These fries of soft potatoes cooked heat
Thanks to part of the cayenne pepper, these spuds have an extra kick that you will not get a fast seal.

You may have already gathered only here atEat this, not that!We are constantly encouraging healthy restoration choices and habits for our readers. This does not mean that it does not mean avoiding unhealthy food choices or extinguish them a better and healthier option. When it comes tofriesIt's actually an easier feat than you think. Although French french fries would commite you to afast food chain Or dinner are raised in calories, he has more to do with the way they are prepared than anything else. If you have already seenFries prepared at McDonald'sYou will see that they are fries at the bottom of the oily oils and are charged with non-unfitable quantities of salt. When you make your own fries, it is of course much easier to control the amount of fat and oil used and better yet, instead of using regular potatoes, you can exchange in the sweet potato much more nutritious (and just as delicious).Sweet potatoes Having two major nutritional ox as regular potatoes are missing: large doses offiber and vision-reinforcement of vitamin A. Plus, natural sugars found in them will intensify and reinforce themselves when they are baked or roast, and they will also perfectly perfectly with the Fiery Cayenne to make fries just too pleasant than those that bathe in the oil.
Nutrition:70 calories, 2 g of fat (0 g saturated), 200 mg of sodium
Serve 4
You will need
2 medium sweet potatoes, all peeled and cut in 12 equal quarters
1/2 tablespoon of olive oil
Cayenne pepper pinch
Black salt and pepper
How to do it
- Preheat the oven to 425 ° F. Combine all the ingredients on a large pastry plate and use your hands to mix them thoroughly. Spread in a uniform layer.
- Bake until sweet potatoes are slightly browned outside, crisp with touch and tender inside.
There are many ways to prepare these fries and all our recipes, we encourage you to exchange one of the spices listed in this recipe to make a friest that is the greatest to your taste. Not in spices? Cut the cayenne and add a nice curry. Do you want to amplify heat? Keep the cayenne and also add red pepper flakes.
This recipe (and hundreds of people more!) Came from one of our cooks, not that! books. For easier cooking ideas, you can alsobuy the book!

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