A dangerous side effect of eating too much southern food, a new study says

This regional cuisine could make a number on your health, say experts.

Gumbo with grains, South food is a staple in countless American houses. However, the consumption of this type of regional cuisine could have serious consequences for your health, according to a new study published in the volume of 30 June 2021 of theJournal of the American Heart Association.

Continue reading for the main conclusions of the study on the consumption of South food and what you can add to your diet instead of improving your health. And for more, discoverThe 50 foods related to heart disease.

What researchers have found eating South food


To carry out their investigation, researchers at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, the Weill Cornell Medicine and Food Issues, LLC, examined the data of 21,000 adults aged 45 or older, who have participated in the various geographical and racial differences in the study.

Researchers evaluated self-reported food consumption habits from participants and sudden cardiac death rates (SCD), noting that the consumption of a typical southern diet - which generally includesadded sugarsFoods, eggs, processed meats and organ meats - have been associated with a risk of death significantly undergoing a cardiovascular event. In fact, among those who are closely glued to a southern diet, the risk of SCD was 46% higher than those who least consumed food associated with typical southern regimes.

The same study revealed this truth


On the other hand, adherent to aMediterranean dietOne that includes many fruits, vegetables, fish, beans, whole grains and limited meat and dairy - was associated with a 26% lower SCD speed than that of the least frequently consumed foods associated with a mediterranean eating. .

RELATED:What happens to your body on the Mediterranean diet

How to find the right balance in your diet

lemon sole potatoes vegetables

However, just because you grew up by eating in a certain way or that you have come to prefer southern foods does not mean that bad cardiovascular health is a precise conclusion.

"Improving its diet by eating an abundant diet in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish such as the Mediterranean diet and weak foods in fried foods, organs of organs and processed meats, characteristics of the schema Southern-style food, can reduce its risk of sudden cardiac death, "said James Mr. Shikany, Dr.Ph, Faha, Senior Author of the study and Professor of Medicine and Associate Director for Research in the Division of Medicine Preventive at the University of Alabama in Birmingham,in a report.

"To the extent that they can, people should evaluate the number of portions of fruits and vegetables they consume each day and attempt to increase the number to at least 5-6 servings per day, as recommended by the American Heart Association. Optimal would be 8-9 servings a day, "said Stephen Juraschek, MD, Ph.D., member of the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Heart Association of the Council of Life and Cardiometabolic Health.

Know that there may be factors to play beyond your control


Juraschek was quick to emphasize that it is not geography alone that can influence these eating habits, but socio-economic concerns and limited access to healthy foods in some parts of the country. "The gap in healthy consumption between people with means and those without continuing to grow in the United States, and it is incredible to understand the complex societal factors that led and continue to perpetuate these disparities," added Juraschek.

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