Laid side effects of eating cereals every day, according to science

During a staple at the breakfast table for nearly 150 years, it's time to reconsider your daily cereal habit if your health is an absolute priority.

While Dr. John Harvey Kellogg had good intentions behind the creation of a breakfast cereal - promotedigestive healthHelp reduce the intake of fatty foods to breakfast and offer a practical source of healthy food - American cereal manufacturers have diverged this guidance.

Now,A lot of breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar and devoid of digestion fibers - essentially the opposite of what Dr. Kellogg wanted.

It's time to look closer to our cereal habits. Although many of us have continued this childhood childhood meal in adulthood, we need to recognize that this breakfast food is closer to a sweet treat that it is a balanced meal which has enough nutrients to fuel our health. (It should be mentioned: the grain industry has made incredible progress over the last two decades and there are countless innumerableHealthy cereal options.)

Continue reading to learn why we would like you would like you to re-examine on breakfast cereals, etc.21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


You will not feel complete.


You always want to have cereals at breakfast and find you more hungry than when you have poured a bowl? You can thank the lack of macronutrients from most cereals of digestion, such as healthy greases, fibers and proteins. Previously, breakfast cereals tend to be all carbohydrates, most of which are blood sugar sugar. In fact, sugar tends to be the second ingredient on the nutrition panel of cereal nutrition box, just behind refined wheat, corn or rice. The result is that most cereals are considered ashigh on the glycemic index: A number that indicates how much a particular food will increase blood sugar levels. The more fast your blood glucose, the more it can fall quickly, which cantrigger feelings of hunger.

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You will eat more food the rest of the day.

Woman grabbing slice of cheese pizza with pepperoni meat lovers

Have such a large meal protein at breakfast can prepare you to be dissatisfied and can lead to eat more food during the day than if you had ahealthy breakfast. A study published inEuropean nutrition newspaper Examined the difference between eating an egg breakfast and a grain breakfast on a calorie grip for the rest of the day. Researchers have discovered that not only have pointed out to feel more satisfied and has less hungry when they consume eggs than cereals, but they have also seen that egg eaters have consumed 438 lower calories while along the day as those who spread a bowl of cereals.

Eat less throughout the rest of the day: replace your habit of cereals with one of these19 high protein breakfasts that hold you fully.


You are more likely to gain weight.


Combine the fact that cereals can prevent you from consuming more calories throughout the day and that its high GI can cause crampons and glycemic accidents and you have a recipe for weight gain. Specifically,studies Show that diets in high GI foods such as corn-based rice and cereals make it more difficult to lose weight than those with lower GI foods.


You will have trouble managing your diabetes.


TheCDC found that more than 1 on 10 Americans have diabetes and 1 out of 3 haveprediabet: A condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, you are increasingly at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cerebrovascular accident. The Poor GI regimes have been linked to the management of diabetics in profits, to increase the levels of "good" cholesterol HDL, triglycerides lower and reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems (heart). What is our point? When researchersanalyzed 12 studiesOn the foods of diabetes and blood sugar, they found that the Poor GI regimes have helped improve glycemic control and lowered glycemic levels, a diabetes marker, but the same results were not found for HIGH-GI regimes.


You will probably eat more cereal and sweet food.

breakfast buffet with pastries fruit and cereal

The sugar generates additional sugar consumption. And it is certainly true of high sugar cereals. A group of researchers specifically studied this phenomenon. When they had children receive either a breakfast of high sugar cereals or low sugar cereals, children who had high sugar cereals significantly consumed more cereals (61 grams against 35 grams in the condition Low in sugar) and almost twice the amount of refined sugar in total (24.4 grams against 12.5 grams). ThePediatricsThe study concluded that compared to the purge of low sugar cereals, high sugar grain increases the total consumption of child sugar and reduce the overall nutritional quality of their breakfast. We can no longer be children, but there are certainly some take away that we can learn from this study: jump the cereals of the sweet breakfast! And maybe try one of these 25 best yogurts for weight loss, according to nutritionists .

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