These are the foods that leave you Gassy

You are what you eat - and that's why you understand too! Discover the best foods that cause gas.

It is prudent to say that most people have grown up with this song on the playground: "Beans, beans: they are good for your heart! The more you eat, the more you eat, the more you,", you know well ! And be honest: you always thought twice before digging in a heavy-bean meal because of this song, right? Well, here's the thing: if you still can not control your turn but you're not sure of the culprit, beans are justa numerousFoods that cause gas Probably in your diet.

Keep reading to find outWhat articles to avoid, as well as how to mitigate this rather boring symptom so that you can continue to enjoy these foods you can not leave. And be sure while you make meals at home, you try these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Sugar food

candy on desk

Sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, mannitol, isomalt and xylitol are found in candy and gums without sugar and cause gas. "Check the label on sugar-free food," says Kaleigh McMordie, MCN, RDN, LD. "Instead, go with Stevia, maple syrup or raw sugar as sweetener."


Snackbars and cereals

cereal bars

The roots of inulin and chicory are additional fibers that are often added toHigh fiber foods like fiber snack bar and fiber cereals. "They are particularly notorious for causing gases and bloating. Read your labels and turn off these additives to avoid gases," recommends McMardiée.




About 25% of the US population and 75% of the world's population finally lose all or part of their ability to break down lactose, sugar found in dairy products.

"Lactose intolerance is when the body is unable to break lactose andThe side effects Include diarrhea, congestion, gas and bloating, "says Sarah Greenfield, registered dietitian and digestive health and sport nutrition expert." If you are worried about calcium, fear not; Foods like barley, Butternut squash, chickpeas and greens collar are very high. And some people can also tolerate dairy foods with lower lactose levels such as yogurts, ricotta, cottage cheese, parmesan, Switzerland and cheddar. "


Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables broccoli cauliflower on wooden cutting board

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cabbages are all delicious (and easy to prepare!), So they make wide sides or bases in recipes. And with their high fiber and their high nutrient content, they are an excellent source of nutrition. But as they are raised in fiber, it can naturally lead togas and burr, if you have a copious amount of food.

"Cruciferous vegetables take a longer duration to move in the digestive tract, giving them a longer exposure to our intestinal bacteria," says Greenfield. "The bacteria start fermenting the fiber and producing gas. A great way to reduce the effects of this is to drink a lot of water and take a digestive enzyme before eating."


Transformed desserts


Highly transformed foods With large amounts of sugar can increase the production of flatulence. "The sugar feeds the bacteria of our intestines, which causes a fermentation, a process where sugar is turned into gas," says Greenfield. "The decrease in the amount of treated sugar can help reduce gas and bloating."


Fat food

Mozzarella sticks

Sometimes this discomfort that feels like gas is actually the feeling of being too "full." And fat foods tend to take longer digest, resulting in a decrease in the ability of the stomach to empty.

"Like a balloon full of water, this distension sends a message to the brain that translates into" fullness ", explains Dr. Rupa Sharma, gastroenterologist with special attention to nutrition. "Like all body parts, the GI tract has nerves and these send messages to the brain and participate in many symptoms, including hunger, pain and gas."


Beer and other yeast products

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

If an ice beer is your way to relax after a long day, you may want to find a new vice.BeerReleases carbon dioxide gases and which accumulates in your intestine and is then released in the form of a nauseating flatulency. And it's not just beer; Other alcohols and fermented and marinated foods can cause bloating, cramps and excess gases due to yeast proliferation. Just put too much yeast in our intestines equals too much gas.

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meatloaf slices on cutting board

Protein Headquarters in your stomach for a longer period, which causes sugars and bacteria to accumulate. This leads to bloating and gas, but you do not have to give up your BBQ solution. Some ways to reduce the peter effect consists of chewing your food very well and consuming red meat in smaller portions.


Soft drinks


For some, carbonation in drinks likea soda Right to their intestines, blowing them like a balloon. The acid and fructose found in these drinks are the culprit - so if you have this problem, go to non-gassy natural drinks like iced tea.



Bread border on dark wood

"Many people have gluten sensitivities that they do not know because many foods have wheat in the form of filling," says Dr. Natasha Sandy, the celebrity dermatologist and the well-being expert. If you find that you are Gassy and bloated after eating food made with wheat, you may want to try to reduce your grumble consumption.


Oat bran

Oat Bran

Oat Should be a basis for your diet - but your intestines may not agree. If you devide first, reduce the amount you eat by serving to stay in good fiber but decrease the pain.



paleo nuts

Of course, nuts are a formidable and versatile snack because they are high in protein, healthy fat and fiber. Unfortunately, they claim a place on our food list causing gas because they are not easily digested. If there was a type of nut to question first, we recommend that you stay away from the cashews because they are considered one of the greatest culprits.



Canned black beans

Bean A a formidable and versatile food are high in proteins, high fibers, antioxidants and are relatively inexpensive if you are on a budget. In addition, their lifetime goes a long way. But the fear of eating beans because they will give you gas is valid.

"Beans have specific types of sugar that we do not have enzymes," says Dr. Daryl Gioffre, certified raw food leader, andalkaline diet expert. "When the beans arrive at the colon, the bacteria in the colon begin to ferment these sugars, producing gas in the process." To overcome this problem, make sure you chew your beans very well because digestion starts in the mouth. Lean to smaller beans like lentils and avoid sweet and dairy foods with your beans.


Fruit as dessert

Fruit salad

Yes, fruit fordessert It looks like a great way to brake the sweet tooth after hours of time without extra fat, calories and everything else. But you may want to reconsider the enjoy at the end of your meals.

"Eating fruits fordessert Go literally sitting at the top of all that is in your stomach, especially a slow digestion protein like a steak - and start ferring, which is the real cause of gas and bloating, "explains Dr. Gioffre. If you need to have fruits, try to keep you fruit like lemons, lemonsters, grapefrafts, lawyers, grenades, patembracs and tomatoes, because they have low sugar and are high in minerals.

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