The horrible side effect of drinking too much coffee

You will not believe what too much coffee can potentially inhibit.

Some people claim that they can not work without their morning cup (or two or three) ofCoffeeHowever, however, for women who are trying to become pregnant, this regular routine can prevent design.

This does not mean that there are no potential benefits to drinking coffee health, however. For example,The search suggests that the antioxidants of the coffee can reduceChronic inflammation in the body, which could prevent conditions such thatDiabetes, allergies and cardiovascular disease.

Nevertheless, the consumption of drinks in excessive quantities is also supposed to inhibit the chances of a woman from getting pregnant or even worse, increases the probability of having a miscarriage. The excessive consumption of caffeine is often described as more than 200 milligrams, more than two cups of coffee.

"No real method has been elucidated to know why the excessive consumption of caffeine has been shown to reduce fertility" saidGil WeissM.D. Partner OB / GYN at the Women's Health Association. What we know, however, is that caffeine easily crosses the placenta, the organ that supplies oxygen and nutrients essential to the baby.

"Some theories suggested on how the excessive consumption of caffeine can affect fertility included the possibility that caffeine can affect cell development or alter the uterity or early placental blood flow," says Weiss .

This modification of the blood flow is what believes to be a factor contributing false layers. A2017 studyexplored the association between caffeine consumption and fertility and found that 300 milligrams ofcaffeine, or a few more than three cups of coffee, every day increased the risk of loss of early pregnancy or spontaneous abortion. Women who drank twice this amountdouble their risk of having a miscarriage.

Weiss also says that the consumption of too much caffeine during pregnancy can also contribute to insomnia and even worsenstomach pains. However, limiting the number of caffeinated drinks that you drink every day may not affect the fertility at all.

"Most experts agree that consuming less than 200 milligrams of caffeine would have no impact on fertility," says Weiss.

Here is how many caffeine is in some of your favorite foods and drinks:

  • Chocolate milk (8 oz): 8 milligrams
  • Black chocolate (1.45 oz): 30 milligrams
  • Green tea (6 oz): 40 milligrams
  • Coke (16 oz): 45 milligrams
  • Espresso (1 oz): 55 milligrams
  • Breasted coffee (8 oz): 100 milligrams
  • Energy drink of 5 hours (2 oz): 200 milligrams

To learn more about more potential warning signs to drink caffeine too much, read5 side effects of drinking too much coffee.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / News
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