Lactose-free milk solved my bloating

Stop suffering from excess gas and a swollen stomach after drinking milk. Consider the switches without sacrifice on lactose-free milk and you can see that your symptoms disappear.

I am denied. I am denied on the fact that I am (probable) lactose-intolerant. Growing up in Midwest, dairy has always been a large part of my diet. We have always paid cereal bowls in milk, cream casting in our coffee and buttered bagels. In summer, there were countless trips to local dairies for the coolest ice cream.

But as I am old, I realized my denial, and I will not lie to me anymore-dairy hurts me in his stomach.

Although I have never suffered test or elimination schemes to find out if I'm for sure of intolerant lactose, it's just one of those things that I now know about my body: dairy is not Okay with me as if she was used. Each Vanilla Latte of Starbucks now leaves my Gurnmy stomach. Ice cream trips are nowaccompanied by bad bloating (Gas followed). My morning oats with milk made me run to the bathroom several times.

The alternatives of milk can be a solution, but they do not pile up nutritional milk - and the flavor is simply not the same.

I know what you think - why not just try one of the dozens of alternative milk there? And my answer is that I have. I tried soy, almond and hemp - you name it. But as a writer of health, I was told many times that theseAlternatives of milk Under no circumstances are piling up to the nutritional profile of cow's milk. They are either packed with sugar, lack essential vitamins and nutrients (specifically calcium andVitamin D), and to be honest - the flavor just did not do it for me. So, I just have a kind of paste it until recently.

After discussing my intestine problems with my mother, she was shocked that I had never tried lactose milk. While no one else in my family has confirmed lactose intolerance, they are large fans ofFairlife's milk, ultra-filtered milk and lactose. I was definitely open to try it.

During my next purchase trip toWhoreI was shocked that they had three different versions of lactose-free milk: skimmed, 2% and whole. Clearly, I was behind the trend. I caught the cardboard of 2% and started using it the next morning when I did my oats. Of course, I was curious if it feels sensation or taste and have the same texture. I opened the cardboard and nothing was significantly different from the milk I knew and loved. I poured it into my oatmeal, precipitated and I took my first bite.

How I felt after my first lactose milk experience.

All I can say is Wow - he has the taste of the same thing as normal milk. Literally no difference. But the real test would be to see how my stomach reacted. More specifically, if I lived a gurgling or bloating.

People, I was all good. I pass through half a gallon a week now, and I preach all my friends that it is really the god - send my necessary intestine.

But I still had not made tons of research on what's really lactose-free milk. So I joined a dietary nutritionist registered to get a short time.

What is lactose milk?

"Lactose-free milk is a commercial milk product that has no lactose, a type of sugar found in dairy products that can be difficult to digest for some people," saysJerlyn Jones, Mrs, MPA, RDN, LD, CLT, dietary nutritionist registered and spokesperson for theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary.

"Lactose-free milk is a good alternative to regular milk for anyone that is intolerant to lactose and suffers from gas, bloating, stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea after the consumption of dairy products," adds Jones.

What is the difference between lactose-free milk and regular milk milk?

The difference between lactose-free milk and regular cow's milk is lactase.

"Lactase is an enzyme produced in the small intestine and breaks down lactose into the body. Food manufacturers add lactase to regular milk to make lactose milk," explains Jones. "Lactose-free milk has almost the same taste, texture and the same nutrient profile as a regular milk. It has the same number of calories, protein, grease and carbohydrates."

People who are lactose intolerant lack the lactase enzyme. Without lactase, your body suffers from a lactose malabsorption, which leads to fermentation in the intestine that causes all theUnpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance, comprising:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Blocker
  • Flatulence
  • Other gastrointestinal symptoms

What are the benefits?

Of course, if you have lactose intolerance, lactose-free milk is a fantastic option if you hope to continue drinking milk milk.

"Drinking lactose-free milk takes advantage of those who are lactose intolerant due to lactase deficiency," Jones said.

According toNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal Diseases(Niddk) It is estimated that 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is more common in some ethnic groups than others, and the Niddk estimates that up to 75% of all African-American adult and Native American and 90% of Asian Americans are lactose intolerant.

"Lactose-free milk makes digestion easier and constitutes an excellent source of protein, consisting of approximately 8 grams in 1 cup and also calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, riboflavin and can be strengthened withVitamin D, Jones said.

What are the disadvantages?

Unfortunately, lactose-free milk is more expensive than normal dairy milk.

"The cost is one of the disadvantages of lactose-free milk. Depending on the mark, the price of lactose-free milk can cost twice more regular milk, "explains Jones. "This is not so affordable as regular milk and may not be readily available at each grocery store."

You may notice the lactose-free milk tastes sweetener than ordinary milk. (Although I can not say a difference!)

"Lactose-free milk is milder because lactase breaks lactose into two simple sugars: glucose and galactose. Our taste buds perceive these simple sugars as sweetened thanComplex sugarsSo give lactose-free milk a softer flavor than regular milk, "says Jones.

Do you have to try a lactose-free test?

If you are like me and you notice drink or eat regular dairy products, your stomach, lactose-free milk could be a great option. And if you are lactose-intolerant, this milk should be good for you.

However, according to Jones, because lactose-free milk comes from cow's milk, it is not suitable:

In addition, lactose is not the same as the lactose reduced.

"Lactose-free and reduced terms have different meanings and a small lactose product can always contain lactose that can cause symptoms," says Jones.

What are the ingredients to look for if you avoid lactose.

She suggests that you should always look at the ingredient label if you want to stay away from lactose. If an ingredient label contains one of the following words, the product probably contains lactose, and you must avoid them if you are intolerant lactose:

  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Butter
  • Evaporated milk
  • Condensed milk
  • Dried milk
  • Powdered milk
  • Milk
  • Margarine
  • Cheese
  • Whey
  • Rotten milk

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