19 magnesium benefits you did not know you Needed

Discover all the health benefits of magnesium has to offer reduced headaches to more energy.

We all hear about the importance of vitamin D, calcium, andomega-3s Every day, but it's not so often, we intend to talk about the advantages of magnesium. It's a shame because the benefits of magnesium are really varied. This mineral can help mitigate - or even to prevent many of the problems that many of us experience.

Learn more about 19 magnesium advantages and how to adapt to more magnesium in your life.


There is a reason that magnesium is called "essential".

Portrait of stressed mature woman with hand on head looking down. Worried woman wearing spectacles. Tired lady having headache sitting indoors.

It could be difficult to believe, but magnesium is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including the brain and muscle function, according toMEDLINE PLUS. Ignore the need for your body for that and you will feel shabby; Headaches, muscle pain and overall fatigue are common indicators that you do not get enough magnesium in your life.


You need more magnesium than you do.

healthy pregnant woman

According toNational health institutesPeople need a little magnesium every day to maintain appropriate levels.

  • Adult females need 310-320 milligrams a day
  • Pregnant and lactating women need up to 360 milligrams
  • Men need the most: at least 400 milligrams a day to stay balanced

Hard water is a good source of magnesium.

carbonated water

Few of us drink more hard water, thanks to the process of water purification. This process gives us clean water, but it comes out of natural minerals - namely magnesium and calcium found in hard water. According to a report of theWorld Health OrganizationThe indigenous communities that consume hard water have shown fewer problems of cardiovascular disease compared to Aboriginal people who have entered more urban contexts.


It is better to get the magnesium of food.

Crispy garlic kale chips

You will reap the most magnesium benefits if you do integers rather than complements.Foods high in fiber are big sources. Good foods rich in magnesium include:

  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Fish
  • Bean
  • Lawyers
  • Banana

And do not expect to do a lot of your favorite snacks: food processing techniques used by manufacturers remove most vitamins and minerals in foods, including magnesium.


Pumpkin seeds and kelp are large sources of magnesium.

pumpkin seeds

Believe it or not, just half a cup of pumpkin seeds provides nearly 100% of your daily magnesium needs. Kelp, a type of seaweed, might not be the most common food on your menu, but a portion of the green stuff contains 780 mg magnesium. In addition, bananas are an excellent source of potassium, but an average fruit room also provides 15 grams of magnesium.


Chocolate crowd? You may need magnesium.

Chocolate covered strawberries

We all love a delicious piece of chocolate from time to time, but if you can not get enough? It's time to get magnesium. According to a study of theMedical Center from Arizona UniversityChocolate lovers could be obsessed because their bodies wanted the benefits of magnesium. Chocolate chocolate - especially dark chocolate - contains about 24% of your daily magnesium needs, making it a good (and a delicious!) Source.


You may need to take a magnesium supplement.

Woman taking pill

It might be better to get magnesium from food, but it's not always possible. It's there thatsupplements Enter, but all are not created equal. According toNational health institutesThe magnesium in forms of aspartate, citrate, lactate and chloride is better absorbed by the body than magnesium oxide and sulphate forms.


It is better to make a pair of magnesium with calcium or vitamin D.

Magnesium and calcium are the best friends because the magnesium helps attract calcium into the bones, keeping them hard. This helps prevent osteoporosis and some forms of arthritis. In addition, magnesium andVitamin D Work well together. That said, there is a school of thought that recommends taking magnesium separately from other vitamins because it is generally taken in large doses. The best bet? Get a recommendation from your doctor.


... but not with zinc.

Zinc on spoon

Zinc is another important nutrient, but it is best not to take large doses with magnesium. According to a study in the newspaper of theAmerican Nutrition CollegeHigh zinc doses (more than 142 milligrams a day) can throw the magnesium balance in the body and maintain it properly.


... and not with some antibiotics.

Sick woman sitting on couch wrapped in blanket

It seems strange since magnesium is essential for the body, but you should not take extra supplements if you are on some antibiotics. Antibiotics that contain aminoglycosides affect the muscles and, since magnesium affects the muscles, it could cause problems. , Some antibiotics like quinolones can also affect the amount of magnesium of the body can absorb. Magnesium can also link tetracycline antibiotics, which reduces the healing powers of the drug.


He will help you sleep better.

sleepy woman lying on stomach wearing pants

To feel agitated when you try to sleep? You probably need magnesium. Magnesium helps the function of GABA receptors in the body and the nervous system. The GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps calm the body without it, we remain tense and awake. This calming factor is the reason why many choose to take magnesium supplements before bedBest sleep.


Magnesium can help relieve migraine pain.

Asian woman sitting on the sofa and having an headache

Migraines are one of the most confusing conditions in the world, but it is believed that at least some of them, especially the migraines are-premenstrual caused by low levels of magnesium. The reasons are not well understood, but he believes that magnesium helps to relax muscles and blood vessels of the brain.


And helps the grease of the beat belly.

Woman grabbing belly fat

May seem notbelly fat lose? It could have something to do with your magnesium levels. Magnesium plays an important role in the function of insulin, which allows the body to effectively convert glucose into energy. If your magnesium rate is in check, you will reap a host of benefits, including more energy and less belly fat. Count on us!


It helps keep your heart solid.

Young woman clutching chest

Heart disease is a big killer of men and women, but adequate magnesium has been shown to help keep the gap. A study of people participating in theHonolulu Heart Program found that men who took over 320 mg, less than the recommended daily dose-showed that only four out of 1,000 participants developed heart disease. On the other side, men seven out of 1000 who watch less than 320 milligrams have developed a heart disease.


Caffeine is the enemy of magnesium.

Make cold brew at home
Andreas Palmer / Unsplash

There are million payments and one tocut the sodaBut here another: it can make you a magnesium deficiency. The reason: excessive caffeine makes it more difficult for intestines to absorb magnesium. You can avoid that by consuming more magnesium, but at some point you will not be able to get enough to compensate for the difference.


If you work a lot, you need magnesium.

Gym bag weights sneakers shoes water bottle phone music

Magnesium is important for athletes because of its benefits for heart health, but it is also shown to help the body rebuild adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that is broken down during exercise. It also helps the body burning this energy more efficiently, reducing the amount of lactic acid that is formed after exercise. Less Lactic acids less muscle pain. In addition, the myorelaxant properties of magnesium also help to relieve painpost workout.


It helps regulate your mood.

Woman eating salad

Magnesium affects many neurological processes, including brain parts responsible for mood levels. According to the National Institutes of Health, the real link between magnesium levels and depression are not fully understood, but a reportMagnesium in the central nervous system stipulates that magnesium supplementation was as effective as tricyclic antidepressant imipramine in the treatment of major depression.


It reduces your risk of cancer.

Patient Having Consultation With Female Doctor In Office

Magnesium, in its very essence, helps preventinflammationin the body. Inflammation is revealed to be one of the main causes of a number of diseases, including cancer. Low magnesium cells are lower, which leads them to be more sensitive to other invaders. A meta-analysisMagnesium Research found that low magnesium negatively affects cell permeability, which has been shown to initiate carcinogenesis (or cancer formation).


Magnesium helps your movements of the intestine to be more regular.

Grab toilet paper bathroom

One of the most unknown magnesium advantages is that it is often used as an emollient because it helps to draw water from waste, making it easier to get through. In addition, its effectiveness as a relaxing muscular facilitates, well, relax the muscles responsible forwaste disposal. The relaxed colon muscles means it will be easier to push things through.

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