8 ways of lawyer can help weight loss

All hello lawyer!

Brendy, popular and a little flyering in the Department of Health, Lawado looks like the queen back from the flange of the fat parade. The lawyer is actually a mono-seeded bay from Mexico, but it is quite different from the blueberries and strawberries that you usually find in the product section. PackedA ton of health benefits, too much.

The number of calories in the lawyer far exceeds the1 calorie in a single raspberry; Every lawyer has322 calories and 29.5 grams of fat-10 to 20 times what you will find in any other item from the alley of products. So it is prudent to say that the lawyer can probably be considered a fat than a fruit. In addition, it is the monocesaturated fat content of a berry lawyer-20 grams, that researchers say it makes it so special and deserving food glory for health.

With his proven ability tolower cholesterol, the pains of the hunger of Quell, and even the belly fat on the spot, the lawyer is probably one of some perfect foods to lose weight. Discover why then dig in theseWays to eat lawyer To leave the delicious weight loss start! And to help you better stay on track, see these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Lawyer has been demonstrated to reduce belly fat

Woman measuring waistline

Researchers say that the cooking and finishing oils of varieties such as counsel rich in monounsaturated and oleic fatty acids can identify abdominal fat, which can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome - the name of a combination negative health markers associated with gain weight.

APENN STATE STUDY Found people who have consumed daily 40 grams (about 3 tablespoons) of high oleic oils for four weeks have lowered the belly fat of 1.6% compared to those who have consumed a mixture of linen oil / Carthame, which is relatively high in polyunsaturated fats.

A second study in the newspaperDiabetic treatments Found similar results: a diet rich in monounsaturated fat can actually prevent the distribution of body fat around the belly by regulating the regulation of the expression of certain grease genes.

A tablespoon of light and slightly hazel avocado oil is about 120 calories and 10 grams of monounsaturated fat-a nutritional profile almost identical to extra virgin olive oil. But unlike Evoo, avocado oil has a very high smoke point. So you can use it for swirls and swirl fries that are safe to create free radicals that can affect your health.


Lawyers are good appetite suppressors

Toastless avocado toast - avocado weight loss

A tank ofguacamole Can be one of the most well-known hunger squasters of man. In a study published inNutrition logParticipants who have eaten a fresh half-lawyer with lunch reported a 40% decrease in the desire to eat for hours. Only 60 calories, a spoon with two tablespoons guacamole serving (on eggs, salads, grilled meats, etc.) can provide the same satisfaction with a flavor punch even more.

Simply 86 chips and make sure when you buy GUAC purchased store that avocado actually brought into the pot. Believe it or not, many brands purchased in store make guacamole without the real fruit!


Lawyers can help improve the quality of global diet

Avocado berries chia seeds in blender for smoothie - avocado weight loss

You know that this friend who always seems to be the healthiest person you know? What is their secret? According to the National Health and Nutrition Review Survey (NHANES), a program of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) may be consistent with regular avocado consumption.

The results of the survey, published inNutrition log, noted that eating a mid-size half-aid-daily avocado was strongly correlated with a better quality of global plan and a risk of 50% metabolic syndrome.

Not only have the lawado eaters have not only reported a lower body mass index and a smaller waist circumference, but they have also significantly consumed more fruits and vegetables, as well as fiber and vitamin nutrients associated with the weightloss. Lawyer: The gateway to a healthier and leaner lifestyle. With eating more lawyers, make sure you try these10 the simplest habits guaranteeing weight loss!


Lawado helps you absorb more nutrients

Taco salad bowl - avocado weight loss

Bas-calories, rich in vitamins and full of important nutrients that can shrink at size, vegetables are a better friend of Dieter; But you will not have many benefits from a garden salad without adding a little fat, researchers say.

And when it comes to fat, the type found in the lawyers reigns in supreme. In a study, published inMolecular nutrition and food searchThe researchers have enabled salads of gentle participants with saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated grease dressings and tested their blood for the absorption of carotenoids in carotenoids and masculine disease combat compounds associated with weight loss. and improved grease.

The result? The vegetables filled with monounsaturated fat required the least quantity - only 3 grams - to obtain the most carotenoid absorption, while saturated grease and polyunsaturated grease dressings require higher amounts of fat (20 grams) to obtain the Even advantage.

Another study in theNutrition log I noticed that the addition of salad lawyer allowed participants to absorb three to five times more carotenoids. Give your Greens the ultimate thrust of nutrients with a tasty guacamole spoon, a few fresh lawyer, or a spoon of lawyer oil-based vinaigrette. These people to dress up people do not know what they are missing. But talking about vinegrete, be sure to clearly direct you from theseworst vinaigrette!


The lawyer can reduce "bad" cholesterol levels

Cholesterol test - avocado diet

The apples are so clipped. Researchers now say it's a lawyer a day who can really keep the doctor - and your cholesterol levels - at the bay. A study in theJournal of the American Heart Association Put 45 people overweight on one of the three different cholesterol lowering regimes for five weeks. A diet was lower in bold, with 24% of total calories from most saturated fats and did not include lawyer. A second non-lawyer regime was more moderate in fat, with 34% of total calories from primarily saturated fats. The third was also moderate in the fat, at 34%, but replaced some of the saturated fats with a tiny lawyer per day.

The result? Low density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" cholesterol, was 13.5 mg / dL lower among people at the lawyer's diet that the low-fat group - sufficiently sufficientlyReduce the risk of heart disease. The researchers attribute the results to the monounsaturated fat content of lawado (type of cardiac fat molecule comprising a non-saturated carbon bond), which can play an important role in lowering high cholesterol, a resistance factor to insulin, excess weight and obesity. So grab a spoon, a pinch of kosher salt or spice if you wish, and snacking.


Antioxidants of avocado neutralize free radicals damaging DNA

avocado toast

There is a war inside your body! Free radicals have launched an attack against mitochondria and sabotage your metabolism! What is what? Free radicals are oxygen-destructive oxygen molecules - natural by-products of metabolism - which trigger various chain reactions in the body that destroy cells and DNA, causing all kinds of health problems.

Fresh fruit and vegetable antioxidants can help neutralize some free radicals, but they can not reach the mitochondria base camp for the free radical army. And that's a problem; When your mitochondria does not work properly, your metabolism works less efficiently. Enter: lawyer.

The researchers say that Jive results with low disease rates in the Mediterranean countries where olive - nutritional oil similar to the lawyer is a core food.

In fact, the authors of the study predictavocado oil could possibly be called "the olive oil of the Americas". So put the white flag and pick up a green fruit; It's good for your metabolism and patriotic to start.


Lawyers can help reduce the risk of diabetes

Slicing avocado

Of course, the lawyer has straight a junk in all the right places, but fat is not the only thing the fruit has made for her. The lawyer also offers nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients essential to healthy weight management, including 14 grams of sound fiber and 66% (60 micrograms) of your daily need for vitamin K-a nutrient that helps to regulate the Metabolism of sugar and insulin sensitivity.

A study in the newspaperDiabetic treatments Found men and women whose vitamin K consumption was among the 25% of the highest subjects showed a lower 19% risk of diabetes development over 10 years compared to those whose admission was among the Fourth the lowest.

Green Are an even richer source of vitamin, associate it with a creamy avocado with your side salad and you have to get your fill. Stabilizing blood glucose has never been so tasty.


Lawyers increase metabolism and exercise endurance

soft boiled egg avocado toast

Pre-training supplements claim to give you this extra momentum that you have to sweat for a little longer than usual. According to researchers, the consumption of lawyers can provide the same energy boost, of course. A study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionCompared the effects of a three-week high palmitic acid regime (saturated grease) at a high equalical system in oleic acid (monounsaturated fats).

The subjects followed each plan for three weeks at a time, during which researchers evaluated physical activity and the metabolic rate after eating.

The results? Physical activity was 13.5% higher during the high oleic acid diet and post-meal metabolism was 4.5% higher than that of palmitic stretching.

The bottom line: exchange fried foods, baked goods and butter for snacks and oils that are rich in monounsaturated fat as a fresh lawyer or a lawyer oil for clean energy consumption. Keep your metabolism hot even after you left the gym.

And for more, learn how Deposit your metabolism and lose weight the intelligent way.

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