Side effects of calcium supplements

They can have health benefits, but these supplements are not safe for your well-being.

Calcium is an essential nutrient that can keep your bones and strong muscles and your healthy teeth. Although the nutrient elementcan be found in foods Like dairy products, green vegetables with dark leaves, seeds, canned sardines, and some beans, many people choose to take calcium supplements to increase their consumption, but this is not always so sure that it can appear.

If you are considering stimulating your calcium intake, read more to discover the side effects of calcium supplements (the good and the bad), according to science. And for some supplements that you can add to your daily routine, checkDoctors a vitamin exhort everyone at this time.


You can lose weight.

woman weighing herself overweight on scale

If you had troubleweight loss In the past, adding extra calcium to your routine can help you lose these extra books. According to a 2013 study published inNutrition log, In people with very low calcium contributions, adding a calcium andVitamin D supplement At their low calorie diet, not only help them lose weight, but it has also favored greater fat loss than the one in people who restricts calories alone. Although he does not know how much of this effect is attributable to vitamin D changes of study topics,other studies have highlighted a significant link between increased calcium consumption and weight loss, as well.

For more simple ways to slim, see these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


You can reduce your blood pressure.

nurse checking woman's blood pressure

If you were dealing withHypertensionYou can ask your doctor if the addition of calcium supplements to your aid routine can. A study published in 2015Cochrane Library found that among a group of 3048 study topics that participated in 16 clinical trials, the increase in calcium intake was associated with a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the results of which are particularly pronounced at under 35 years old.


You can reduce your risk of macular degeneration.

Woman's face

Macular degeneration, a condition that causes a gradual loss of vision and in some cases may cause blindness, perhaps less likely to occur in people who take calcium supplements, research suggests. A study published in 2019Jama Ophthalmology has found that among a population of 4,751 adults, those who have taken the largest quantities of calcium supplements had the lowest risk of developing macular degeneration related to the neovascular age compared to those who took the lowest levels of calcium supplementation. For the latest new health weight loss news and your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter!


You can increase your risk of cardiac problems.

woman who is suffering from a chest pain and touching her heart area

Although the research found that higher food calcium intake can help reduce the risk of a person to develop cardiac problems, calcium supplementation can have the opposite effect. A 2016 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association found that in adults 5448 without diagnoses of cardiovascular diseases, those with the highest levels of dietary calcium had lower levels of calcification of coronary arteries (CAC). However, the authors "found evidence that the use of calcium supplements was independently associated with CAC incidents," this study is a condition that can increase a person's risk of having a cardiovascular event.


Your risk of colon polyps can increase.

middle aged woman sitting on bed with stomach pain
Shutterstock / Fizkes

People with intestine health problems would be wise to consult a health professional before taking calcium supplementary regular habit. A 2018 study published in the journalColonfound that among the people who had had at least one colon polyp that had been removed, those who took either a calcium supplement or a combination of calcium and vitamin D were more likely to develop polyps in the period after the period after the period after the period after the period. 6-10 years supplementance began that those who did not increase calcium supplementation. If you want to improve the health of your long-term digestive tract, consult the 20 Best Gut Health Foods !

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