8 foods with more potassium than a banana

Lose weight and strengthen your overall health with these unsung superfails.

If you need to set up a list of potassium-rich foods, would probably stop after bananas. The star, the head, the one that is exposed to most public awareness: the bananas are on potassium what Adam Levine is Maroon 5.

That is, you would probably be trouble named another contributor. But while the knowledge of the other members of Levine Group will have little influence on your life, be warned about the many food sources of potassium beyond the banana can save your life.

Indeed, the mineral is essential for the heart, the kidneys and other organs of the body to function normally and most Americans do not receive enough. In fact,recent study found that 0.3 percent of the population, or 3 out of 1000 Americans, meet the currentThe recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) At least 3,510 milligrams per day of potassium. And the recommendation of WHO is pretty conservative; Federal Drug American Administration (FDA)officially increased theRecommended daily intake (RDI) of potassium to 4,700 milligrams, Which is planned to appear on the new Nutrition Focus label in 2020.

The increase in your potassium consumption through the consumption of potassium-rich foods will have a positive effect on your health. In fact,Newspaper of the American College of Cardiology to study found that the increase in your potassium intake per 1,640 mg can reduce your turnover of 21 percent. since theAverage American Consumes only 2640 milligrams of potassium a day, an increase in this magnitude is quite important, but it would not reach the RDI.

The good news is that you can increase your potassium intake without overloading bananas by learning about these unknown potassium stars. Not only do they boast more nutrients than average banana, but they are also packing a number of other health benefits that improve total health. We have rounded these foods rich in potassium using the USDA national nutrient database.

What are these potassium-rich foods up against:

Woman peeling banana

An average of 7 inches banana: 422 mg of potassium, 8.8% DV

And now ... 8 foods rich in potassium


PORTABELLA cooked mushrooms

Portobello mushrooms

Potassium Payoff: 529 mg per 1 cup, sliced ​​(11.3% DV)

The ancient Egyptians believed to eat mushrooms brought long life, and today's scientists now have the proof: mushrooms, because they are particularly rich in vitamin D, are one of the best edible immune boosters on the planet . In fact, a study to eat fungi to be as effective as a complement to the increase and maintenance of vitamin D levels - a nutrient that plays a vital role in the modulation of the immune system with aid infections. fight and diseases. And researchers at the University of Florida posted an increaseimmunity In people who have eaten 4 ounces of mushrooms cooked every day for four weeks.

Eating this! Advice: No need to crawl on the "exotic champis. Although POROBELLO mushrooms high potassium graphics, humble white mushroom also serves up to a 428 milligrams of healthy potassiumand At all, and in some cases, antioxidant properties more than more expensive varieties.


cooked spinach

Saute frozen spinach

Potassium Payoff: 839 mg per 1 cup (17.9% DV)

The spinach is like this guy in high school who was the captain of all sports varsity, the homecoming king, the king promand VALDICTORIAN. Rich in muscle iron, detoxifying vitamin E, vitamin k which stimulate the brain and compounds called thylakoids the canceling appetite, the leafy green and its many health benefits are confirmed by the study after study. The latest research suggest that a spinach service per day could combat dementia, mental decline by an average of 11 years.

Eating this! Advice:It's hard to eat too many spinach. Make the few bags at the beginning of the week and challenge you to sneak in all meals. We recommend that you opt for fresh frozen tips. Concocate a cup of frozen spinach do not fill with 574 milligrams of 265 mg potassium less than what you would get through the kitchen down the fresh stuff.


Tomato puree

Tomato puree

Potassium Payoff: Cup 549 mg per ½ (11.7% DV)

Americans eat more tomatoes and tomatoes produced than any other non-starchy "vegetables". And it's good news because researchers say that cooked tomatoes are particularly rich inlycopene, A powerful antioxidant proved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, skin lesions and certain cancers. A study in theBritish Dermatology Journal suggests antioxidant-rich tomato can also be the ultimate in Savvy skin food, offering anti-aging solar protection while increasing pro-collagen a molecule that gives the skin its tense, the young structure. So, who wants extra marinara?

Eating this! Advice: The cooked or dried tomatoes in the sun contain more potassium and more bioavailable lycopene than fresh varieties. Look for trademarks purchased in store without salt or oil added, and if you cook yours, consider you foller on organic. Research suggests that organic tomatoes can have higher levels of polyphenols and vitamin C of disease control than conventionally grown varieties.


Gland squash

winter squash

Postassium Gayoff: 896 mg by 1 cup of greed (19% DV)

Do not let the name fool you; A regular portion of winter squash can help you keep all year roundshiny. Eating a richly colorful vegetable diet gives a more healthy gilded glimmer and more attractive than the sun, a study in theEvolution newspaper and human behavior show. This safe glimmer of the skin is the result of powerful compounds called carotenoids that give a squash of its orange color and can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes among people hosting a genetic predisposition, according to Stanford University School of Medicine Research.

Eating this! Advice: There are many varieties of squash, each offering a healthy dose of potassium. Squash has the best taste of his peak season, so leave the "new test" to be your guide and choose everything that looks like looks, feel and feel the premium for picking on the market.


Potato cooked with skin on

Baked potato wedges

Postassium Gayoff: 926 mg by 1 means (19.7% DV)

Regularly increased by its sweet sister, it is easy to forget the health benefits of the humble White Tater - which is a pity, because at 110 calories, the oven potato is one of the weight loss foods more affordable and the most satisfied with the planet. An Australian study that measured the satisfaction index of 38 popular foods showed that the potatoes were more fulfilled than those notoriously "healthy" like brown rice and evenEat this, not that! favorite,night oats. And without consequence of your size, the search suggests.

Eating this! Advice: We do not recommend the diet of the potato, but a 2014 study revealed that just a few portions of spuds per day reduce blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without causing weight gain ... Condition you do not turn your bus from a French frieze, a chip, or stifle it with butter and sauce.



Avocado toast

Postassium Gayoff: 487 mg per half lawyer (10.4% DV)

A bit of Surachiever in the Department of Health, lawyer is like the queen of thehealthy fats parade. It is the monounsaturated fat content of a lawyer-20 grams by seeded fruit - that research suggests can help reduce cholesterol, the pangs of the hunger of Quell and even belly fat instead. In fact, a disease control center revealed that people who reported having eaten a medium-sized mid-size lawyer had a lower BMI (body mass index) and a smaller size, and has also consumed Significantly more fruits, vegetables, fibers and vitamin K vegetables.Lawyer: The gateway medicine to a healthier and leaner lifestyle.

Eating this! Advice:There are so many ways to enjoy the creamy goodness Avocado. In addition to the obvious salad breath, consider exchanging mayo for a lawyer crushed in your sandwiches or add a spoon of sweet fruit to your healthy smoothie for a very luxurious texture.


White beans, canned

White beans

Postassium Gayoff: 595 mg per 1/2 cup (12.7% DV)

Beans, beans are not just good for your heart. The inexpensive form of vegetarian protein and fiber is noted by health experts for its ability to reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, promote fat metabolism and reduce appetite. White beans areresistant starchSlow digestion of fiber that triggers the release of acetate - a molecule in the gut that tells the brain when to stop eating. In fact, a systematic review of clinical trials on dietary pulses revealed that people who ate a daily serving of beans (about ¾ cup) felt an average of 31% more complete compared to a control system.

Eating this! Advice: Dried beans tend to be slightly higher in fiber and slightly lower on the glycemic index than canned. For convenience, however, canned cereals are considered correct and can help break down some of the oligosaccharides caused by gas; Just check the label additives like sugar and carefully you rinse your beans before enjoying.


Salmon cooked wild Atlantic

Grilled salmon fish cedar plank

Postassium Gayoff: 890 mg net 5 ounce (18.9% DV)

Salmon can be high in fat, but studies suggest that oily fish can be one of the best for weight loss and cardiovascular health. In one study, participants were divided into groups and assigned to one of three équilichonweight loss dietsThis does not include seafood (the control group), lean white fish or salmon. Everyone lost weight, but the salmon eaters had levels of fasting insulin lowest and a marked reduction of inflammation - a result that researchers attribute part of the fatty acid content cardia-3 Salmon .

Eating this! Advice: Just two servings of salmon a week will help you answer the amount of heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids recommended by the American Heart Association. Wild salmon is leaner than farmed, which is sealed on the fish - and it also proved to be significantly lower in PCB related to cancer. So go to the nature literally!

This article was originally published July 16, 2015 and has since been updated to reflect the changes of nutritional information.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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