More than 40 years? Here are the best foods to eat every day

Add these nutrients to your plate is the key!

Hate to break it, but once you areMore than 40 yearsthe risk of suffering fromMultiple chronic diseases increases. Your body starts to operate and react differently than when you were younger, for example, your organs might not work as effectively because ofCellular damageand it's common to haveproblems affecting several organs at a time.

Just say that when you hit your fourth decade, you must still adopt healthier habits to move awayterms Such as arthritis, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis, back pain, visual problems and more.

The best way to better take care of yourself? You guessed he ate the right diet, a balanced. Nutritional deficiencies (such as calcium) can lead toosteoporosis, back pain and weakening muscles. On the other hand,excessive nutrients-Even those who are considered "healthy", cause packaging on excess weight and that, in turn, can lead to hypertension, obesity and more.

For older people of the quarantine, eat healthy most of the time to consume "a diet focused on anti-inflammatory ingredients and antioxidants," explainsTrista Best, Rd, MPH, LD. "It's really important to help prevent and reverse chronic conditions and diseases."

Start with this delicious list of food to eat when you have more than 40 years. Then, for simple means of incorporating these foods, see our list of the list of100 recipes the easiest you can do.




According toMelissa Mitri, MS, RD, bays such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are packed withantioxidants.

"They are also an abundant source of vitamins A and C, which can help delay inflammation that can lead to wrinkles and skin damage," says Mitri.

So, the berries are good for your interior and your exteriors. Antioxidants help to limit theDamaging cell oxidation process, thus preserving the health of the cells.

Better also emphasizes thatblueberry are dense nutrients, which means they are low in calories and nutrients.

"One mug of blueberries contains 4 grams of fiber and nearly 25% of RDIs for vitamin C, she says. Fiber contributes to the feeling of being full (andHelp removing belly fat), while vitamin C is important for your immunity.

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Nuts and seeds

nuts and seeds

Nuts-Such like nuts, almonds and pistachios, as well as flax seeds, chia seeds and sunflower seeds, are essential for more than 40 years.

"Nuts and seeds containomega-3 fats, as well as vitamin E, which plays a role in maintaining our skin elasticity as we get older, "said Mitri". In addition, vitamin E is an antioxidant that can improve our immunity, helping us fight infections. "

"Nuts are a natural source of essential nutrients that support our overall health; a study showed that women who eat nuts, such as walnuts, mid-lifeHave a greater probability of health and well-being globally to older ages, "saysLauren Manaker, MS, RDN.

Eating nuts can also help maintain healthy blood pressure - and, since arterial pressure is high, is a risk factor for heart disease (theTop Killer in America), Find ways to manage cardiac health greater than 40 is the key.




"Fat fish, such as salmon, tuna and sardines are rich sources ofomega-3 fats, which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the skin of aging, "says Mitri." They also keep your edge brain and can even have the potential to reduce the risk of Alzheimer later in life. "

Omega 3 Fats are one of the most important nutrients in your body for other reasons too.

"Hormonal changes in the 1940s can increase the risk of many conditions of health, including heart disease," explainsRima Kleiner, MS, RD. And omega-3 help maintain a healthy heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.



leafy greens

"The leafy greens (such as cabbages and spinach) contain high levels of anti-aging vitamins, minerals and fibers that can protect our cells and DNAs," says Mitri. "You can enjoy green green green in a salad or garlic salary and a drizzle of olive oil to get your daily dose."

Kleiner points out thatGreen Also a good source of calcium and vitamin C, which help maintain strong bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis as we get older.




"Lawyers are rich in healthy fat, are anti-inflammatory and support young skin", explains Mitri. "Due to the healthy fat content, they are also satisfied and can help with weight control."

Again, after 40 years, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with changing hormones and lawyers can support a strong Ticker.

here isA major side effect of eating lawyer, says dietitian.


Calcium-rich foods

calcium rich foods

The levels of estrogen of women begin to decrease in quarantine quarantine, whichnegative impact the absorption of calcium.

"To help keep the bones strong and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, add more calcium-rich dishes, such as yogurt, cheese, broccoli, leafy greens, almonds and seafood - to your Food ", advises Kleiner. "Canned fish with bones, such as salmon, sardines and anchovies, as well as crustaceans (think clams, crab and shrimp) also contain calcium."

In addition, consult our list ofPopular foods with more calcium than a glass of milk.


Foods rich in protein

high protein foods

"Including protein at each meal and the snack is smart at any age, but especially for people aged 40 and over since we start losing muscle mass as early as 30 years," says Kleiner. "Eating healthy proteins for your heart throughout the day, with force-training - can help preserve muscle mass."

So be sure to include protein at breakfast (eggs, smoked salmon and crab are good sources), lunch (think of salad with beans, shrimps or scallops), snacks (such as jerk, without added sugar) and dinner (meat proteins such as salmon and grilled chicken).

For more protein ideas, see our list ofThe best forms of lean protein that you can eat.

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