7 healthy breakfast habits for a flat stomach

Start your day off with these will really prepare you for the rest of the day.

Even though the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was actuallyA marketing ploy for you to buy more cereals, there is something to say about how a goodbreakfast Can you prepare for success. Not only can incorporate some healthybreakfast habits Help you feel satisfied and energized for the coming day, but it can also help you reach this flat belly that you have always dreamed of having.

How? 'Or' What? Because healthy breakfast habits can lead to healthy eating habits, which can help you with a stubborn navel.

In order to determine some healthy breakfast habits, we talked with Maggie Michalczyk, RDN and founder ofOnceuponapumpkinrd.com, who recently publishedThe big pumpkin recipe book. In particular, she says thatDo not eat a good breakfast can even be the reason you feel constantly hungry at the end of the day.

"I think breakfast is a good place to start if you are constantly hungry at night," says Michalczyk. "Maybe you do not eat enough breakfast and it might be time to add another protein and a bigger fiber!"

So, if you always feel inflated (and hungry), here are some healthy breakfast habits that help flatten your belly. And for healthier feeding tips, check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Eat a well rounded breakfast.

scrambled eggs

With regard to the establishment of a breakfast that will help you feel full all day, there are three important aspects of your meal to look for.

"Aim for a well rounded breakfast that containsprotein,healthy fatAnd good carbohydrates, "says Michalczyk.

For some "good carbohydrates", you can turn to our list ofcomplex carbohydrates To help you get started. Some easy can include fully grain bread (or tortillas), oatmeal or even black beans.

An example of a well rounded breakfast could be as simple as a plate of twoscrambled eggs With cheese and one side of whole grain bread. Or make a blossom of eggs with black beans and lawyer slices!


Stir in fruit or vegetable.

peach yogurt

"A little habit I recommend, including tries to integrate at least onefruit Or vegetables at breakfast, "says Michalczyk." I love incorporating fruits for more fiber to breakfast - I'm talking about bays or bananas sliced ​​on my oats or on the egg side, etc. "

If you are not a mood at the fruit atmosphere, add a vegetable to your egg clip for an extra boost of nutrients!


Look for fibers.

oatmeal with berries in a white bowl

Incorporationfiber In your diet scientifically provenhelp you lose weightAnd the easiest place to add to your diet is done by your breakfast.

"Foods with fibers such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains are perfect for digestion (and they help keep you longer), which can help mitigate some of this swelling" , said Michalczyk. "Oats is also a good source of fiber, so something like oatmeal with seeds of fruit and pumpkus or almonds would be a breakfast of protein and fiber."


Make some breakfast food in advance.

peeling hard boiled eggs with hands easily over a bowl of eggs to be peeled

"If I know it's going to be a coming week, I'll prepare a few things in advance that I can take breakfast," says Michalczyk. "Do some things in advance [can help] asBoiling hard a lot of eggsmanufacturingcooled,Night oats, [or] make aveggie frittata. "


Eat dense nutrient meals during the week.

Avocado toast with egg

When it comes to planning your breakfasts for the week, look at your dense breakfasts. Following this first rule easy to add a protein, a healthy grease and a glucidity to your meal can make much easier.

"I do not say that there are no exceptions to the rule (because sometimes pancakes for dinner sound well, but I think that delighted your morning to feel your best during the week is important and defined Really all your day for success. "

For even healthier food tips, make sureSubscribe to our newsletter.


Save "amusing" breakfasts for the weekend.


But if you really want awaffle, or you are looking to cook a lot ofmuffins? Michalczyk says that weekends are a good time to have fun.

"I like to save fun breakfasts like pancakes, waffles and pancakes, slower mornings and aim to get a slightly more nutritious breakfast every day of the week."

So, if you looked at one of our amusementsBrunch Recipes, Take a long time a lazy morning this weekend and treat yourself to something pleasure!


Find simple swaps.

cranberry orange granola bowls with bowl of berries and spoons
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Go from zero to the hero is not always helpful in trying to eat healthy. Michalczyk slowly recommends looking for SIMPLE SWAPS In your diet capable of changing your breakfast routine.

"I think breakfast is an ideal place to start when it comes to adding more nutrition to your diet and there are small ways," she says. "You do not have to completely re-examine what you eat, maybe try to try an exchange per week [as] Exchange of high sugar granola in your yoghurt for nuts and seeds."

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