The biggest danger scheme you drink too much milk, says science

It's actually the opposite of what you expect.

As children, parents, school teachers and even public between our favorite television shows have told us to drink morecow milk For strong and healthy bones. Nowadays, the same council is not hidden almost as much as it was.

There is some truth to this affirmation, however, like a cup of 8 ounce milk filled with30% of the daily needs of an adult for calcium, a mineral that is the key for the promotionbone health. Cow's milk is also packedmagnesium And potassium, both helping support healthy teeth in addition to bones. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

However, there is such a thing to drink too much milk. In fact, drinking too much cow's milk can actually increase to cause damage to your bones.

According to the search published in theBmj, it was found thatDrink three glasses of milk or more every day can increase the risk of women's bone fractures. Those who drank at least three glasses daily increased their risk of bone fracture by 16%.

The cause of this can be attributable to a sugar called D-galactose, which is in natural sugar in milk, lactose, as it is believed to exacerbate oxidative stress and contribute to a low-quality chronic inflammation.Inflammation Can then wreak havoc on the body in different ways.

"Dairy products such as bold cheese and cow's milk contain saturated grease and saturated grease can increase inflammation", "Ashley Kitchens, Mph, rd, ldn say toEat this, not that!. "Saturated grease can also raise your bad cholesterol and highlight you higher heart disease."

However, researchers indicate that additional studies are needed before food recommendations can be made. Yet a different study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutritionhas shown that bone fractures due to osteoporosis in the elderly are the highest in countries that consume the most slag, animal protein and calcium.

So, if you are susceptible to bone fractures in the past or are currently treating bone fractures, check your cow's milk intake. Of course, make sure to talk to your doctor if these problems persist.

For more, be sure to read5 warning signs that you drink too much milk.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Dairy
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