This bottle of historic wine lives only $ 30,000

It is over 200 years old and it is always drinkable.

How much would you be ready to spend on abottle of wine It was, say, destined to be a gift for an emperor?

For a good bottle of wine at a reasonable price,wine experts Recommend expenses between $ 15 and $ 25 on a bottle. It's for the average person, however. And although some may be tempted to spend between $ 50 and $ 200 on a single bottle for special occasions, there are few who buy those who come with price tags equivalent to those you will see on a new car Or even a house. But private collectors exist and are constantly looking for rare discoveries.

RELATED:This is the real difference between Pinot Noir, Cabernet and other red wines

So, now that you know a market like this one existing, it is probably not surprising to hear a bottle of wine (known as Grand Constance 1821), has recently been sold for $ 30,000? This particular bottle was however reserved for Napoleon Bonaparte, he died even before having the chance to try it.

emperor napoleon

Greater Constance 1821 is supposed to be one of the dozen 200-year-old 200-year-old wines that still exist today. According to the wine auction of Cape Fine and rare (CFRQA), where the wine was sold to its new Owner delighted, great constancy allegedly one of the most coveted wines of his day, asFood and winereports.

Produced at the Groot Constantia vineyard in South Africa, sweet red wine has been appointed in 2019 and is considered orally, even after two centuries. And believe it or not, $ 30,000 are not even close to the rare villete bottles of bottles.

For example, when the 2018 Burgundy Sotheby auction sale of Burgundy,A private collector bid $ 558,000 on a single bottle From 1945 Romanée-Conti-breeze the world record for the highest price of any wine bottle ever bought for an auction. How did this successfully be worth more than half a million dollars? It is extremely rare, with only 600 bottles of French wine made that year and very little stay so far. In addition, after the harvest in 1945, the vineyards were torn and the vineyard was completely replanted, which means there is no wine like this vintage gem.

For more, be sure to checkThe reason # 1, you should not drink wine every day.

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