Eating habits that can cause high blood pressure

The scaling of these foods could give major benefits for your long-term health and well-being.

Higharterial pressureor hypertension is a frequent precursor on serious health problems, includingheart attack and stroke. An omniping of 45% of the American populationsuffer from hypertension At any time, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC).

However, it is not the only genetics that can contribute to your risk of hypertension over time. Your eating habits play an important role in your probability of developing high blood pressure - and in many cases, with the appropriate modifications, the condition can be managed or even reversed. Read it to discover which of your food choices could cause your blood pressure to slide on a dangerous territory, according to experts. And if you want to improve your health the easy way, discoverThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Regularly eat fried foods


If you want to significantly reduce your risk of high blood pressure, limit your consumption offrying is a great place to start.

"If you eat fried foods like fried chicken [and] French fries ... you increase your risk of heart disease, stroke andDiabetes, "saysNicole Weinberg, MD, a cardiologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center of Santa Monica, California. "All medicines in the world can not counterbalance a terrible lifestyle," she warns.

For more incentive to abandon these french meals, check theseDangerous side effects of eating fried foods, according to science.


Consume too much sodium


Sodium can perform a number on your blood pressure - and you probably consume more things than you think. About 90% of people in the United States consume aexcessive amount of sodium, According to the CDC.

If you want to reduce your risk of high blood pressure ", reduce sodium intake with an optimal goal of more than 1500 milligrams of sodium per day," saysDavid Cutler, ®, family medicine at the Saint John Providence Health Center.

Unfortunately, salt can hide in many apparently innocous foods. "Pre-mixed seasonings often have enormous amounts of hidden sodium, some examples being lemon pepper, garlic salt, dry friction and other seasoning mixtures," explains Megan Byrd, RD, ofThe dietitian of Oregon, which recommends creating your own saltless spice mixes.

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Drink regularly alcohol

Men cheers with glasses of a whiskey soda alcohol cocktail drink

It's not onlyyour liver This alcohol may wreak havoc on it can also make a number on your blood pressure. Among a study of 17,000 American adults, those who consumed between seven and 13 beverages per week had much higher high blood pressure rates than teetotalers, according to 2019 research presented by theAmerican Cardiology College.

"Alcohol consumption can result in a decrease in renal function, which can lead to high blood pressure," adds Spencer Kroll, MD PhD, FNLA, fromThe Kroll Medical Group.

If you plan to reduce to drink, check theseSurprising side effects of not drinking alcohol, according to experts.


Consume a diet

blonde woman eating a cookie and reading
Shutterstock / Ollyy

If you want to get your blood pressure in a healthier beach, limit your sugar intake is a good starting point.

"Sugar is inflammatory and increased cardiovascular risk," explainsAlexandra Lajoie, MD, a non-invasive cardiologist in the Saint John Providence Health Center.

In fact, the consumption of added sugars has been considerably linked to increased blood pressure in children, according to a 2014 revision of the research published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


Eat meat regularly

man eating sandwich

Looking for more incentive to play part of your regular routine? Skip these animal protein dishes could be the key to reducing your blood pressure.

The meat of charcuterie is a major contributor to the problems of blood pressure, according to Alicia Galvin, R & D, the resident dietitian atSovereign laboratories. "The treated charcuterie and lunch meat are rich in sodium," says Galvin. "This is because the manufacturers heal, the season and preserve these meats with salt and a portion can have almost half of your daily sodium needs."

Regardless of the sodium content, cooking meat at high temperatures contributes to the risk of high blood pressure, according to research presented at the2018 American Heart Association Meeting.

You want to start making smarter choices with your favorite proteins? Check30 best and worst charcuterie frames.


Consume a significant amount of licorice

black licorice in white bowl
Shutterstock / Hong Vo

Strange, although it may seem, if you eat a significant amount of licorice, you can send your blood pressure on a dangerous territory.

"Glycyrrhizine [by licorice] can make your heartbeat at an abnormal rate and increase your blood pressure," says Alexandra Sonare, R & D, Food on Mars .

However, flour flour notes that usually occurs when someone consumes more than 100 milligrams of glycyrrhizine a day, or more than most people eat with moderate licorice consumption. If you are eager to improve your health, discover these Side effects to abandon sugar, according to science .

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