A major side effect of butter cooking, say dietitians

Kitchen with butter really so bad for you? We asked the experts.

Julia famous child once said, "With enough butter, everything is good." She was well known forever usingButter In his recipes - even usingMore than 700 pounds of butter Turning his showCooking with Julia. She has always used real butter - never fake stuff. And although there are no butter chemicals compared tomargarine And other butter-like propagations, butter cooking all the time can have a major side effect on your body you should be aware.

According to some dietitians, butter cooking canIncrease your risk of developing chronic diseases. But how much butter would cause that? And is it bad to cook with butter in general?

We have examined the science behind why we should all pay attention to it a major side effect of butter cooking, and if you are looking for even healthier tips, check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

Is the butter bad for you?

asparagus butter

Essentially - no.

Butter is a grease dairy product of cow brewing cream. Because it comes from cows, butter is surprisingly full of vitamins and minerals that can be useful for your body. The butter is rich in vitamins A, E, B12 and K, and also contains lauric acid (which helps treat infections).

Studies have also shown how butter can helpimprove digestion,fight cancerAnd yes, even help youlosing weight.

So, if the butter can help you in many ways, why many look like butter like the enemy? Everything comes back to the control of the portions and how much butter you consume. Cooking with it can easily increase the amount of butter you consume, so it's important to keep this major side effect in mind.

here isWhat happens to your body when you eat butter.

How much butter is too much?

cooking with butter

Control of portions andeat fatty foods In moderation, this is the key to staying healthy, especially with regard to butter. Cooking with a small amount of butter from time to time can go well, but cooking with a lot of certainty systematically over time can cause unwanted side effects.

"Unless you have a problem with fat digestion (for example, if you have had bariatric surgery or if you have had your gall bladder removed), the side effects will be minimal for the moment when cooking with butter , "says Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN to the taste of health and the expert atTest.com. "[However], in the long run, if you cook with butter in a systematic way, you may follow problems with high cholesterol, heart disease and weight gain / obesity if used in excess."

While butter contains some key vitamins, it also containssaturated fat-A type of food fat that canIncrease cholesterol levels In your blood, according to theAmerican Heart Association. High levels of cholesterol in the blood over time can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease.

A tablespoon of butter is 100 calories and includes 7 grams of saturated fat. The AHA only says 5% to 6% of your calories should come from saturated grease, about 13 grams for the average diet of 2,000 calories. This means that the use of 1 beaux tablespoon would represent 54% of your saturated fat intake for the day.

Overall, if you plan to spread butter on everything you eat during the day, a slice of toast, then cooking butter can easily cause you to exaggerate it on your saturated fat intake for the day , which is leading to this major side effect.

Here is why saturated grease is consideredThe worst grease to eat if you try to lose weight/

How to cooking with too much butter can cause a disease.

baking with butter

If you plan to use butter in other parts of your diet, cooking with butter increases not only the amount of butter you end up consuming, but can easily increase your risk due to the high amount of saturated fat. and increased cholesterol.

"Butter is high in saturated fats, which can contribute to heart disease as it was known to raise your cholesterol"Lisa Young, PhD, RDN is the author ofFinally full, finally thinand appointing nutrition professor in Nyu. "Believe it or not, cook your eggs in the butter is no longer a problem than eating eggs. I recommend cooking oil instead."

"When cooking with butter, a major side effect is that you increase your risk for chronic conditions,"Trista Best, MPH, Rd, LD of the balance a supplement. "You increase your cholesterol, your triglycerides and the fat content of the meal itself. This puts you at risk of chronic problems such as obesity, heart disease and even diabetes."

Be smart on your butter consumption!

melting butter, pan, butter

So, if you prefer to use butter elsewhere, as on your toast or in something you cook, so why cook with it when there are othersBest cooking options?

"Simply put, butter is most often an unnecessary ingredient to cook with," says the best. "Most sauces that can be made with water or low fat sauce such as soy sauce or liquid aminos. There are some effective means of replacing butter in the cooking process."

Overall, the consumption of a small amount of butter will not be damaged to your body - it exceeded it from your butter intake that can cause this major side effect. It all depends on how you want to consume your amount of butter allocated. Do you want to cook with that? Or do you prefer to broadcast it on Toast? It's yours!

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