A major side effect of abandoning dessert, says science

Improve your mood by saying no more food.

If a slice of apple pie withvanilla ice cream At the top makes you smile now but lets you feel guilty an hour later, you will want to know aboutA major side effect to abandon this dessert: happiness.

That's right. Just say "no" todessert can finally make you smile, suggest the results of three clinical experiences exploring self-control and the satisfaction of life published in thePersonality log.

While the experiments had nothing to do with the ditch dessert, they showed how to exercise self-control increases the feelings of well-being and contributes directly to happiness by avoiding and managing motivation conflicts.

Self-control is often "associated with fraud and refusal of self-refusal rather than with pleasure and joy", say the researchers of the universities of Chicago, Minnesota and Illinois. But their conclusions demonstrate thatPeople with greater capacity to avoid the temptation of the happier and gelye temptation of their lives.

The key seems to be to avoid frequent decisions, which they call "vice-virtue conflicts", such as, for example, decide to have a dessert or a third glass of wine. Avoid the daily decision by adopting a "non-dessert" policy eliminates the emotional stress of the vice-or-virtue choosing and provides an elevation of self-esteem, researchers say. (In touch:Dangerous side effects of drinking too much wine, says science.)

How to abandon the dessert can have great side effects.

The psychological boost that you can gain by taking the habit of avoiding dessert can promote other advantages, both mental and physical. Here are some:


You will free wellness chemicals.

refusing donuts

Do you know that the warm feeling you get when you volunteer or the feeling of satisfaction you feel when you go through something from your task list? You can recreate it by committing us to give up the dessert. Scientistresearch Suggests that it is possible to stitch your endorphins and release neurotransmitters like dopamine simply by fixing and making small goals like this.

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You will probably lose weight.


As you know it,calorize is the key to losing weight. The easiest way to accomplish is to target the largest calorie contributors in your diet, namely sweet sweet drinks and, you guessed it, dessert! Think about a visit to a restaurant likeBarrel. After dinner, do not order dessert, let's say their fishing cord with a spoon of ice cream, and you just cut 490 calories, 20 grams of saturated fat and 49 grams of sugar from the diet of your day. Make a habit of giving up high calorie desserts and you are on your way to significant calorie savings. Read more:The desserts of the unhealthy restaurant.


You will keep your muscle.

lifting weights

As we get older, we lose muscle mass, especially if we do not resistance resistance regularly. Age-related muscle loss is called sarcopenia and eating a lot of sugar accelerates what is wasting muscular, suggests studies, including an animal study of 2015 inThe Journal of Nutrition, which found that sucrose-powered rats were losing more muscles and added more fat than starch rats. Apparently, high sugar consumption inhibits protein synthesis that builds muscles. By cutting the dessert, you can take care of more muscle while you get older.


You will prevent the cozyer fat to your heart.

apple pie

When you eliminate dessert after meals, you considerably reduce the number of added sugars you consume in a day. This means that you can eat a larger amount of healthy food in one session that you would do if you had saved room for dessert. And it's a good news for your heart. A long-term study of more than 3,000 healthy participants measured the consumption of food and beverage over a period of 20 years against the CT analyzes of the chest and abdomen of these persons to analyze the association between consumption sugar and body fat. The results, reported in theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology, demonstrated that the highest swirls of the sweet drinks and foods processed with added sugars were related to the storage of fats around the vital organs, including the heart. "We know that fat deposits are linked to higher risk of heart disease and diabetes," said Lyn Steffen co-author study, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota. So, the separation dessert will probably reduce your chances of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.


You will be sharper and remember more.

thinking woman

A high sugar dessert can make you forget what you had for dinner. But dessert discharge and, over time, you can make your brain a great favor. aanimal study carried out by the University of California in Los Angeles Researchers found that a regular diet ofFructose-rich corn syrup, A sweet ingredient in many desserts such as cake Premade, biscuits and other bakery products, slows the brain and handicap for both memory and learning.


You may seem younger.

looking young

Another advantage of reducing your risk of diabetes by eliminating sweet desserts isAvoid premature aging of the skin. People with high blood sugar levels (a symptom of diabetes) are more at risk of producing advanced glycation products or ages, which are compounds favoring inflammation that are formed when protein or grease. combine with sugars like glucose and fructose in the blood. This process, called glycation, "causes structural, morphological and functional changes characteristic of the skin ... known as the sagging sugar," say the researchers in Dermatology of Baylor College of Medicine in a reportLetter therapy of the skin.


You will appreciate a more restorative sleep.


A sweet dessert can fall asleep after dinner, but keep you at night. By eliminating saturated fats and typical sugars of most decadent desserts, you can ensure a more restful sleep, according to a clinical trial reported in theJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. The small study focused on 26 normal adults who have eaten different regimes for several days and had their duration of sleep and quality analyzed. The researchers have discovered that low fiber content and rich in saturated fats and the supply of sugar (which is characteristic of dessert foods) has been associated with less restorative sleep and more awakening during the night.

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