The worst grease to eat if you try to lose weight, say experts

There is a type of fat that you should cut if you try to reduce.

Choose the good kinds of fat canto help You lose weight. Yes, you read this right.Healthy fats such as unsaturated fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats) are satisfactory, help you absorb soluble vital nutrients in fats andFight inflammation-All your weight loss efforts. But if you choose the bad fats that give the diet a bad rap, you will make your size a bad service.

To reduce the reduction of absolute weight loss to eat to lose weight, we talked toSerena Poon, a leading leader and a nutritionist, andEsther Blum, MS, RD, CDN, CNS, dietitian and author ofEat, drink and be beautiful andCaverns do not grow. Find out what foods to avoid if you are trying to reduce. (But make sure to storeThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now!)

And the worst type of grease to eat to lose weight is ...

Erik Odiin / Beldshshshsh

The consensus is that saturated fat in the animals raised in a conventional manner and artificial hydrogenated oils are limited as much as possible if your goal of well-being and weight loss is your goal.

"With theProhibition of trans fat In the United States, people focused on the oscillating opinions on the health of saturated fats. However, despite more recent research that may be contrary, saturated fats, especially those found in meat, the dairy products of the entire grease, [and] fried and transformed bakery products - are Always considered potentially harmful to health and should be consciously limited, "says Poon." In addition to lifting LDL cholesterol levels while removing HDL cholesterol (good), saturated fats have been linked to increased inflammation, which may result in serious and sometimes fatal conditions such ascardiopathy and cerebral, "Poon tells us, adding that most foods made with classic fat products, processed foods andfast food Also contains large amounts of calories and grease, which correspond to weight gain and fat storage.

In fact, a longitudinal study in the newspaperNutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular disease Studied 16,822 adults aged 18 to 75 and discovered that increased greasy red meat corresponded to abdominal obesity - a risk factor for metabolic diseases and larger waist tower. And another study inBMC Nutrition has shown that major food groups, meat consumption is very correlated with the prevalence of obesity and weight gain.

However, this does not mean you should cut red meat from your diet. The choice of meat supplemented with grass and grass can actually help your health and weight loss efforts.

"Depending on the cow breed, grass-powered beef contains between two and five times That grain-powered beef, "Blum tells us. The omega-3 fats reduce inflammation and help tackle weight gain." The average omega-6 ratio: omega-3 in grass-based beef is 1.53: 1. In grain beef, this ratio jumps up to 7.65: 1. "In addition, from What's more, beef nourished with grass and grass is lighter than the raised meat in a conventional manner and contains more conjugate lanoleic acid (CLA), a natural fat that helps your body burning the fat, a study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition find.

While the meat fed on grass and grass is more expensive than cuts in a classical way, Blum reassures the reduction of extra money will guarantee you get more nutritional bang for your money!

RELATED: TheDiet of 7 days This melts your belly fat.

Categories: Weight Loss
By: aileen
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