereals - How could we resistPeanut butter and chocolate combination? Unfortunately, we have beef with this cereal, speaking nutritionally. Why? As Golden Grahams, the puffs of Reese contain 12 grams of sugar and also contains nearly 5 grams of total fat. We would prefer you prefer your fat from a tablespoon or two ofReal peanut butter Instead and get the protein up to three times.


special k chocolatey graded
Courtesy of kellogg

1 cup (42 g): 170 calories, 3 g of grease (2.5 g saturated grease, 0 g fat), 250 mg of sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 3 g protein

This one can come a shock for two reasons: it's not really a cereal of children and it's supposed to be aDiet mark. First, we identify that this special K does not mark as a real cereal of children. However, some of us at the office admitted to Noshing on childhood, especially when you consider this chocolate flavor. Secondly, while this cereal can look like a healthier option because it got the special stamp K, the truth is, it contains more than half of the sugar in a Hershey chocolate bar.

Frosted flakes

frosted flakes graded
Courtesy of kellogg

1 cup (39 g): 140 calories, 0 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 200 mg of sodium, 34 g of carbohydrates (<1 g fiber, 14 g of sugar), 2 g protein

We know that Tony the Tiger has that frosted flakes are great and all, but the truth is said, a cup of cup a lot of sugar - near four teaspoons is worth exact. Even worse, a cup of thiscereals does not even contain a full fiber gram. Frosted flakes are the perfect example of what is calledempty caloriesor calories that provide minimal nutrition with no nutrition.

Honey Smacks

honey smacks graded
Courtesy of kellogg

1 cup (36 g): 130 calories, 0.5 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 45 mg of sodium, 32 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 18 g sugar), 2 g protein

The worst of the worst cereals of all children is, without a doubt, is tile smacks. Why? A cup contains a little less than 20 grams of added sugar. It's more sugar than what is in the most flavored yogurts. If we were children again, we transmit this cereal.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Cereal / kids
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