What is spirulina and should you try it?

We called a registered dietitian to break down the health benefits of this supplement and trend powder.

You may have noticed that pre-runner Smoothie companies likeJuice or evenHerbal protein bars includingShanti are drinks and food with a greenish blue ingredient known as Spirulina. And there is a chance that you may have thought, what exactly is it? Well, it's a hot topic in the world of health right now, that's why we decided to tell you what spirulina is.

Sydney Greene, MS, RD, gives an overview of what spirulina is, the health benefits it provides and how much you should consume daily.

What is spirulina?

"Spirulina is a blue-green microalgue found in fresh and marine waters," says Greene. "It is also grown because of its growing popularity. Spirulina is harvested, frozen and sold in the form of tablet and powder in most health food stores and many food companies added it to snackbars With energizing drinks, snacks, energy drink, granola and oats for its health benefits and pretty color. "

Maybe you have already heard of Blue Mafik?Blue Majik is simply a pigment extract of spirulina, phycocyanine. Spirulina powder, on the other hand, is derived directly from the alga itself.

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What are some of the benefits known for the health of spirulina?

We asked Greene to list some reasons why you may want to consider integrating spirulina into your diet.

1. It is high in protein.

"Spirulina is primarily known for its high protein content," says Greene. However, in order to consume 15 to 20 grams of protein per meal, you should complete it with other high protein foods. For example, a spoon of spirulin yield powder6 grams of protein, which is a lot, considering that it is only 45 calories. Add spirulina tosmoothies with a plain portionGreek yogurt In this to increase this consumption of protein.

2. This is a good source of iron.

A spoon of spirulina powder (9.9 grams) contains pretty much4.3 milligrams of iron, which represents about 24% of the recommended daily allowance for women aged 19 to 50 and about 54% for men of the same age group. It is particularly important for child-aged women to keep their iron consumption, mainly because of howmenstruation Can exhaust the supply of iron from his body. For a perspective, women aged 19 to 50 need18 milligrams of iron Every day, while men in the same age range need only 8 milligrams.

3. It's detoxifying.

"Phycocyanine is the protein pigment complex that gives the algae its blue color," says Greene. "The complex binds to metals in the body, helping to detoxification."

Do not forget that Blue Majik is what is extracted from the pigment and it is known to offer support forAntioxidant and cellular protection, which can help reduce oxidative stress and, in part, promote natural detox processes.

4. It contains magnesium.

Magnesium is amineral trace who helpsSupport the health of bones and heart and can helplighten anxiety. Magnesium is also associated with a reduced risk ofcerebral accident. A tablespoon ofdried spirulina (7 grams) contains about 14 milligrams of magnesium, about 2 grams more than what you would receive in a1/2 cup of spinach.

Who would most benefit most of the spirulina in their daily lives?

Greene says that strictvegetarian and vegan would receive the most benefits, mainly because they are more subject to iron deficiencies and less likely to receive adequate proteins. Spirulina helps reduce the risk of fatigue, lack of concentration, irritability and weight gain.

"For plants, I recommend adding 2 spoons of spirulina to a smoothie or sprinkle it on a fruit salad at breakfast," she says. "You can also add 2 tablespoons to oatmeal with coconut milk if it does not bother your funky blue color. Adding cinnamon to coconut milk will cut all bitter taste."

Is it generally safe to mix with other supplements and medicines?

Greene says spirulina is generally safe. However, it is important to consult your doctor before adding your diet, especially if you are taking prescription medications. It would not recommend spirulina supplements to pregnant, lactating or individual women who have kidney or liver problems. It is also very important to identify where spirulina caused before taking it.

"Concerns about the safety of spirulina comes from its ability to absorb heavy metals from an environment," says Greene. "Ideally, it is cultivated in a controlled environment, free of pesticides and fertilizers, and away from access to pollutants. The organic and non-GMO label is also something to look for. I recommend laboratories of Consumers as a resource, as they are third -test a lot of supplements there. "

Categories: Healthy Eating
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