The best oat # 1 to eat, according to a dietician

This type of oats is certainly the best of the best.

There are many types of oats that you probably know. There is classical cut oat, fast oats and even steel cut oats. However, while all theseOat types are great adding to your breakfast routine, they are not considered the bestgroats to eat. Do not hurt us, is not always incredibly healthy for you! Corn,If you need to evaluate the nutritional benefits of all oats, the best oats to eat would be oatflaces. A dietician gave us the weak loss of reason why oatfrafts are the best oatmeal to eat and how you should prepare them if you decide to give them a try.

This is what she had to say, and for even healthier tips, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

What are the oatflaces?

Before natural oats are rolled or crushed into flat flakes that turn into oatmeal flakes, we know (and can easily sit for long periods of time on the shelf), oats comes from An entire grain oat groat called Oat Groatts. Oats is grown on a core and when they are ready to harvest, they are cleaned and transformed to eliminate unintended hulls around oat nuclei. The remaining oats are known as oatmeal and according toTheresa Gentile, MS, RDN, Owner of the complete nutrition of the plate and a media spokesman for the NY State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, oatflaces are considered the best oat to eat.

"Oat shafts are the safest way to eat oats. Fast oats, laminated oats and steel oats are all starting as oatflaces, "says Gentile. "Oat graces are whole oat nuclei cleansed and treated with heat and moisture. This increases the shelf life, the development of flavor, phenolic content andantioxidant activity. In the production of oatmeal, only their free shells are removed. Gruals always contain intact germ, endosperm and sound. "

These three elements provide your body with a myriad of nutrients, including fiber, selenium, potassium, magnesium, b vitamins, antioxidants and iron. In particular, oats Bran is the element that is packaged withalimentary fiber, which is the key element you need in your meals forhelp you lose weight. Entire oats is also known to contain avenuehramides, which is a type of antioxidant that is supposed to protect your body againstcardiopathy, according toSatellite.

Why are oat graces considered as the best flake to eat?

Since oat shafts are transformed little, they contain the most nutritional value compared to other oat varieties.

"The least processed oats will take the longest to digest," says Gentile. "This equates to a slower increase in blood glucose and a lower glycemic index. The next healthiest form of oats is cut into steel. Steel oats are oatfraces that are cut in a few pieces more small with the help of a steel blade. "

According toHarvard HealthThe least processed steel oat shafts or cuttings are lower than the glycemic index and will take longer digest it with rolled or snapped oats. Slowdigestion also means that your body is goingfeel full and full For a long time, especially because oatflaces are full of fiber.

Gentile also mentions that oatflaces will take the longest cooking compared to other oat varieties, but when they are prepared correctly, they can really provide your body with a myriad of nutritional benefits. Especially if you are typing your oat gruel bowl with the good kind of add-ons.

"To make sure that one of these oats remains healthy once cooked, add a flavor in the form of fruit," says Gentile. "The addition of protein can also decrease the glycemic index. This can be in the form of low fat milk or with the addition of nuts. Top of flax or chia seeds for a healthy fat and you have a superfy . "

For even more delicious fillings for oat graces, see these11 healthy oat fillings that help you lose weight.

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