Dangerous side effects of drinking too much wine, says science

It's time to break the habit once and for all.

Today is the national day of drink wine, which means a glass ofCabernet Sauvignon Or the Riesling is justified at the end of the working day. However, we also thought it would be an excellent opportunity to warn you about the potential risks associated with the consumption of too much.wine-And far too often.

Below you will see five side effects that can result from too much wine, or any alcohol to this case, over time. And then, do not miss15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.

If you drink too much wine, you could experience ...


Alcoholic foie gras disease

Middle-aged loving couple have a romantic dinner

The frightening thing about alcoholic foie gras disease (AFD) is that it often comes without symptoms. In fact, theAmerican dependency centers Say a silent disease is usually a silent disease, the only notable symptoms at the beginning of the locks being pain in the high right of your abdomen and your fatigue.

AFLD is generally developing in those who have drunk a long time for a long time. People at the highest risk of getting this condition are heavy drinkers who have certain genetic mutations or obese. Women also have a greater probability of suffering from AFD compared to men.

At the end of the line:Try to limit your wine consumption to a single drink a day, or less, to better dodge your abilities, especially if you are a person considered a high risk. here isWhat happens when you drink a glass of wine every night.


Cirrhosis of the liver

Two elderly women drinking red wine from glasses, friends communication at home

Also known as healing in the liver delay phase caused byliver disease and may eventually lead to hepatic impairment if it is left unauthorized. Unfortunately, women tend to be at higher risk of cirrhosis of the liver than men, even if they follow the USDA food guidelines for a single glass of alcohol (5 ounces of wine) per day. According to a 2018 study published in the journalLancet Public HealthIt was more likely that a healthy woman who drank daily to develop cirrhosis than the one who drank less often.

A recent report of theAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineI revealed that the number of non-Hispanic white women dying of ALD grows more rapidly over two decades (1999 to 2018) in relation to non-Hispanic black women's rates. The largest increase was, shocking, among women aged 25 to 34 years. By context,It is usually necessary at least 1o years of alcohol Develop liver disease.

At the end of the line:Nobody is immune to liver disease, no matter how you are young and healthy. And do not missMore young women in the United States die from this diet-related disease, say experts.


Increased risk of depression

anxiety depression

No matter what alcohol is wine, beer or liquorStudies have shown That drinks regularly can strongly put people at a higher risk of depression. On the contrary,a study I showed a moderate alcohol consumption in the range of 5 to 15 grams a day (a standard drink is 14 grams) was associated with a significantly lower risk of depression.

At the end of the line:Consider cutting yourself a glass ofRed wine The night when it is filled with antioxidants, but try to limit yourself to having more than one drink every night.


Continuous weight gain

gaining weight

There is nothing wrong with red wine, as long as it is consumed with moderation. However, a glass of 5 ounces of red wine clocks at about 125 calories, so you can see how calories can start accumulating each week if you have several glasses one night. In fact, having only two glasses overnight on 1,750 additional calories to your diet every week, and that's if you measure correctly.

At the end of the line:Also tempting to take off this second glass of Pinot Noir every night, consider stopping after one view to help you control your weight.


Increased risk of death and illness

White wine

Once again, it does not matter whether it is wine or another type of alcohol,studies have suggested that the strong drink can put you at increased risk of premature death of cardiac incidents such as heart attack or evencardiopathy, for example.

At the end of the line:This is the silver lining with all these risk factors, drink wine with moderation to harvest all its healthy benefits without entering the area of overconsumption.

For more, do not miss Beverage habits causing liver damage, according to science .

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