One of the main side effects of not having your morning coffee, study says

Unemployed, it has nothing to do with caffeine.

If you are a daily dayCoffee Drinking, you probably have a coherent morning ritual. Maybe prepare your java cup in the same way every day, whisking the OLEFrench press and add a snapoatmeal and a touch ofsugar to the finished product, for example. Or maybe you sit in the living room every morning to sip your coffee that is the most important for you.

Whether you size if you are reading the newspaper, eating your breakfast or you do not do a lot of things at all, it's an integral part of your morning routine anyway. And that makes a positive impact on your mental health, more than you will be able to achieve. In fact, researchers have found that this process can give you more than what the energy jerks you need for the first time in the morning.A new study revealedThat rituals like these can seriously reduce your feelings of loneliness.(In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)

Loneliness has been a huge problem over the past year, the CVIV-19 pandemic forcing us to isolate our support groups for an incredibly stressful period. Not only is this a problem for our emotions, but it's also a major problem for our overall health. For example,loneliness can cause sleep problems, heart disease and can evenWeaken your immune system. Now, researchers have found that you can reduce these feelings of loneliness by creating rituals that work for you and help you create more sense in your life.

And yes, this includes the simple task of packaging your espresso land in the portfilter basket or even pick up beans in your portable coffee grinder. In other words, the thing you do every morning can help you fight loneliness even when you are alone.

"Even seemingly trivial or minimal rituals can be significant and affect consumer well-being", "Thomas Kramer, MBA, PhD, co-author of the study, saidEat this, not that! "That is, it's not only culturally or fundamental rituals that can add meaning to one's life,But also idiosyncratic that consumers are conceived and thus give meaning to the lives of people they might otherwise be encountered as missing meaning. "

If you are not acoffee drinkerThere are many other ways to create rituals in your life. Kramer suggests looking for a sense in your everyday lifeMeal preparation processBy saying that you can easily design rituals involving ritualistic and therefore significant meal preparations instead of usual and usual. "

And for more, be sure to checkSkip these foods can be dangerous for your mental health, the study says.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Health Tips / News / tips
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