A side effect of drinking too much soda
It's not just your size that is affected by these sweet drinks.

A soda has a bad reputation nutritionally, and rightly. Generally composed of little more than sugar (or high fructose corn syrup), gaseous water and artificial aromas and colors, the sweet drink has been linked toall of obesity Tocaries.
However, if you drinkToo much soda,There is a surprising side effect that you may not see to come - and it can seriously affect your health for years to come: you can develop a non-alcoholic foie gras disease (NAFLD).
According to a study published in theCanadian Gastroenterology Journal,Excessive consumption of soda is strongly related to the development of NAFLD, which occurs when fat accumulates in the liver of a person. Researchers in the study observed a group of 310 NAFLD patients over a period of 36 months, during which a subset of 31 NAFLD patients who did not have other typical risk factors. The disease, including diabetes, obesity and hypertension - have been compared to a control group. Those with other life and health factors that can contribute to liver problems - including the use of certain drugs, high alcohol consumption, autoimmune conditions and hepatitis were also excluded from the Group smaller samples.
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Among the NAFLD patients of the subgroup of the study, 20% consumed a sweet drink a day, 40% consumed between two and three sugar sugar daisons per day and 40% consuming more than four sweet-sugary drinks per day the most days during the study period.
The researchers found that, among the group of individuals without any other traditional risk factors of NAFLD, the excessive consumption of sweet drinks was "the only independent variable that could predict the presence offoie gras in 82.5% of cases. "
So, how can NAFLD be dangerous? According to a 2020 study published in the journalHepatologyAll the stages of NAFLD have been linked to a higher mortality rate than that of the general population, with 11.7 / 1,000 NAFLD patients more in the process of dying than a control population.
NAFLD has also been linked to theCirrhosis development, a type of liver healing that contributes to about44 358 deaths In the United States each year.
So, beyond the benefits of weight loss, you will probably reapabandon this soda habit, abandoning these sweet drinks could simply help youLiving a longer and healthier life, too much.
You want more incentive to fessory these sweet drinks? To verifyWhat happens to your brain when you drink soda. And for more healthy foods, make sure youSubscribe to our newsletter!

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