Nuts can be the key to prevent weight gain - here's how to maximize their benefits

A long-term observation study finds that the increase in nut consumption can prevent these unwanted books in adults.

Obesity is an increasing epidemic in the United States, with nearly 40 percent of adults with a BMI of 30. Weight Holding in adulthood is off a challenge, too, with the Average adult wins about a book every year. But there could be a way to slow down the weight gain that comes naturally with aging and nuts are the key.

See, according toToby Smithson, MS, RDN, LD, CDE, specialist in the life of diabetes and author ofDiabetes and nutrition Planning meals for dummiesOne of the main reasons for which adults are more sensitive to weight gain is attributable to muscle mass decreases.

"Our muscles are where most of our calories are burned, and when muscle loss occurs, the sleeping calories end up in fat," she says. "When we lose our lean muscle mass, our body needs fewer calories and our metabolism slows. »

The obvious way to maintain muscle mass is through strength training. However, in an equally important way that you can prevent muscle loss is consuming an adequate amount of protein each day. The nuts are stuffed with protein, with almonds in particular the provision of a satiating 6 grams of protein per ounce portion.

Outside the protein content, a newobservational study Researchers at Harvard University revealed that eating only half an ounce of nuts every day in adulthood has been associated with a shorter weight gain.

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What exactly does this observation study discovery do?

Weight gain is often considered to be the consequence of eating excess calories, but it is also seen that suggesting the quality of food can also play a role in maintaining long-term weight.

The researchers observed nearly 145,000 men and women, investigating the correlation between variations in nuts consumption over 4-year intervals and weight change over two decades of follow-up. While they could not reduce the increase in consumption association between the nut and the weight gain prevention just a specific thing, Smithson says the study suggests three plausible explanations.

  1. The high fiber content in nuts increases satiety, which removes hunger.
  2. Walnut in high unsaturated fat raisesfatty acid Oxidation and increases thermogenesis and energy expenditure at rest, which can all work together to prevent weight gain.
  3. The body burns from 5 to 20 percent of the calories in the nuts during digestion, which means the body finishes actually absorb less calories than indicated on the label of nutrition. Take a portion of almonds that gives 164 calories for example. After digestion, the body does not absorb about 123 of these calories.

What kind of should you include more nuts in your diet?

The answer? Each one and one of them. Smithson says all nuts are rich in nutrients, so if you prefer cashew nuts or almonds, eating half an ounces every day would be enough.

Other ways to increase nut intake would eat them in the form of aPeanut Butter Wherewalnut butter. Try to add a tablespoon of almond butter without palm oil in your breakfastsmoothie.

"This study brings good news for people looking to get less weight as they get older," says Smithson. "People offering a big tasting, in high nutrients of foods like almonds using weight sidewalk gain is a welcome message. »

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