Effects of drinking too much milk

Cardiovascular problems with cognitive problems, you can earn more than you have been negotiated.

Advertisements you have seen on television as a child at your own parents' advice, everyone has heard the long list of health benefits you supposed to enjoy if youDrinking enough milk. However, many experts say that the consumption of important milk can actually be detrimental to your health, to exacerbate the cardiovascular problems at the origin of yourThe skin to suffer. If you want to increase your well-being, to read to find out what health problems you could put in place for you if you drink too much milk. And if you are ready to reorganize your diet, start withThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You feel lethargic.

Fatigued woman lying at bedstead

This glass of milk can add some calories, fat and vitamins to your diet, but do not expect a renewed energy to these nutrients.

"One of the steps of the very well-known milk impacts is that it nails our glucose levels such as chocolate bars or other sweet treats would be," says Nutritional Therapist recommendedSONKA BRAUNOVÁ. Instead of feeling excited, you "can get [energy] falling shortly after" swallowing a glass of milk, says Braoven.

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You suffer from frequent bone fractures.

A plaster cast with plaster.

Although milk has long been hailed as a means ofOsteoporosis of combat, Research suggests that excessive milk consumption can have the opposite effect.

"Drink too much milk has led to an increased risk of fragile bones," saysJay Cowin, A nutritionist and director of formulationsA SYSTEM.

In fact, according to a 2014 study published in theBmj, Usually intake-rich milk three or several glasses a day has been associated with agreater risk of hip fracture in women's study topics.

And if you want to avoid a serious injury, consult these15 things you make that you put at risk for osteoporosis.


You go out.

Woman with problem skin

These rumors you heard in the high school of some foodsEscaisions causing can have a grip of truth.

"Dairy products increases the frequency and severity of acne and eczema," saysTrista Best, A dietician toBalance a supplement. "Dairy leads to a mucus overproduction in the body that results in a quantity of more oil on the skin, especially the face. This, as well as the inflammatory nature of dairy products, create a perfect combination for painful and embarrassing acne thrusts. "

And to discover that other foods conspire against your complexion, see these10 foods making your acne even worse.


Your cardiac health suffers.

Man having a chest pain and wearing a protection mask.

If you want to keep yourheart healthYou can limit your milk consumption in particular the rich kind of fat.

"Consume too much milk and other dairy products can obstruct the arteries. In addition, milk contains cholesterol that increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, "explains the certified nutritionistJennifer Lima ofMango clinic.

According to a 2016 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Replacing 5% of a person isDaily intake of dairy fat With the same amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid or vegetable fat reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 24 and 10 percent, respectively. And if you are considering landing forced dairy in your diet, seeThe best and the worst milk & milk alternatives.


You have insulin resistance.

belly fat

Resistance to insulin condition marked by the inability of your body toeffectively glucose extracted of your blood, and that can beprecursor to diabetes-Con be associated with the higher dairy intake.

"Dairy products are very insulingenic, which can lead to insulin resistance," explainsPiper Gibson, A medical advice certified for natural medicine and holistic nutrition, certified practitioner of functional nutrition of diagnosis and business clinical educator forScience GX. "Milk and dairy products influence the liberation of insulin, even if it is not rich in sugar. »

According to a 2012 study published in theDiabetes search log, Women who consumed the most were dairy productsmuch more likely to develop insulin resistancethat those moderate to low dairy contributions.


You catch all the bugs that circulate.

woman in the winter forest. a beautiful girl sneezes into a napkin

If you arecatch all the cold Given around your home or the office, you may want to re-evaluate your dairy consumption.

Dairy products can cause systemic inflammation, says Nurse PractitionerTiffany Allen, FNP-C, WHNP-BC, founder ofTriad Lifestyle Medicine. "Chronic inflammation can also lead to an unhealthy digestive tube, which can affect not only gastrointestinal conditions, but alsoimmune function, [Because] 70% of our life of the immune system in our gut, "Allen explains.


You frequently have digestive problems.

woman doubled over in pain holding her bloated stomach suffering from gi gastrointestinal distress

Persistent onesGastrointestinal problems You have suffered and your dairy consumption can be more closely linked than you do it.

"Consume too much milk can make you feel bloated ... This will disturb your global body while leading to gastrointestinal problems," saidAmber O'Brien, MD, ofMango clinic.


Your memory suffers.

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

If you are looking forward toKeep your net memoryYou may want to reconsider the amount of milk you drink daily.

According to O'Brien, adults who drink too much milk "are more likely to fail tests than those who do not drink milk or drink less than two glasses every day."

In fact, a 2017 study published in the journalNutrients found that adults who drank more than a glass of milk a day had a day of 10%Cognitive decline over a period of 20 years that those who said they had not limited to milk consumption.

If you are eager to give your brain a boost, check these21 tips that improve your memory, according to doctors.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Dairy / Drinks / Unhealthy
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