The worst bread you should never eat, according to a dietician

The bread is not the demon whose many of us do, but this particular bread is something you should consider spending your diet.

One of the biggest alleys of the grocery store is the alley of bread. There arehundreds of options to view through. Loaves on breads on breads. It is therefore not surprising that it can be confusing and overwhelming to determineWhich is actually the healthiest for you.

Is bread healthy for you?

The answer to if the bread is healthy in brief is "sometimes". Bread is an excellent source of whole grains, which are sources of astonishing nutrients.

"Eat whole grains such as 100% whole wheat breadProvides our body With essential nutrients, such as food fiber, healthy greases, b vitamins, iron, magnesium, vitamin E, antioxidants and phytochemicals, "saysRoxana Ehsani, MS, Rd, CSSD, LDNDietetic nutritionist registered in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Eating whole grains has been linked to a decrease in the risk ofColon Cancer,Type 2 diabetes, andcardiopathy.

"Thanks toalimentary fiber Found in whole grains, eat whole grains can also helpSupport a healthy digestive tract"Said Ehsani." Eating whole grain bread can even help keep its blood glucose more stable than eating white bread thanks to the food fiber that is digested much more slowly by your body and provides slow and regular release of energy over time. "

But all the bread is not healthy ...

Despite many benefits of eating bread, some breads can be unhealthy for some reasons, including:

  • When it is done with white flour. "The bread that is made with enriched or white flour lacks nutritional value," says Ehsani. "When bread is made with refined flour, germ (healthy fat) and sound (fiber) are also removed with some vitamins and minerals."
  • When it is done with a lot of fat. For example, brioche bread manufactured with a lot of butter, garlic bread can be filled with butter or oil, or any other type of sweet bread like Pan Dulce or Challah can be done with a mixture of butter, Oils and sugar, Ehsani notes.
  • When it is filled with additives. "Some loaves with a long service life, may have a lot of additives, preservatives or adding salt or sugar to extend its shelf life," says Ehsani.
  • If you have a celiac disease or gluten allergy. "Bread can also be unhealthy if a person with a celiac disease consumed it," says Ehsani. "Eating regular bread and not gluten-free bread for these people can cause an unfavorable and / or dangerous allergic reaction." (In touch:9 warning panels that you are integrated gluter.)
  • When you eata lot of this one. "The bread can be unhealthy,If a person is eating in excess of quantities Or if a person chooses only bread to consume and ignore all other types of grains, "says Ehsani." For example, if a person chooses only bread to eat at each meal, but does not eat a variety of other types of grains out there, they could have missed on the unique nutrients found in Quinoa, brown rice, Farro, buckwheat, oats or any other type of total grain or old grain. Each of these grains has a slightly different nutrition failure, a high protein protein, others in fibers or other vitamins or minerals. It is therefore better to vary your choice of grain, when you follow a healthy food pattern. "

So, what is the worst type of bread?

There is really a type of bread that is the worst for you:Bread that has a long list of ingredients.

"If you think about it, making your own homemade bread bread, it's usually everything you need is flour, water, yeast and a pinch of salt," explains Ehsani. "But when you buy your own bread, you are confronted with a list of much longer ingredients! Check the list of bread ingredients, one with a long list of ingredients can have added preservatives, loads or additives. "

According to Ehsani, these preservatives / loads / additives do not provide your body with a nutrition source and are generally added to the bread to extend its shelf life and create a more desirable product, such as a softer textured bread.

"Refined grains can even be bleached with chemicals that can reduce certain vitamins in bread and some of them may even beHarmful for human health"Ehsani Notes". It is best to search for one that contains mainly ingredients that you can recognize, such as a mixture of other grains, that is to say. Whole wheat flour, whole grain rye, whole wheat flour, germinated (grain). "

It also notes that other highlights of the worst choice of bread include a low fiber.

"If your bread bread has 0 grams of dietary fiber, look for at least 2-3 grams", explains Ehsani.

And if possible, avoid those made with white flour because it removes super healthy wheat parts, including germ (healthy fat) and sound (fiber), as well as vitamins and minerals.

"Instead of looking for a bread that has an entire wheat flour as the first ingredient in the list of ingredients," says Ehsani

Choose a healthier option

If you are overwhelmed by all the choices of the bread drive, keep in mind the following to choose a healthy bread, according to Ehsani:

  • Concentrate on the fiber. Search one that has at least 2-3 grams of food fiber by slice, it will keep you longer and more satisfied.
  • The managed bread is a great option. "Managed bread uses all grain when making bread and some products add other grains and legumes in bread, banging its total nutritional value," says Ehsani. "Gerder breads are generally highest in global fiber and slice protein."
  • Look for whole grains. "You can always include refined grain products, keep it in mind, the2020-2025 Dietary Directives for Americans I recommend doing half the grains you eat whole, "says Ehsani." Look for the entire grain approval stamp on bread products to find out if it is done with whole grains or not. (The stamp is yellow and even lists the percentage of whole grains. Search one that says 100% whole grains.) "

And if all the rest fails, consider doing your own bread at home so that you know exactly what's up!

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