6 best supplements for your eyes, according to experts

Navigation on the pharmacy will be so much easier with these recommendations.

Sometimes called Windows to the soul, our eyes add so much to our world, but we often forget to take action to take care of it.According to the CDC, there are about 93 million high-risk American adults forloss of visionBut only half have visited a doctor of the eyes over the past year.

Although you may not have to access an optometrist or ophthalmologist as often as you can see your primary care doctor or dentist regularly (among others), it's still important to take stock, especially if It's been a few years old. In addition to regular medical visits,eat certain foods In addition to taking natural supplements to improve the health of vision, can make a huge difference in your overall eye health. The delicate part, however, navigates the alleys of the pharmacy and chooses the supplement that suits you best. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now)

We turned to the experts, alias of ophthalmologists and doctors, for their recommendations on supplements to take to help keep your eyes in advanced shape. As always, talk to your doctor before starting to take a new supplement. Read on, and after, do not missBest supplements for sleep, according to experts.


Omega 3

omega 3 supplements

Do not onlyOmega 3 The fatty acids take advantage of you, but they also help strengthen your heart, your mind and your general well-being.

"Taken to help reduce overall inflammation, oral fish supplements also contribute to strengthening the oily layer of natural tears that prevent the eyes from drying up both the environment and too much screen time ", saidMelissa Toyos, MDGeneral ophthalmologist, dry eye specialist and facial cosmetic surgeon at Toyos Clinic. If you work on a computer daily or you take TV broadcasts for hours, it could be a good idea for you to startComplete your diet with omega-3 fatty acids.

Not only omega-3 fatty acid supplements improve eye lubrication, but according toDr. Taz, MD, andMember of the Council of Experts in Medicine ETNTOmega-3 fats are also useful for reducing inflammation as well as "prevent general eyes aging". Thus, with regard to the benefits for your eyes, omega-3s are an ideal place to start.Dr. Kaushal Kulkarni, ophthalmologist and founder ofEyetamines recommendedSea bayA supplement that is packed inomega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids Clinically proven to help moisturize and soothe dry eyes.


Areds formula

areds formula

Your skin Is it not the only thing you want to make sure that it seems "younger". Dr. Toyos says AREADS FORMULA: "Combines powerful antioxidants withtrace elements In a formula that hashas been demonstrated to help slow the progression of aging, eye changes and can help even younger eyes see a little more strongly. "

So even young people who are not yet worried about aging can always reap the benefits of an Areds formula. "It is proven that this formulation stimulates ocular and cerebral health", according to Dr. Toyos.

Bausch & Lomb Conservation The brand of the AREDS brand was used in clinical trials and it is also the one that Dr. Toyos recommends.




Lutein is another supplement that can be very useful for the health of the eyes, especially for the retina, which is the layer at the back of the eye that is sensitive to light.

"Lutein is a carotenoid and an antioxidant that improves the health of the retina," says Dr. Toyos. "Carotenoids are pigments that reside in retina, improving global vision."

Dr. Kulkarni recommendsHappy eyes As they are easy to chew, mango flavored flashes containing high quality lutein and zeaxanthine. Children and adults can take these supplements so that they are perfect for the whole family. They have been clinically proven to promote sight and support the macular pigment for long-term eye health.


Hyaluronic acid supplements

hyaloronic acid

According toAmerican optometric associationMore than 16 million Americans suffer from dry eye disease (DED). Dr. Toyos recommends hyaluronic acid supplements if you want to add moisture into dry eyes. This supplement also helps add moisture to the skin, which is definitely an extra bonus.

Hyaluronic supplement of Pureclinica (Whether you can find on Amazon) 300 mg is an excellent choice and easy to swallow. If you prefer not to add another oral supplement to your diet, Dr. Toyos also recommendsLumify Redness Relief drops for the eyes. These drops help reduce the redness of the eyes due to light irritation and dry eye.

"Due to their unique wording, there is a reduction in the risk of side effects common to other redness analgesics, such as rebound redness and loss of efficiency," says Toyos.


Vitamin C

vitamin c supplements

Vitamin C is beneficial for so many different reasons - and the health of the eyes is one of them. There are many simple ways to getVitamin C in your diet through food, especially fruits and vegetables, but supplements are a sure way to make sure you have enough. Dr. Taz recommends theNow Foods Vitamin C supplements As they are at a reasonable price and easy to order online. Taking vitamin C supplements, Dr. Taz. says that you can help reduce your risk of cataracts, which is the term thatdescribes the cover In an otherwise normal lens of the eye.


Vitamin E

vitamin e

Similar to vitamin C,Vitamin E Can be found in many foods, but often it's hard to have enough through your diet. According to Dr. Taz, it is a vitamin that "protects eyes like an antioxidant potential, reducing the damage caused by free radicals and prevent cataracts".

If you are looking for a supplement recommended by the doctor, Dr. Taz declares glue with theNow Foods Vitamin E Supplements is the way forward.

For more, be sure to checkThe most essential vitamins you need in your diet, according to Yale experts.

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