6 reasons to start drinking kefir

People of lactose-intolerant and dairy lovers can benefit from this drinking yogurt of probiotics.

Kefir is one of the most underestimatedSources of probiotics, usually eclipsed by his close cousin, yoghurt. But while Kefir is considered a potable yogurt, its advantages far exceeds its spoon counterpart. Kefir is made by combining milk with kefir cereals, which constitute a mixture of bacteria and yeasts, yielding a drink containing up to 30 strains of healing bacteria.

Probiotics are essential for maintaining a healthy and flourishing microbiome, which plays an important role in the conservation of our digestive systems that shorten an immune system, an immune system on its game, weight by weight and our balanced hormones. After reading these six solid reasons to start drinking kefir, jump on the train by storing your refrigerator with these9 best probiotic rich kefirs for your intestine. While the drinks Tartine is super refreshing when sipping alone, you can also add it to high fiber cereals, smoothies, homemade salad dressings and even use it as a base for the chia pudding.


It's lactose-friendly

Yogurt with banana

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, your daily probiotic solution probably requires venture to the outside of the dairy driveway. However, the addition of kefir to your diet is a smart move considering that the drinking yoghurt has been found to improve lactose digestion and tolerance in adults with Maldigestion of lactose, a study in theNewspaper of the American Dieetic Association reports. Lactic acid in fermented dairy foods (such as kefir and yogurt) helps to break down lactose, which facilitates the digestive system.


It can reopen weight loss

Woman measuring waist

The study after study showed that the protein increases satiety and helps reveal the metabolism: two key factors that stimulate weight loss. A portion of a kefir cup generally packs in approximately 8 to 11 grams of proteins, in particular a mixture of dairy-based lanter and casein. Casein digests more slowly than other forms of protein, helping to maintain satiety and muscle synthesis longer. Ato study published in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Discovered that women who have eaten four daily portions of dairy products, including Kefir showing significantly larger reductions in weight, BMI and waist circumference than women eating only two daily portions of low dairy products. fat.


This can mitigate allergies

Man sneezing

Whether you choose the kefir dairy or the kefir of soy milk, the two options have shown promising results in terms of prevention of food allergies. On ato study in the newspaperScience of food and agricultureKefir has been found to remove the response from immunoglobulin E (IGE), an antibody produces when the immune system achieves a reaction to an allergen. Not only that, the fermented drink showed a significant decrease in bacteria derived from meatClostridium Perfringens (C. PERFRINGENS), one of the most common sources of food poisoning.


This can prevent cancer

Breast cancer support group

Ato study in theBrazilian newspaper of microbiology Spare the light on the discovery that fermented dairy products, such as Kefir, may remove tumors in early phase by retarding enzyme activities that convert pro-carcinogenic compounds into carcinogens. The study suggests that Kefir potentially contains anti-tumor properties and promotes resistance to intestinal infections.


He can keep your intestine in check

Milk and fruit
Carissa Gan / Googs

Probiotics are notorious for their ability to improve and maintain the health of incidents - including protection against certain gastrointestinal diseases. While H. pylori is closely associated with peptic ulcers, chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer, hasmeta-analysis in theGlobal Journal of Gastroenterology Shows that probiotics can eradicate the symptoms of this bacteria. In reality,Lactobacillus Species (found in Kefir) relieved undesirable side effects associated with H. pylori therapy, resulting in an increased number of patients who completed their eradication treatment as well as the total success of the eradication of bacteria.


He maintains strong bones

Woman working out on beach

Most kefirs contain about 30 to 40% of your daily calcium value, a critical nutrient to maintaining strong and healthy bones. While Kefir can certainly help you reach your daily calcium goal, a study in the Osteoporosis Journal I found that the drink can also help your body better absorb calcium to help improve bone mass. For more eco-friendly foods, do not miss The 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Yogurt
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