Work and always winning weight? This could be why.

We asked the experts and they have accepted unanimously.

There is no denying the fact that this past year has taken a lot of toll on our body. If you find yourself some books in relation to your pre-pandemic weight,do not worry.Stress Can easily make your body keeps some extra weight, and if you are following comfortable food during the pandemic, you are not alone. Regardless of how the weight gain has arrived, you can feel uncomfortable with the extra weight on your body and you feel motivated to lose it. And what is the answer of the world tolosing weight? Practice.

So, you startpractice. You are trying to run, hiit, pilates, bodybuilding, cycling or any other workout that suits your fantasy. However, despite the way you are dedicated to your new training routine, you can find yourself not to lose the weight that motivates you originally in the first place. In fact, you win.

Seems familiar?

It's becauseHe was savagely misinterpreted that working will make you lose weight. When, in reality, exercise is only a small part of weight loss-20%, accurate. The majority of weight loss occurs because of your nutrition (about 80%) and sleep well.

Here is why nutrition is the most important thing to focus when you try to lose weight compared to the elaboration, according to some dietitians. And for healthy recipes to make you motivate, consult our list of100 recipes the easiest you can do.


Working does not burn as many calories as you think.

Woman running on treadmill

"It's easy enough to consume enoughcalories indemnifying people burned during the exercise, so it might be possible that someone does not create an energy deficit with exercises to lose weight or even consume the good number of calories to simply maintain the same weight, "saysJinan Banna, PhD, Rd.

"Recognize thatYou probably do not burn only a lot of calories with exercise"Banna continues". If you run three miles, for example, you may burn about 300 calories, which could be the equivalent of a piece of bread with a thick extensive peanut butter. "

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Your eating habits play an important role in weight loss.

healthy vegetable plant based bowl tomatoes carrots avocado brown rice cucumbers leafy greens

"Weightloss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise and motion, "saysEmily Danckers, MS, RD. "If someone works consistently but does not change what they ate (or eat more to compensate for what they burned while doing exercise), it is very possible to continue to gain weight. A common saying is: "You can not exercise a bad diet, and it's really true. A solution would beFocus on total calorie admission. At the end of the day, it's what causes weight loss: eat fewer general calories more in moving more. "

If you wonder,How many calories a week you should eat to lose weight.


But if you limit calories, your metabolism could slow down.

summer salad

"Yourmetabolism can slow down because of a calorie restriction and / or adrenal fatigue, "saysTrista Best, MPH, Rd, LD to balanced supplements. "To help solve this problem, you can consider adding food with greater chance to increase your metabolism. Foods that increase the thermal effect of food (TEF) will also increase your metabolism. When these foods are digested, they increase the internal temperature of the body that increases the number of calories burned during this period. This means that you burn calories while eating. Food with a high tef includes dairy, fish, meat, eggs, walnuts, seeds and legumes. "

here is31 healthy meals that reinforce your metabolism for weight loss.


Instead of restricting, pay particular attention to what you eat.

healthy breakfast

"My suggestion would pay particular attention to what [you] eat," saysLisa Young, PhD, RDNand author ofFinally full, finally thin. "The best way to do it is to keep a newspaper for at least a week and pay attention to what they eat, but how much they eat.People are often surprised to know that they eat more than they think.I suggest that people have reduced theirportions Caloric-dense food (chips, meat, dressings) and increase their portions of lower calorie foods (such as non-starchy vegetables and fruits). It is also important to pay attention to the snacks here and where they do not do often. "

"Focus on incorporating enough foods that are not so caloric-dense in the diet Maintain a better balance between calories in calories and calories, "says Banna." It would mean enough for thesefruits and vegetables which are raised in the water andfiber and relatively low in calories, for example. Incorporate these foods creatively into the diet to remain interested in eating them, like a smoothie that involves vegetables. "

here is18 ways easy to control your portions.


Try to change your training routine.


"On the forehead, change your routine can increase the calories you burn," says Young. "The body gets used to certain exercises we are doing regularly and burns less calories over time of this exercise. Changing things up can often give you a boost in energy expenses. If you run regularly on a carpet Rolling, consider the stairwell, for example. or Exercise outside! "

here isA major side effect of working regularly, says a new study.


Work can cause muscle weight gain.

dumbbell deadlift

"An exercise regime underlines your muscle fibers. When this happens, it causes micro-tears on your muscles, generally called microtrauma, and a small inflammation from where the extra weight gain," says Edie bed, Rd and Head of the Chief Editor

Reads the viewsThis can happen for two reasons - weight of water and lean muscle mass.

"The answer of your body to these changes can also have gained youwater weight"said bed". "First, stress and muscle tear causes water retention. Just a small micro-tear will have your body with liquid on the area to cure it. Meanwhile, your body will also give your muscles an extra energy which can also be extra weight. "

However, once the initial weight of the water is won, your body will make modifications.

"While your muscles continue to follow the workouts, they will continue to need less and less glycogen for the same energy production. So you will probably start a reduction in weight," says readings. "You will also meet a weight gain because of your lean muscle mass. This is often seen later when you continue to work and build muscles."


Try to sleep enough.


"In addition, [Try to get] sleeping 7 to 9 hours every day, so you have maximum healing time and keep hormones with hunger hunger," says bed. here is7 healthy food changes that help you sleep.

Between changes in your eating habits and sleep enough sleep, as well as a coherent training routine, you will probably see differences in maintaining a healthier weight once and for all.

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