Popular foods that lead to body fat, say experts

Looking to lose weight? Leave them on the shelves.

Try to understand what foods are quickly transformed intobody fat could confuse someone, especially if you start learningHealthy eating habits. Fortunately, we consulted a handful of dietitians and experts who shared what routine foods have the potential to pack on books. If you want to reduce and not understand why your diet has not worked, make sure that none of these popular foods slows down your progress and leads to body fat.

Read on to learn popular foods that cause additional body fat and get maximum results, be sure to check40 most serious burning foods Supercharge all your weight loss goals.




You could never guess, but yourPreferred complex unconsciously added a little fat in your meal plan.

"Sweet foods with artificial sweeteners such as Complex - tend to make people gain fat around the belly," saysHeidi Moretti, Rd. "Because sweet foods are very calorically dense and tasty, people tend to eat too much. In terms of metabolism, sugar is very detrimental to having in the blood, so that the body quickly turns it into a less substance Harmful, what is fat in the blood. This fat is then stored if it is not used immediately as energy. "

"Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners are not a free pass", continues Moretti. "Sweet sucralose food can increase glucose input into the cell, which can cause packaging to additional body fat because new research programs."




If you have noticed an extra weight building around your stomach, you might havealcohol to reproach.

"The excess of alcohol use is largely associated with increased adiposity, which is why we often hear the term" belly of beer ", saysDr. Uma Naidoo, Nutritional psychiatrist. "Chronic alcohol consumption is demonstrated to disrupt the intestine microbioma and can lead to a leaking intestine syndrome, which leads toinflammation and can increase body fat. Similarly, alcohol is high in "empty" calories, which means that it does not contain nutrients, and canaffecting Unhealthy food choices after consumption, which can increase the risk of obesity globally. "

When you want to indulge in an adult drink but avoid the consequences that come with alcohol, check15 best non-alcoholic drinks that are worth buying And find your next favorite or non-alcoholic socktail.


White bread

white bread

When it comes to managing body fat, keep an eye onWhite bread.

"When the wheat is refined to make this white flour that constitutes a lotProcessed foodsIt is stripped not only of most of its nutrients, but also its fiber and protein, leaving a product essentially any sugar and high on the glycemic index, "says Dr. Naidoo.

"When consumering, they are digested in the same way asadded sugars As shown above, "says Dr. Naidoo." They help to increase blood glucose and metabolic disease compatible with insulin and the resistance of laptin and increase energy storage in fat cells, or increased overall body fat. Due to the simplicity of these foods and their lack of fat and protein to slow digestion, the food processed with high blood glucose are in particularinsufficient and associated with surplus calorie. "

Instead, focus on consumption more than these9 best complex carbohydrates for weight loss.


Potato chips

potato chips

"This common snack often leads to an increase in body fat, especially if delivered too frequent," saysMatthew Oleesiak, MD. "In fact, ato study Found potato chips as the food likely to lead to the greatest weight over a period of 4 years compared to potatoes, sweet drinks, processed and unprocessed meats. "

"The potato chips are loaded with grease, refined carbohydrates and salt," says Dr. Olesiak. "All three work together to depend on them, a good reason why you can not eat one. 'It often leads to eating a high calorie food, with a resulting weight gain."

"In addition, refined carbohydrates of potato chips are particularly bad for size because they are often stored as fat," says Dr. Olesiak. "When you eat refined carbohydrates stripped of digestion digestion fibers, they are decomposed very quickly with the resulting glucose spilled into your blood all at once. This causes a rapid increase in blood glucose and triggers a release of insulin. Grease storage hormone. Part of this glucose is used immediately for energy. The rest is converted to grease for long-term storage. So, if you eat potato chips and other refined carbohydrates, Most calories will be stored as grease. "

If you like a good chip and you do not want to give up the treat, do not worry! Take a look at the11 Best Brand Name Chips for Weight Loss And get your snack.




Little food can match sweet and fried kindness found in a donut. Although this morning, the pleasure has tasted great, too many donuts can lead to excess body fat.

"Donuts Are loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates that cause a rapid increase in blood glucose that temporarily satisfies your hunger, "says Dr. Olesiak." Meanwhile, the pancreas releases a secretion of insulin equally great to quickly erase glucose from your blood and move in your cells. "

"As glucose enters your cells, you encounter an increase in energy that lasts only 20 minutes", continues Dr. Olesiak. "But like glucose in your blood declines quickly, your energy. That's why you are often tired after eating refined carbohydrates and added foods. You will also feel hungry again and reach another donut-or two or three. This can easily add up to 1,000 empty calories [or more] leading to an increase in body fat. Plus, most calories in refined foods are stored as fat. "




If you thought you could escape you withmargarine Instead of butter to keep an extra fat building, guess again.

"We went to see the margarine, especially low-fat margarine, as the food that the doctor ordered to review his trans fat and his nature as an artificial,Ultra-transformed foods Associated with fat and chronic illness and to accept butter formerly "bad" as a natural propagation of choice, "says Dr. Julie Miller Jones, in the CNS.

"The weak fade in bold has led to the development of many products without fat, which caused many consumers to believe that they could eat unlimited quantities - after all the label said" free ". This erroneous error meant That some cases have consumed large quantities of biscuit or fierce cake and did not lose weight, but gained it instead. "

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