These 3 pantry staples may soon bite the price, say experts

A drought in California causes shortages are likely to increase prices on these popular foods.

If you noticed a lack of rain in your neck of the woods, this could épriser problems regarding the cost of the beloved, go-to staples in your pantry. California is currently affected by a severe drought, and it could end up raising the prices of several popular foods.

According to data fromThe integrated national information system of integrated drought (NIDIS)The Golden State is already in the midst of its worst water shortage in four years. In fact, nearly 75% of California is in an "extreme drought".

For this reason, the land itself is not enough water. Farmers and ranchers are unable to sustain crops and feed livestock.

This means that the kitchen essentials such as almonds, avocados and milk are likely to becomeFollowing expensive, accordingInsist. Remember that California produces more than 25% of the country's food supply.

This is not the first time that the state had to overcome this obstacle.Back in 2015California has faced a huge drought and experts at the time predicted that food prices would increase by 3%.

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From now on, it's a little too early to tellHow? 'Or' What andwhen The current drought may affect the prices of groceries, Dave Kranz, a spokesman for the California Farm Bureau, said,Insist.

"Many factors play into the price people who see in the stores. The payment that farmers receive for their crops represent a very small part of the price buyers pay," Kanz said. "Most of it comes from the transportation, packaging and marketing."

And California is not the only part of the world that suffers from a shortage of water. Globally, this is a major problem, and the world still occupied a pandemic.

In South AmericaThe drought has destroyed crops like coffee, corn, soybeans and sugar. The staples in the pantry in countries such as Mexico and Kenya have soared in price. More,cooking oil prices rose too.

The United Nations has even noted that global food costs have once again increased, with perhaps the 12th consecutive month in a row in which this happened.

"We have very little room for any impact of production. We have very little room for any unexpected increase in demand in any country," Abdolreza Abbassien, a senior economist at theU.n.'s Food and Agriculture Organization, RecountBloomberg. "Any of those things could push prices beyond what they have now, and then we could start to worry."

For now, do not panic too soon on food costs; But it's definitely something you should have on your radar. Things could still change for the better. For more, make sureSubscribe to our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox.

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