Bananas can help you lose weight, say that dietitians

It's superfood weight loss you still need!

With regard to weight loss,banana Do not seem like the common fruit to turn to. The berries tend to be a superior fruit because of their low carbohydrate and sugar content as well as the content in high fiber fiber contents such as bananas and apples are sitting on the tray. Why? Because these fruits are higher incarbohydrates And sugar relative to the rest and many considered them as the "unhealthy" fruit to eat. But this is a wild mistake. In reality,many dieticians say bananas can help you lose weight fast, Which makes them one of the best fruits to eat to lose weight.

It does not matter the fruit or the vegetable,Having a rich diet in these natural plant foods is the key to successful weight loss. The USDA my plate guidelines even suggest youFill half of your plate With fruits and / or vegetables with each meal. Bananas are certainly on this list of fruit to include on your plate.

"Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet," says Edie Reads, editor RD and head "It usually does the basic part of my interviews, meal plans and advice to my clients. But given the outstanding misinformation on these fruits, knowing what fruits and when to eat, it is essential. I love bananas, they barely miss my shopping and grocery stores of my patients lists ".

Here's why you should consider reaching for a banana if you try to slim, as well as even healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Green bananas make your intestinal health and give you energy.

woman in pink shirt peeling banana
Shutterstock / Alliance Images

"If you eat your bananas while they are still a little less mature (best in this less ripe case) you actually reach a dense source of healthy intestinal prebioticsresistant starch, Says Kara Landau, Rd and founder ofUplift Food - Good food mood. "It means that you are really feeding your gut, help satiety, and help your cells to be more sensitive to insulin. When your cells are more sensitive to insulin, which hinders one of the usual fat storage mechanisms in your body, and instead, you are capable offelt satisfied longer, And can even eat less at your next meal, the end-of-account support in totalenergy consumption. "

here isA large side effect of eating bananas every day, according to experts.


Bananas have fiber, which allows you to stay fully.


"Bananas have obtained a bad reputation in the world of nutrition because of their high carbohydrate content in a world carbohydrate-phobic," said Theresa Gentile, MS, RDN, owner ofFULL FLAT NUTRITION And a media spokesman for the state of New York Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "But, bananas can actually help you lose weight if they are consumed as part of a balanced diet. A medium banana contains 3 grams ofTotal fibers and 0.6 grams ofsoluble fiber, Helping you feel full longer. Unrealized bananas also contain resistant starch, which escapes intestinal digestion that helps produce beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can help prevent obesity. "

"This fiber in plant food helps us stay satisfied longer, which can lead to eat less global calories throughout the day," says Burgess Mackenzie, RDN and recipe developer toCheerful choice. "To reinforce this effect of satiety, try banana pairing with a protein such as Greek yogurt, peanut butter or scrambled eggs. »

Do not feel full after your meals? here isThe secret formula to always feel full, according to a dietician.


They are nice enough to be a healthy dessert.

chocolate dipped bananas

"Bananas can help you lose weight by integrating them into your eating habits as a good replacement for candies / desserts," says Lee Ricci-Holtz, RD and "If you combine the banana with a source of protein likealmonds,Peanut Butter, Or even a cheese stick, it allows your body to feel full and help your feeling of mind repu, providing that the soft replacement. By replacing dessert treats with a choice like bananas, it can help you lose weight by providing your body with a richer option in nutrients, as opposed to a dense calorie option that does not have good nutrition, who enjoys your body as a whole. "

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Bananas can help to eat too much.


"Bananas will help you feel full longer, which can lead to weight loss by avoiding too much eating," saysTrista Best, MPH, Rd, LD, A dietitian on the balance one of the supplements. "Bananas are full of soluble fibers, pectin and resistant starch, which reduces appetite and increase the feeling of fullness after banana. »

"Bananas are relatively low in calories but have a high fiber content, about 3 grams per middle banana," explains Megan Byrd, R & D,The dietitian of Oregon. "The fibers help keep us fully because it is difficult for our body to break down, so it remains in our GI leaflets for longer periods. This gives us the feeling of fullness that helps ushack And prevents us from eating too much late in the day. "


Bananas help with blood glucose.

oatmeal peanut butter banana almonds nuts

"Bananas improve insulin sensitivity, which helps glucose body process more efficiently, reducing weight," explains best. "Bananas are an excellent source of resistant starch, which has a positive impact on insulin resistance."

Related:Check this hormone can help reduce blood glucose, study of the study


Bananas can help with sleep.

banana granola peanut butter

"Sleep improvements can helpenergy boost Throughout the day for more efficient workouts and improved diet, "says better". Bananas contain melatonin, the natural chemical responsible for sound sleep and can help improve the quality of sleep. "

According to a study published by the newspaperAnnals of internal medicine,Sleep loss can change energy consumption and expenses, which means that a reduced sleep causes a reduced weight loss rate. Because bananas can help with your sleep quality, they can only enjoy your sleep resulting in a faster weight loss over time.

here are theDangerous side effects of not sleeping enough, say experts.


Bananas help with workouts.

banana slices

"YourWorkout sessions Can be more efficient because of fewer muscle cramps too, "explains best." Muscle cramps can be associated with an electrolyte imbalance, particularly potassium, and bananas are packaged with this nutrient. "

Training sessions are important for muscle building and muscle is closely linked to having aFaster metabolism-Wy weight loss help over time. Bananas can help keep your muscles healthy and security and give you this stimulation of the energy you need for a workout.


They are low in calories, but rich in nutrients.

Bananas on a tray

"A medium-sized banana has about 100 calories and contains 3 grams of fibers," saysLisa Young, PhD, RDNand author ofFinally full, finally thin. "The bananas are full of fibers that allow you to stay fully and stabilizing the blood glucose that made them great food to lose weight. They are also rich in mineralspotassium andmagnesium Who help the muscles relax and can even help with sleep. "

"[The] nutrient package is what fascinates me the most," says bed. "It has a perfect balance of vitamins (B6 and C), fiber, magnesium, manganese, potassium and carbohydrates - a larger percentage of calories. The number of calories in bananas is often the reason for Which most people associate bananas with weight gain. However, please note that a banana contains only 102 calories, 12% of your recommended caloric intake. "


Bananas help prevent the navel.


"Banana is an excellent addition to a healthy diet because it has a wide range of nutrients and important fibers," says Shannon Henry, RD for Ezcare clinic . "It does not reduce the weight directly but helps prevent bloating, Control of appetite And it's a good replacement of the converted sugar. "

Now that we have fully convinced that you have to add bananas to your meal plan, here's 10 healthiest banana recipes To try at home!

Categories: Healthy Eating
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