That's what not to do at the Drive-Thru

Take notes so you can never be able to later.

Sometimes when you shoot up to aDrive-thru window, you are not really sure of what you want. When you take a few minutes to browse the menu, you can virtually hear the person's irritation on the other side of the intercom waiting for you. Then there are times when you arrive at the first window and face it for a correct change while the cashier sticks his hand in the annoyance. But believe it or not, they are not even things that hinder the most employees.

There is a main drive error at the thief you have probably done, it's really the worst of all. Even if it seems so minor, this apparently harmless habit has a significant impact on the person at the Drive-Thru window.

What is the number one window on the training window that you can do?

It turns out, the greatest thing you should never do with a reader is changing or adding more items on your order when you are at the CASHER window to pay. Deciding to add on a command of fries or this milkshake that you have forgotten to go to your friend not only slows the whole process - for you and online customers behind you, but that also makes job jobs more difficult .

See, the employee must then go back into the command (they can not just classify it) so that they can charge you for new items and you must wait longer than your order. But what you do not realize is that a lot of Drush-Throus have some behind the things that happen a lot more complicated once you have added to your order.

A KFC employee noted on Reddit who ordered more food can actually come to aCost of the restaurant. "It's irritating because if we total the order, we can not go back and change it except to add more. Which means if they want something completely different, we have to cancel it out of the system" , wrote the employee. "The location I work is very strict about the amount of voids we get in a day (even three is too much and that we are actively encouraged to avoid them as much as possible). The cost of the empties really adds quickly. Every night we need to report the number of voids we get and the cost of each. "

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Adding other items could also trouble employees, too

Another rapid employee noted on redditDrive-Throus are often on timers. "There are timers installed in the reader, and once these times arrive at about 60 seconds, the boss begins to move from the crew because they do not work fast enough / hard enough", wrote the employee. So, if someone has to take the time to add new items on your order, it could get them problems with their manager.

The timer starts as soon as you pull the reader, anothernoted employee on reddit. So, if you change your order, look at the menu for several minutes, you do not have your payment ready, or order something else, you could also potentially get a person in trouble with their boss. One personPosted on Reddit The one of stopping, the more "fast", the more they tend to be strict to deal with timers.

Basically, knowing your order before you go to the speaker - and do not edit it when shooting the window - can save employees a lot of headaches. (And if you are someone who stops checking the accuracy of your order before you remove, this can also affect the timer. If you need to inspect the bag, pull yourself in a parking space so as not to do not hold the line.)

Obviously, there are things worse than ordering an extra side or a glass at the Drive-Thru window. But if you are not in a huge precipitation, it would be better for employees and your comrades if you return again to the Drive-Thru line or order additional items inside. Everyone will be grateful, and you will always get all theMcDonald's fries you want.

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