13 drinks during a longer life, let's say to doctors

Doctors say these drinks can help prolong your life.

In ancient China, the emperors impatiently solicited a magicto drink This would give them that young eternal and alchemists have continued to try to concoct this supposed miracle cure, commonly known as "Elixir of Long Life" until the 19th century. Unfortunately, it seems that no one does not interest a recipe for this legendary potion really offering immortality. The good news? Doctors say there are a lot of drinks to sip a longer life.

Inevitably, when you meet acentenary--Or Someone over 100 years old - Your first question will be: What is your secret? And some people attribute their longevity to certain unorthodox habits. For example, a 104-year-old Texan credits his long life atDrinking Dr. Pepperand another resident of New Jersey, aged 110, points to his habit ofDowning three high life miller a day.

Although we certainly could not tolerate swellingsweet soda Or beer (and obviously doctors can not either), there are many other sippers with health benefits. Who knows? The incorporation of these drinks into your daily diet could very well add a few years to your life. And for more than one healthy diet, consult our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


The water

water glasses

Let's start with the obvious: your body is about 60% water, to make sure each system is working properly, you must keep it hydrated. On aHarvard Medical School Health Report, Help with digestion, carrying nutrients and oxygen in your cells, rinse the bacteria of your bladder, protecting organs and tissues, as well as maintaining the electrolytic equilibrium (sodium).

Cardiologist Dr. Leonard Pianko, MD also notes that the water can promote your longevity by maintaining your level of blood pressure within normal limits.

The quantity ofwater you need to drink Every day depends on your diet, your level of physical activity, sex, size and other factors, you may want to consult your doctor for an individualized response. That said,National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine Recommends for men to drink about 3.7 liters (about 125 ounces) per day and women drink 2.7 liters (about 91 ounces).

Dr. Andrew Ordon, MD, Facs, Co-host of doctors, advises to have a glass of hot water and lemon first thing in the morning after your awakening.

"It gets the metabolism, moisturizes your body, satisfies you a little so that you do not overlap, swallow your system, reduces bloating and gives you a vitamin C always necessary," he says.

here isWhat happens to your body when you stop drinking water.




Pay attention to allCoffee Lovers: Your daily dose of Java could very well prolong your life. In reality,A 2018 study, who analyzed data of about half a million British adults, found that coffee drinkers - even those who drank Decaf - were less likely to die from a range of diseases during the study period 10 years old.

"In addition to containing antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, there have also been studies indicating that coffee can reduce the risk of liver, Parkinson cancer, heart disease, heart disease, colon cancer. And the arc, "says Dr. Pianko.

The addition of a ton of cream and sugar could obviously deny these health benefits, so it is preferable to perfume your coffee with a splash of unsweetened nut milk or 2% milk and nut nuts from nuts and cinnamon nuts, which are known forStabilize your blood glucose.

As for brewing your Java, an observation study 2020 published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology I found that the filtered coffee was much better for health than unfiltered coffee such as the type of French press) - which was actually associated with higher heart disease and death rates. This gives meaning, since a cup of unfiltered coffee contains 30 times more Diterpenes, compounds that areKnown to raise your LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels, a cup of filtered coffee.

Just make sure to keep these7 warning panels that you drink too much coffee in mind.


Green tea

Green tea

A cup ofgreen teakeeps the doctor away, that's how the sayingshould go.

"Theantioxidants In green tea, immunity and protect your cardiac health by reducing cholesterol, "says Dr. Pianko.

In reality,Japanese Research revealed that green tea drinkers live longer andA 2020 study suggested that green tea consumption is linked to a reduced death risk in diagnostic diagnostics with type 2 diabetes.

Dr. William Li, President and Medical Director of the Foundation of Angiogenesis and author ofEat to beat the disease: the new science of how your body can healAdds that green tea leaves are loaded with natural bioactive chemicals called catechins.

"These can hung cancers by cutting their blood supply, while lowering your blood pressure, improving the metabolism of your body and stimulating your stem cells to regenerate your interior organs," he explains . "All these activities can support you to live longer."

here isWhat happens to your body when you drink green tea.


Red wine

Pour glass red wine

Pinot Noir, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, whatever your red of choice, you have a full permission to break it for a night glass.

"The advantages of redwine Come many natural bioactants found in the skin of red grapes used to make wine, "says Dr. Li." Among them, Resveratrol, which helps slow down cell aging and improve vascular health. "

A Harvard study revealed that drinkingThe red wine is associated with living a longer lifeAnd according to Dr. Pianko, this may be due to the fact thatStudies have shown A link between moderate red wine consumption and the reduced risk of heart disease.

But before getting a recharge, consider that the keyword here is moderation. Have kept theThe recommendation of the American Heart Association To limit your consumption to no more than a glass of 4 oz wine a day if you are a woman, or two glasses if you are a man.


Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice cocktail

Cranberries are packed with healthy polyphenols, known to haveAntioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as flavonoids, which are bound to bothImprovement of cardiovascular health and inflammation. Unfortunately, Dr. Pianko stresses that most of these benefits are in the cranberry's skin, which is eliminated in the justice process.

Always,A comment 2020 discovered that drinking cranberry juice can help "considerably" improve blood pressure and another study connected by drinking low calorie cranberry juice to aReducing risk of heart disease. In addition, a recent study published in the journalNutrients Revealed that adults who have consumed cranberry juice were more likely to have a lower waist circumference and lower risk of being overweight or obese than those that did not waved it.

According to Dr. Li, drinking cranberry juice can increase Tamma Delta T cell levels, which are involved in the immune response, as well as in virus control cytokines.

"These effects make cranberry juice to drink a booster of health defense that can help support longevity," he said.

Be count, however, from the sugar content. Your healthiest option is to buy 100% cranberry juice without added sugar and followGuidelines for Health Experts by drinking more than 8 ounces a day.

here isThe 7 best brands of juice juice and to avoid at all costs.


Green juice

Woman holding green juice beach

AGreen Smoothie Is not it just a convenient way to get your fruits and vegetables, it could also add to your life. Therefore, why Dr. Ordon suggests whipping a first thing of juice in the morning. His favorite recipe? Upage three carrots, an apple, half an orange, a celery rod and half an inch of fresh ginger.

"It is packed withfiber To help eliminate the water, gives you a small amount of carbohydrates for energy, especially because it is full of vitamins and minerals, "he says.

Dr Li also notes that some light broccoli, Kale, Spinach and Bokouch-deliver of Sursforphane and other natural bioactants who support your immune system.

"A stronger immune system helps you live longer by fighting the diseases that attack the body from the outside, like viruses, and those that attack from the inside, like cancer," he adds.

Cote your green juice with a notch by addinglawyer-What is filled with monounsaturated fats that can help reduce cholesterol and move heart disease. A study published in the newspaperResearch against cancer Even found that the molecules in lawyers targeted stem cells of an aggressive type of leukemia, which is all the more reasonable to add this creamy fruit to your mixtures.


Karela juice

karela juice

The citizens of Okinawa, a group of islands between Japan and Taiwan, are known for their exceptional longevity, often attributed to bitter melon,a staple in their diet.

There is evidence that also supports it. First, a portion of 100 grams of bitter melon contains a relief84 mg vitamin Cwhich is up to100% of the recommended daily amount. Vitamin C is an important nutrient that is involved in disease prevention.

Studies have also shown that some of Karela Juice compounds may haveCancer Fight Properties and that they canIncrease your HDL cholesterol (good) while decreasing LDL cholesterol (bad), promotingcardiac health.

Since surplus consumptionBitter melon juice can cause abdominal pain,Among other unpleasant annoying symptoms, it is better to drink a small amount - about 30 milliliters to start. You can mix raw fruit with water to make Karela juice (add a pinch of lemon and / or honey to disable bitterness), or you can boil dried or dehydrated slices in water to make tea melon bitter.

here isThis diet can improve your cardiac health, a new study says.


Mushroom tea

mushroom tea

Did you know that people drankmushroom Tea for its health benefits for thousands of years? Those who follow traditional Chinese medicine considers fungi as "Elixir of Life" - and more precisely, the mushrooms of Reishi areassociated with immortality in Chinese culture. There is also a reason for this: these mushrooms contain compounds called triterpenes that canImprove the functionality of all your vital organs. A2017 study The mushrooms also determined also have a high concentration of two antioxidants (ergothionine and glutathione) that protect your cells from free radicals, which can damage aging. Reishi mushrooms in particular contain complex sugars called beta-glucans that can helpPrevent cancer cells from growing and spreading.

The fungus tea, which has a distinctly earthy flavor, can be found in pre-manufactured tabacs containing a combination of mushroom extracts and tea leaves. Or, you can make yours at home. Anyway, make sure you check your doctor first to make sure that the drinking fungus tea consumption involves any of your medications.


Tomato juice

Tomato juice

One of the main guilty of aging in your body is inflammation. In fact, when he is unchecked, he can put you on ahigher risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and intestinal illnesses. According to Harvard Health, one of the best ways to handle chronic inflammation is from your diet.

Tomatoes Are one of the foods that can help combat inflammation due to their lycopene content, which has also been demonstrated to reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol. A 2005 review published in theEuropean newspaper of internal medicine I revealed that the consumption of high lycopene-rich tomato products - including juice can reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Not only that, but Dr. Li notes that lycopene has been shown that the risk of prostate cancer in men.

In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are full ofbeta caroteneVitamins C and E and other antioxidants - all key nutrients that can promote good health. Make your own tomato juice is always the healthiest option because you can control the amount of salt added - but if you decide to buy some at the supermarket, first make sure to take a look at Sodium content.

You can have even more tomatoes in your diet with these33+ recipes based on easy and delicious tomatoes.


Pomegranate juice

pomegranate juice

Not only aregrenades Packed with flavonoids, but they are also an excellent source of antioxidants (such as a punaticagin), whose consumption can protect your body from daily toxins and oxidative stress. One of the reasons why the juice of Granada is so high in the punaticagin is because the crust, which is full of theseBeneficial compounds, is used in its production.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION,a study found that drinking 50 milliliters of grenade juice a day cut off cholesterol and reduce the damage to the arteries in people with reduced arteries, andanother study I found that a daily glass of pomegranate juice improved the blood flow on the heart (resulting in a reduced risk of heart attack).

"Granada juice contains Ellagitannins that improve the health of your gut and can strengthen immunity," says Dr. Li.

As with any juice, it is advisable to always opt for a product with a minimum of added sugar, this way you can fully appreciate the unique pievor of the fruit.


Blueberry juice

blueberry juice

Like the juice of Granada, the blueberry juice containsHigh levels of antioxidants- Similar anthocyanins - which can protect your cells with the negative effects of free radicals in the environment or when your body breaks down certain foods. To start,blueberry The juice is a phenomenal source of vitamin C, which plays a role in maintaining the health of bones, the repair of your body's tissues and the healing of wounds.

For maximum health benefits, search for organic blueberry juice, 100% pure withoutadded sugar.




Since Kombucha is made from tea, it should not surprise it contains theSame antioxidant advantagesPolyphenols. But Kombucha goes a step further - after crossing the fermentation process, these drinks gain probiotics, which are friendly bacteriaknown to support intestinal health. It is remarkable since a healthy intestine is associated with better global physical health - in fact, a2018 report concluded that a balanced microbiome can result in a stronger immune system. Kombucha also contains acetic acid, which is famous for itsAntimicrobial properties. In other words, it can be able to kill harmful bacteria in your body.

When do shopping for akombuchaMake sure you buy one that contains only water, tea leaves, scoby and a minimal amount of sugar. In addition, it's a good idea to consult your doctor before drinking Kombucha if you are pregnant or have a GI or self-immune disorder. here are the11 best Kombucha Kombucha brands you can buy.


Smoothies based on yogurt

blueberry smoothie

Talk about probiotics,yogurt is known to be another power with regard to this "good" bacteria. However, in order to pull these advantages, you must choose a product containing the "live and active cultures" logo.

Yogurt is loaded withproteins, vitamins and minerals than milkAnd thanks to its acidity, it is much easier for the body to absorb some of the nutrients it contains, such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. According to the University of Tufts, research confirmed that people who consume yogurt on standards are more likely to have lower blood pressure and have a better time to handle their weight.

So, the next time you search a smoothie, try adding 1/2 plain cup, low in fatGreek yogurt-Pas that this habit could potentially help you live longer, but it will also result in richer and more satisfied mixtures. Start with theseThe best Greek yogurts, according to nutritionists.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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