Guide to the best and worst foods for your kidneys
You may not think of these renal bodies unless you do it, but it's important to know what you should, and I should not, put in your body to strengthen renal health.

With regard to your diet, unless you know that you suffer from poor renal health, it is likely that you probably do not really think about which specific foods are good or bad for the two organs of the renal system. And even if you suffer from kidney disease, failure or other kidney problems, you can not know or adhere to a goodEvery day, best renal regime. While theStreak of your meal plan It depends on the scene of your kidney disease, it is important to understand what you should and should not put in your body to reinforce the health of kidneys, neither kidney cleaning, if you want.
"The kidneys are essential organs that help us maintain the fluid and electrolytic balance and eliminate the waste of our blood", "Patricia Bannan, MS, RDN, says. "People who have a kidney disease have not fully working the kidneys. Consuming nutrients that the kidney has trouble treating, includingprotein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus can damage the kidneys. "
Unfortunately, in addition to further damaging the kidneys and not stimulating kidney function, do not follow a healthy renal power supply forRenal disease management may also likely cause other health risks, including an increase inarterial pressureAn increase in protein in the urine and could also contribute to other bone health issues andcardiac health, according to Bannan.
"When your kidneys do not work as well as they should, fluids and waste develop in your body. Over time, waste and additional fluids can cause bone, heart and heart problems. Other health problems, "she says." A kidney-friendly meal plan can limit the amount of certain minerals and fluid that you eat and drink. This can help keep waste and the liquid build and cause problems. "
So, how do you know what to eat for a kidney-friendly meal?
Lucky for you, Bananan provided a list of the best foods approved for the renal regime, which obviously focuses on the health of your kidneys, as well as foods that will not help improve your renal health. SheAdvisor firmly consult your health care provider To learn which dietary choices are recommended for you based on your plan and specific treatment plan.
Scroll through the complete list of the best food for kidney cleaning and for worst foods.
First of all, here are the best foods for your kidneys.
In optimal renal health, it is ideal to consume healthy foods offering a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but are relatively low in potassium and / or phosphorus.
"Foods containing antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals in the body," says Bannan. "Foods thatprotect against oxidation Perhaps good choices for dialyzed patients or people with chronic renal diseases. "

If you want to eat fish, chooseSalmon, tona, mackerel, mackerel or hanberry herring, as they increase omega-3 fatty acids and mono-unsaturated fats in the diet.
"A meta-analysis ofResearch carried out in 2017 Revealed that omega-3 have been demonstrated to reduce proteinuria, a common complication of kidney disease, "says Bananan.
Egg whites

Like egg yolks contain a lot of phosphorus, which should be avoided if you suffer from kidney problems, just stay with theEgg whites For a healthy choice, a safe and a delicious breakfast choice.

The vegetable is rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and K, calcium, iron and magnesium. In addition to providing anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects, cauliflower is also an excellent source of fiber.Mashed cauliflower This is a great way to add more to your diet - they are easy to do and are overall a better choice instead of mashed potatoes.

Berries, especially blueberries, are an excellent source ofNatural antioxidants. They are also perfect for a renal diet because they are low in phosphorus, potassium and sodium and also reduce inflammation.
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Olive oil

Olive oil is an essential ingredient in the kitchen, so it's a good advantage. Olive oil also contains oleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory effects. More importantly for a kidney safety renal diet, olive oil is phosphorous. Opt for virgin or extra virgin for salads, marinades and sauteed because they are higher in antioxidants.

Not only does it feel the smell and delicious taste, but garlic also contains vitamin C and vitamin B6. Make sure to use garlic as a flavor booster during cooking instead of adding salt and always opt for garlic powder on garlic salt.
Red grape

Juicy and delicious fruit containsflavonoids, who are known to help prevent inflammation. A2017 study Even shown that the daily intake of grape grapes can help reduce the progression of renal disease. You can drink red grapes in the form of grape juice or incorporate them into different recipes.

Some people with kidneys may need to be on a low protein diet, but if you are not one of those people, chicken, specifically without skin, is a solid choice. The skinless chicken contains less fat, sodium and phosphorus than cutaneous chicken, that's why it's a good choice for a kidney-specific diet. In addition, it is easy to incorporate in countless recipes.

Yes, cabbage is delicious and super affordable, but most importantly, it is packed with nutrients and minerals, which are perfect for the health of the kidneys, as well as the health of the stomach. In cabbage you will find calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber, manganese, vitamin B6, folate, etc. It is also low in phosphorus and potassium, two minerals to avoid if you have a renal disease.

Red peppers are packed with vitamin C and vitamin A, whichImproves the immune system. Those who have kidney disease can have aCompromised immune systemSo more of these vitamins, the better. The vegetable is an easy ingredient to cook with too, because it can be used in a series of recipes like stuffed peppers and fajitas, as well as an addition to omelets, quenches, salads or sandwiches.
And now, here are the worst foods for your kidneys.
For healthy people, it is crucial to drink enough water so that kidneys can properly eliminate any excess waste. If you do not drink enough water, your body will not secrete enough urine, which can result in a dysfunction of kidneys, such as the creation of kidney stones. According toMedical instituteThe daily consumption of liquids is about 2.7 liters (about 11 cups) per day for women and 3.7 liters (about 15 cups) per day for men. However, if you have kidney disease and seek to improve your overall renal health, Bannan says you may need to limit your cash consumption. "It's because damaged kidneys do not get rid of the extra-fluid fluid as well as they should. Too much liquid in your bodycan be dangerous"she says." This can cause high blood pressure, swelling and heart failure. The extra fluid can also accumulate around your lungs and make it difficult to breathe. "
It is also important to reduce high phosphores, which are often limited for those with chronic renal disease, because hemodialysis suppresses only a small amount of blood phosphorus, "says Bananan. "When blood phosphorus levels become too high, it can increase the risk of developing complications such as weak and fragile bones and calcium deposits in blood vessels and organs."
In addition to phosphorus, Bannan says that some people need to limit potassium high foods if they have kidney disease.
"When on hemodialysis, potassium-rich foods are limited because potassium can accumulate between dialysis treatments, which can cause muscle cramps, fatigue, weakness, irregular heartbeat and even a heart attack," says -she.
Dried beans and peas

Dried beans and peas are very high in phosphorus. It is also ideal to avoid pretenser versions of beans and peas because they are known to be rich in sodium.
Dairy products

Dairy products, including milk, ice cream, yogurt and cheese should be avoided because the dairy naturally contains a lot ofPhosphorus and potassium.
However, dairy productsare Rich in calcium, so be just careful to associate too many dairy products with other foods rich in phosphorus and potassium if you are allowed to give you at a time.

While nuts (yes, this includes a propagation such asPeanut Butter) Are packed with nutrients and minerals, they are also unfortunately high in potassium, phosphorus and sodium.
Swap nut butters for more friendly kidney propagines, such as butter, margarine (both potassium free), jelly or jam.
Bran Products

Bran's products, such as whole wheat / grain bread, oatmeal and cereals contain a lot of phosphorus and potassium, so you are better from white bread if you suffer from kidney problems. In addition, many bread products tend to be raised in sodium.

Banana are known to be fruit rich in potassium there. Unfortunately, many fruits are high in potassium, then Bannan recommends avoiding fruit juices, including orange juice, tomato juice, prune juice, apricot juice and grapefruit juice.
Red meat / processed meats

Red and transformed meats are high in sodium, protein and phosphorus, which must all be avoided in a kidney diet.
"For people with diabetes and renal disease, this can make resistance to insulin worse," says Bannan. "A Research Review revealed that the limitation of red meat in the diet could potentially slow down renal disease, as well as reduce cardiovascular risk. "
Sweet potatoes / white potatoes

Soaking and boiling potatoes can help reduce potassium by50 percent, however, it does not eliminateall Few potassium in the potato. Sorry, but these will have to go if it's often a dinner side of the dinner you turn.

This night's vegetable contains a lot of potassium, so it's better to jump not only if you try cleaning your kidneys, but if you get to fight againstautoimmune disease, too much.Davita Kidney Care Recommends choosing onions, fungi, garlic or peppers instead of tomatoes.

Although there is usually a series of health benefits with regard toEat lawyers, the same thing can not necessarily be said if you undergo kidney issues. Believe it or not, lawyers contain more potassium than bananas, so they are a lot of non-not in an ironized diet.
A soda

In a surprise way, the soda must be avoided. Soda, specifically dark color varieties, contain added sugar and phosphorus, that the human bodyvery absorbed. Need more bunker money should always be avoided? Any of theThe most popular sodas we are classified by the way they are toxic will do.