Major effects of wine drinking on your health

You may get more than you negotiated with this supposed drink good health.

That you liked to have a glass of Chardonnay with your lunch or can not make you famousPasta sauce Without adding a seam of pinot, countless people considerwine An essential component of many meals. However, while you can imagine that you get out of your way to better health with each glass, theBenefits that you harvest your wine The contribution has a lot to do with how much you consume, your biology and other possible risk factors that you can not even realize.

Before paying another drink, read it to discover the main effectsdrink wine At your health, according to science. And for some food additions virtually everyone could benefit fromThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Wine can increase your risk of oral cancer.

pouring red wine

While many people know itAlcoholic beverages As wine can affect their liver health, it is not as commonly known as these drinks can have a profound effect on a personRisk of cancer North of the neck too.

In fact, a 2004 study published inOral oncology Discovered that, similar to other alcoholic beverages, wine was associated with an increased risk of oral cancer and pharynx cancer, with increased risk with total alcohol consumption.

You want to better protect your health? Start by abandoning the50 the worst foods never eat if the cancer runs in your family.


Wine can increase your risk of total cancer.

white wine

If you want to reduce your risk of cancer for life, you may want to increase your wine consumption from now.

According to a 2019 research article published inBMC Public Health, Drinking a bottle of wine One week increases the risk of cancer in the life of a person as much as smoking five cigarettes for men and 10 cigarettes for women.

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Wine can reduce your risk of liver scars.


While alcohol has a reputation for being harmful for your liver, wine can have less harmful effect on this vital organ than other types of alcoholic beverages - in fact, it can have a protective effect.

According to a 2018 study published inThe American Journal of Gastroenterology, in patients with non-alcoholic foie gras disease, those who drank non-droolted wine were less likely to have liver scars than those who drank other types of alcohol or no alcohol.

READ MORE:Beverage habits that can cause liver damage, according to science


Wine can reduce your cardiac risk.


You probably heard that wine isGood for your heartAnd research suggests that it is true - when consumed with moderation, at least.

A 2001 study published in theInternational Journal of Molecular Medicine I found that resveratrol of polyphenol in red wine can help protect against heart disease. However, further studies have found that high rates of alcohol consumption - but not specifically wine consumption can increase the risk of a person fromDifferent types of cardiovascular diseaseIt is therefore important to keep these drinks at a minimum.

For more ways to protect your cardiovascular health, start by cuttingThe 50 foods related to heart disease.


Wine can reduce your risk of dental caries.

Kelsey Knight / Beldshash

If you want to keep these whites pearly healthy, make some of the wine from your usual routine is a good place to start. A 2018 study published in theAgricultural food chemistry log I found that the Caffaeic and P-coumaritis acids found in the red wine made more difficult for bacteria that form a dental plaque and cavities to adhere to teeth and gums, decreasing the likelihood they cause. a decomposition and a disease over time.

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