7 testosterone-boosting foods

Best sex, more muscle, improvement of mental concentration: these are the advantages of testosterone stimulation at healthy levels.

On the other hand, a hormone deficiency a large masculine state that weighs some 13.8 million American men over the age of 45, according to the US census of data-is, well, far from to be sexy. The side effects of "low-T" include low libido, soft erections, hair loss, muscle loss, gain gain, depression ...

In fact, aHeartStudy revealed that this, the greater its risk of death of any disease, in particular heart cause the decline in a man's testosterone levels. Adding insult to insult, the Food and Drug Administration says there is little evidence that testosterone drugs are beneficial.

The good news is that you can increase your testosterone rate naturally, and the power supply plays a key role. So take a pen, note a grocery list of theseEat this, not that!-Approved, T-stimulating food and get ready to release your cable hard alpha male.



spinach healthier than kale

There is a reason why Olive Oyl has been totally struck with Popeye, and he may not have been his biceps muscles (wink of!). The spinach is one of the best food sources of magnesium, a mineral involved in muscle development that is essential for reproductive function in young and old men, active and sedentary.

A study Whether athletes compared to non-active individuals found that supplementing with 22 mg of magnesium per body weight pound over four weeks have raised testosterone levels in both groups. And two separate studies, one on a group of men over the age of 65 and a second on a 18-30 year-old cohort, present the same conclusion: testosterone levels (and muscle strength) are directly correlated at the magnesium levels in the body.

T-energize Tip: Get inspired by the marine man and the load on the green vegetables with leaves. Just a cup of cooked spinach supplies nearly 160 milligrams of magnesium half of your recommended daily intake of 420 mg, and twice what you will find in the equivalent portion of curly cabbage! You can add it to a smoothie!

RELATED: We found theBest recipes from Smoothies for weight loss.




It may not be a coincidence that Giacomo Casanova, who has been said to eat 50 oysters for breakfast each morning, reads half of Europe. After all, oysters are full of zinc, a mineral that raises testosterone while simultaneously increasing the hormone with both growth factor that stimulate muscle growth and physical performance (in and out of the bedroom).

A study showed that six months of zinc supplementation in the elderly men slightly deficient zincdouble Serum testosterone levels. AndAnother eight weeks trial have found that college football players who have taken a night zinc supplement showed increased T-levels and greater leg resistance that was 250 percent greater than a placebo! Holy Quadriceps, Batman! Research has also shown zinc deficiencies to be a risk factor for infertility caused by low levels of testosterone.

T-energize Tip: Get your Shuck on Happy Hour. Just half a dozen oysters on the half-shell will provide you with 33 mg zinc, nearly three times 12 mg RDA for adult men.



hot sauce

How are you? Well, how many hot sauce shakes can you manage? A recentstudy of France Men who have found a taste for spicy foods tend to have higher testosterone levels than those who can not support heat. Of the 114 male participants surveyed, researchers saw a clear correlation between frequent use hot sauce and higher T-levels. The authors of the study suggest that the results can be due in part to the capsaicin composed of fire to the chilli that the previous studies have associated at testosterone rates. In animal studies, capsaicin has also shown to increase the size of sexual organs, while simultaneously reducing belly fatbig belly. YOWZA!

T-energize Tip: Hot! Fresh chilis contain the most capsaicin, but the hot pepper sauces, like Tabasco, are another good option. The hottest of the sauce (or pepper), the most t-stimulant compounds.




Next to garlic knots or onion bread can increase your libido ... Check that your day has a slice too! Studies suggest a compound in the pink pink triggers the release of luteinizing hormone, which regulates testosterone production. A study showed up with garlic as part of a protein-rich diet could significantly increase testosterone levels. And a recent study of the animal found only 1 gram of onion per kg of body weight could stimulate T-levels of more than 300 percent in just 20 days. Garlic and onions both contain dialyle chemical disulfide, which stimulates the release of a hormone that stimulates testosterone production.

T-energize Tip:Fresh garlic and onion contain more nutrients than powdered substances and trench in bulbs releases phytochemicals. Consider buying fresh and mined garlic packaged in oil, which preserves all nutrition. And do not forget the respiratory mint!



brazil nuts

Bikinis, models, walnuts ... Is there something Brazilian who isnot sexy? Selenium is a mineral trace found in Brazil's nuts that play an important role in hormonal health. You only need a little bit for healthy sperm, but a small deficiency can be catastrophic for reproductive health. In a study, men who had a drop in testosterone and were infertile also had a significant lower selenium level than the fertile group. Complete with the improved mineral chances of successful 56% design. And a second study comprising 69 sterile men with low levels of minerals, selenium supplementation found could significantly improve the motility of spermatozoa associated with testosterone deficiency. In addition, 11% of men successfully impregnated their partners during the trial!

T-boosting board: Bust a walnut of Brazil! Men need at least 55 micrograms of selenium a day and you will get 68 to 91 mcg in a creamy Brazil nut. So do not go too nuts. The upper limit of the daily selenium intake is 400 mcg and could cause selenium toxicity.




Cruffer vegetables such as broccoli are rich in indole, the anticancer compounds that indirectly stimulate the production of testosterone by decomposing and rinsing the estrogen excess system, which inhibits the production of male sex hormones. As the age of men, their estrogen levels gradually increase, while testosterone levels fall. Indoles can help hit balance. In a study, supplement with indole-3-carbinol cruciferous vegetables for only 7 days cut the estradiol hormone estrogen in two for men. Another study revealed indole supplementation a significant increase in urinary excretion of estrogen in men.

T-boosting board: Indolge Indoles! Show at the estrogen that is the pattern with a large bowl of microwave broccoli (or cabbage, cabbage or cabbage from Brussels). New research suggests that the practical cooking method can also increase the antioxidant content of Veggie.




Eggs often went up in a discussion on reproductive health. This time we are talking about food eggs, as in omelettes and the role they play in the stimulation of testosterone. The egg boost hormone comes mainly from the yellows, rich in dietary cholesterol, in mono-and saturated fats - nutrients, once dismissed by health experts who have since proven positively influence the size and hormonal health.

In fact, studies on vegetarian and low greases both show reduced testosterone levels of about 12%. When higher fat regimes of at least 40% of calories, with higher consumption of saturated fat, show an increase in testosterone levels. Why? This is not the science of the rocket. After all, cholesterol constitutes the construction blocks from which testosterone is formed; Without this, the hormone simply can not synthesize. Organic eggs are one of the best food sources. In addition to essential fatty acids, an entire egg is rich in aspartic acid, an amino acid that triggers testosterone production.

T-boosting board: Do not leggo not your eggo! The American Heart Association no longer condemns the eggs in its guidelines, then enjoy some whole eggs a week, any style you choose, as part of a healthy and balanced diet. And remember: the quality of fatty acids you get will only be as good as the quality of your eggs; So madness on bio.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Hormones / Men / Sex / Sex Drive
By: sara
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