That's how to make the best hot dog ever

Stop making subpars hot dogs and start making the most of this tour.

When you think about the summer baseball games and paintings, what is the first food to come to mind? Aparthamburgers, the next online food is probably theHot-dog.

The humble hot dog has a historical past. The hot dogs werefirst sold in the United States by German immigrants in New York in the 1860s. The man to popularize the hot dog whom we know and love today, was Nathan Handwerker from Poland, who in 1915 worked on a hot dog, In Coney Island, growing rolls for $ 11 a week. He abandoned this Gig, and a year later, he foundedNathan's famous Hot Dogs. Needless to say, the hot dog is an American cuisine darling. But do you know the best way to cook hot dogs at home?

We sought to discover a method that would allow us to make the best hot dogs. Is it on the grill? Boiled on the hob? Cooked in the microwave? We called the leader ofHello Fresh,Claudia Sidoti, to give us advice onHow to Cook Hot Dogs The right way.

What is the best way to cook hot dogs?

"The best way to cook a hot dog is the hand-even with the grill," says Sidoti. "The grill will give you the best flavor and smoke them outdoors but warm and juicy inside."

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How can I do the perfect hot dog at home?

Sidoti provides a step-by-step guide on how you can prepare delicious hot dogs on your grill at home.

  1. Place hot dogs over medium heat. Keep half of the unheated grid.
  2. Continue transforming them to get grill marks and watch carefully. When hot dogs are starting to grow, they are finished.
  3. Roll them to the unheated part of the grill and place your rolls on the burners. Small loaves will take about a minute.
  4. Immediately place the hot dogs in the rolls, so all the juices enter the bread.

Pro Council: Do not use high or low heat; Make sure it is average. The high heat will chart the outside but potentially leave the cold cold interior. Weak heat will cause dogs to take too much time to heat up and will not give you a crispy crust.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!

What are the non-traditional ways to eat a hot dog?

Although you can never go wrong in a traditional hot dog, we asked Sidoti to tell us what other ways she likes to incorporate hot dogs into meals.

  • Bacon Crescent Hot Dogs: slice the hot dogs in quarters, wrap it with bacon, add American cheese and insert in a growing roller.
  • Hot Dog Mac & Cheese: Hot Deuts and Place them in your favorite MAC cheese recipe and cheese.
  • Chile Dog Tacos: stuff a hot dog in a taco shell, chili cover and cheese, and serve with a guacamole side.
  • Dog & Waffles: Prepare your favorite waffle. Wrap the dog in waffle and top with your favorite breakfast packs. Add a bacon strip to amplify the flavor.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Cooking Meat / tips
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