5 warning signs that you drink too much milk

Milk is one of the most popular drinks of American refrigerators, but you may spend too much gallon a week.

Chances you had theBenefits of milk milk Drilled in your head for years - strong bones! Good health! And although it is all good, things supported by science, it turns out that milk consumption is such a thing that goes a lot of milk and it could have adverse effects.

Yes, the substance we were encouraged to drink as children iscalcium-rich To enhance bone density and also act a large source of protein, but too much can cause acne, digestive problems and can even increase your risk of developing certain cancers.

We detail the evidence signaling panels to monitor so that you drink too much of this dairy product. And for more milk, discover what you need to know aboutHow can milk consumption affect your health.

How many milk should you drink a day?

woman drinking milk in garden

Before diving in what too much milk can do to your body, establish approximate guidelines for the amount of milk you should drink a day. On areport The United States Ministry of Health and Social Services,People over nine years can drink three cups of milk a day. It is based on the principle that milk and other dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin D (vitamin D (fortified vitamin D), riboflavin, vitamin. B12, protein, potassium, zinc, choline, magnesium and selenium.

Overconsumption of milk is not a big problem; Most Americans do not respond to the threshold of three appearances. And it's good news because you do not need all this milk to harvest the nutritional benefits of the drink. If you consume about 2,000 calories a day,The National Dairy Council foundjust a portion of 8 ounce milk Provides a unique nutrient package that allows you to respect the daily value of calcium, riboflavin and other key nutrients.

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If you even consume milk in the first place?


A significant warning to note with milk consumption is that some people should stay away from healthy beverages. This includes the 30 million inhabitants estimated at 50 million US adults who arelactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is typically caused by enzymatic deficiency in the body called lactase, which breaks down lactose found in milk and is essential to its complete digestion.

While your lactose-intolerant friends could tell you, drinking milk milk with the disease is not fun. This can cause abdominal cramps, bloating and diarrhea. If you still want to consume dairy products, but believe you have lactose intolerance, there are many dairy-based alternatives, such aslactose-free milk,Ultra-filtered milk, andYoghurt without lactose as well as herbal options likeMilk substitutes.

How to say if you drink too much milk

Barista steaming milk

Since some side effects of drinking too much milk are quite common, it can be difficult to say if the discomfort you feel is directly related to your milk intake. Here are five signs of warning to search that indicate that you consume too much milk.


You always encounter digestive problems

Womach clutching bloated belly

You could always be lactose sensitive without being full-fledged intolerance, and too much can cause other digestive problems, such as a "leaking intestine", which is when bacteria and toxins are able to " Flery "through the intestinal wall. This can happen because, by a2008 Study ReviewThe protease inhibitors, which are in cattle milk, cause enzymatic digestive imbalances and trypsin overproduction, an enzyme that destroys connections between intestinal cells.


You are constantly tired.

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

Research has shown that the increase in milk consumption can also contribute to a "leakage intestine". The theory is that casein A1 (which is in milk milk) hasinflammatory effectsOn the intestinal lining, which can increase the permeability of the intestinal lining. The result is something called Microbiome Dybiosose, where the intestinal bacterial microbiome is unbalanced of worse bacteria than good.Cornell researchers Recently connected GUT of chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition where normal effort causes debilitating fatigue that is not attenuated by rest.

(A solution, which we include in theBest dairy milk brands, opts forMilk A2. This brand suppresses the A1 protein, and itcan be a good substitute for those who have milk intolerance.)


You have acne

Woman with problem skin

When you constantly feed your body something that can not tolerate, it can lead to inflammation. And this inflammation will manifest in different ways, one of which is through your skin.

AClinical dermatology, cosmetics and experimental The study revealed that the dairy products of complete fat were associated with moderate and severe acne, the rating ratio was 4.81 for boys and 1.8 for girls. A recent meta-analysis of 14 studies revealed that whole milk, low fat milk and any milk was positively associated with acne.


Your bone mass has decreased

Mature woman suffering from pain in wrist at home

It is well known that calcium in the milk helps to strengthen your bones, but that milk can also cause inflammation, there have been research that suggests that too much milk consumption can actually make your bones fragile and more fragile . For example, a study published inThe Journal of Nutrition In 2015, he found that eating dairy foods increased low quality inflammation in a small sample of German adults.

In addition, a 2014Bmj The study revealed that excessive milk consumption really increased the risk of broken bone of a woman, compared to women who have drunk little milk. The risk of bone fracture increased by 16% in women who drank three or more glasses a day and the risk of a broken hip increased by 60%, the results indicated. If your doctor finds a link between milk and your bone density, you can replace the milk as the main source of calcium with theseThe 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy.


You have symptoms of cardiovascular disease

man having heart attack

According to a study of October 2014 in theBmj, Drinking too much milk was linked to an increased risk of deaths and men and women, as well as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer in women. More specifically, the researchers found that women who drank three or more milk glasses each day had an almost doubled risk of death and cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of 44% of cancer compared to women who drank less a glass a day.

The overall risk of masculine death has increased by about 10% when they drank three glasses of milk or more a day.

If you feel chest pain or have suffered from a stroke or heart attack, it may be useful to ask your doctor if you still have to drink milk. To better improve your health, consider adding these20 foods that can help reduce your risk of cardiac disease to your diet.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Dairy
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