All ways to cook classified eggs!

Blurred in sunny sun, we reveal the nutritional nuances of your favorite egg style.

"How would you want your eggs?"

This is a question that you have probably been asked several times after placing a breakfast order. But before answering your usual, have you ever stopped thinking that your preferred method can influence the amount of nutrition you receive eggs themselves? Even if you did not do it, we are about to tell you anyway.

Research shows that a simple way to maximize the health value of the powerful egg is to choose the appropriate cooking method. Below we will describe the general method associated with each cooking term, poses the advantages and disadvantages of each, then give our final verdict: a note from 1 to 5 with one being the worst and five being the best. Whatever the way we rank each cooking method, keep this in mind: whatever the cooking method, eating eggs is healthy and even if there are differences in nutrition, they are very minor . And when it comes to which egg cardboard that you should even seize the shelf, do not miss our exclusive guide:26 things you need to know before buying an egg cardboard.

Our criteria

eggs different colors

To understand our criteria, you must understand the benefits of an egg. These were the criteria we have judged on:

Amount of protein

This extremely versatile food is one of the cheapest and dense nutrient-dense sources of protein. In addition, the egg is systematically classified as one of the highest quality proteins; Which means, the protein found in eggs is more efficiently used by our body for growth, according to a review published inThe Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. Methods that optimize protein consumption (found in egg whites) have been rewarded.

Availability of micronutrients

Innumerable micronutrients are in the egg yolks. Eggs are the main source of vitamin B-vitamin, choline, and are found in the top 20 dietary sources ofmetabolism-Goth of selenium vitamin D, mood and immunity and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and energy promotion (riboflavina) and B12. Depending on how you cook eggs, levels of these nutrients can considerably decrease, so we promoted methods that have preserved most of these nutrients.


With regard to weight loss, calories count. Some cooking methods require grease, such as oil or butter. A soup butter spoon can add 100 additional calories to your morning meal. However, if you are not concerned about your weight, you do not need to be concerned about these cooking fats - if you choose the right guy, that is to say. We recommend either butter or extra virgin olive oil: a 2016 study published in the journalPlos a Discovered that there was no link between butter and heart disease (plus, grass butter is actually an excellent source of fat fatty acids in fat) and EVOO is rich in healthy and healthy cardiac mononaturated fats and Antioxidants of the fight against the disease. On the other hand, the cooking of your eggs in the vegetable oil means that you increase the intake of omega-6 fatty acids, a group of grease that causes the size of the sizeinflammation. Because we do not know what kind of fat that you or a restaurant uses - or how much - we plunged cooking methods that included a cooking fat.

Raw eggs

free range egg yolk

Some people alone drink raw eggs or add them to help to increase the amount of protein.


A small pro is that raw eggs contain higher levels of vitamin A than cooked eggs. According to a report published in theInternational Journal of Food and Nutrition SciencesVitamin A1 concentrations (retinol, necessary for the view, skin maintenance and human development) were 20% lower in cooked yellows than those found in raw egg yolks. Fortunately, you should not be too concerned about the reduction. In the USDAUpdate of the nutrition labelThey decided to suppress vitamin A of one of the classified nutrients, because "now, the vitamin A deficiencies in the general population are rare."

The inconvenients:

You increase your risk of salmonella (eggs should be heated at 160 ° F to kill bad bacteria) and only half of the protein from raw eggs is absorbed by your body (compared to 91% in cutaneous eggs, according to one study published in theNutrition log) In addition, raw eggs contain AVIDIN, a protein that binds to vitamin B biotin-A that helps keep your shiny and gloss locks - and prevents it from being absorbed. Avidin cooking diets, so that it no longer prohibits the absorption of biotin.

Final verdict: 0/5

The risks of here outweigh the benefits - we recommend cooking your eggs.

Egg whites

egg white omelet

Egg whites have become fashionable because US public health officials believed that cholesterol consumption found in egg yolks could raise your cholesterol cholesterol levels, which can ultimately lead to increase your risk of Cardiac attack and stroke. Now, experts have discovered that this is not the case. In fact, the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines have removed the 300 mg dietary cholesterol limit, referring to the fact that all available evidence suggests that there is no relationship between the consumption of a dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol levels. (The truth is that eating eggs can actually helpCollate your cholesterol.)


Only one egg white provides you about 3 grams of protein (which is surprised! - Half of the total of the total of the 6 grams of protein found in an entire egg) for only 15 calories, while the yellow contains an equal 3 grams of protein for 60 calories. So, leaving yellow, you can get an equal amount of protein for fewer calories.

The inconvenients:

You miss the plethora of micronutrients and healthy fatty acids found in the nutrient-dense yellow, including selenium, riboflavin, vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin B12, folate, iron, vitamin A, vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and choline: AB -Vitamine that helps prevent the accumulation of belly fat. In addition, you have to crack an egg to remove the yellow, so really the only way to cook egg whites is a cooking grease. And finally, if you buy egg whites in a cardboard, you probably consume one of the20 foods that you can not trustSince many of these products contain unnecessary additives and are made with aquatic whites.

Final verdict: 3/5

Because the whites are a source of low calorie protein, we had to give them accessories, but all saved calories can easily be canceled using an inflammatory oil for cooking. If you look at your calories, you can certainly load you on the egg whites, but we recommend eating at least one yellow because it offers many hard-to-obtain nutrients are not commonly found in other foods (namely, , choline, selenium and vitamin D). For example, to make a three egg omelet, include three egg whites and egg yolks to free 120 calories compared to the use of three whole eggs.


fried egg chives

It can be the best way to photograph eggs through the focus of the method on this glittering golden yellow, but few cooks at home take a stab to the meticulous cooking method. Why? This is because the top of the egg never touch the heat, so that the whites can move sticky and baked in cooked if it is correctly done. A cook will crack an egg in a nonstick or buttered stove and do not return the egg. So that the cook top, the chef will leatch the top of the egg whites with the extra cooking grease at the bottom of the pan, slowly cook the egg over medium-low heat so that the bottom does not burn but l 'Egg thigh through, or place a lid on the pan to allow the steam to cook the egg.


When cooked properly, the sunny side eggs will provide all the nutrients of a yellow flowing while using a bit of cooking fat.

The inconvenients:

Since the egg is not returned, the sunny side eggs may not be cooked enough to eliminate bacteria and could pose a health risk.

Final verdict: 4/5

Too easy

eggs over easy fried

This version of a flat egg is made by cracking an entire egg in a saucepan with a thin layer of cooking grease. Before the underside of the egg begins to brown, all the egg (with the yellow intact) is returned and let it cook on the other side, causing cooked egg whites and a cast yellow.


The flip means that you are less likely to consume crusal egg whites (which means a more bioavailable protein!) And your yellow is still full of micronutrients easily absorbed.

The inconvenients:

Pass the egg on the egg also means that you superimpose another level of fat.

Final verdict: 3/5

Too hard

bacon egg cheese breakfast sandwich

To make an egg over the hard, one would crack an egg in an oiled saucepan and break the yellow. The egg is returned and let it cook completely on the other side. Thus, egg yolk and egg whites are fully cooked.


You eat all the egg yolk and white!

The inconvenients:

When you cook an egg yolk, you can considerably reduce its levels of antioxidants and heat-sensitive nutrients. When frying yellows, aAgricultural food chemistry log I found that you could lose up to 18% of the Xanthophyll levels of an egg: a class of carotenoids that transmit their radical cleaning capabilities freely. In addition, you get a double layer of grease by returning the egg to cook both sides.

Final verdict: 3/5


greek yogurt eggs

The eggs are cracked in a bowl and scrambled until the whites and yellows are combined. Some people can add water or cream at this point. Beaten eggs are added to a buttered or oiled stove, often over medium-high heat. By using a spatula, the eggs are moved continuously around the pan so that each part of the beaten egg touches the heated pan.


If you add a touch of water to your eggs, the added liquid helps create steam during cooking, making eggs lighter and potential. You eat both the egg and the white. Quick cooking time also means less than a chance to damage heat sensitive nutrients.

The inconvenients:

The interference eggs often means eggs too cooked, unfortunately. When eggs are cooking, egg proteins form tight links. As they get closer and get closer to each other and become too hot, they start shooting the liquid of the sliders (your eggs will look like will serve you on a wet plate). The problem with escaped water can eliminate some water-soluble vitamins, namely one of the vitamins that manufacture eggs an important food source: vitamin B12. This essential vitamin is found only in animal feeds (an egg offers about 10% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin), and vegetarians often risk vitamin B12, which can cause inflammation and problems. health. Scrambled eggs are also notorious to be cooked with a lot of butter.

Final verdict: 3/5


spinach omelet eggs

If you asked five people how they make an omelette, you would probably have five different answers. There are different techniques for Americans, British and French. The omelette can be a style of country or dinner. They are filled or served complaints. They all start with beaten eggs. Some cooks add a little water or cream to fucked eggs. Then, the beaten eggs are poured into a stove, some use a saucepan on low heat, a higher heat. Some methods move eggs around the pan, creating sliders and uncooked parts are cooked by lifting the edge of the omelette to allow the flowing that flows flow below. Once cooked to your preference, the omelet is rolled or folded in half.


You eat all the egg and, because omelettes are usually served with vegetables, you have a greater probability of entering your daily green!

The inconvenients:

Omelettes can be cooked for a longer period to completely cook the top of the eggs that can never touch the hot stove. In doing so, you have a higher probability of losing heat sensitive micronutrients found in the yellow.

Final verdict: 4/5


eggs benedict lose weight brunch

This fat-free cooking method consists of lowering a fissured egg in simmering water and allowing it to cook for 4 to 5 minutes. It follows the baked whites with a flowing yellow.


Although studies suggest that organized egg white proteins are more easily digested because they are already distorted, some research has found a raw or flowing yellow contains up to 50% more nutrients than a yellow cooked to the cup.

The inconvenients:

Costs,AA grade eggs are the best eggs to use during poaching. These are the best quality eggs with thick and farm whites. If you do not find this note, your poached egg will probably create egg whites cars after dropping it, which can mean that you end up consuming less protein than if you have cooked the egg to the help from another method.

Final verdict: 4/5

It is a fat-free method that keeps the yells flowing, but if you do not have good eggs, you risk losing a large amount of protein-rich whites in the poaching liquid.


fresh hard boiled eggs

The hard eggs are cooked in their shells in a saucepan of boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. This length of cooking time allows both egg white yellow and egg yolk to solidify fully.


This fat-free cooking method retains all eggs.

The inconvenients:

If you have already peeled a hard egg, you know that sometimes a part of the white is blocked at the shell, which means that you can miss protein. (We know it's pretty insignificant). More importantly, a study published in theAgricultural food chemistry log found that the boiling method of eggs caused the largest reduction in the antioxidant content in egg yolks (22.5%). The affected antioxidant is lutein: a known bioactive compound for playing a role in maintaining eye health. This is probably caused by the long period of cooking time.

Final verdict: 3/5

The possibility of surpassing eggs can result in significant nutritional losses.

Boiled soft

soft boiled egg toast

The eggs are placed in a saucepan of boiling water for 5 to 6 minutes. This length of cooking time completely cook the egg white while allowing Yolk to remain ahead.


The same hard eggs: without bold and you keep all the egg. In addition, because the yellow remains executed, you preserve more than its nutrients sensitive to heat.

The inconvenients:

Only that you can lose a little white egg when you peel the egg.

Final verdict: 5/5

This is our favorite method of cooking an egg! It's low in calories, kitchen high protein rich all along and retains all the micronutrients of the yellow.


egg muffins

Whole eggs or scrambled eggs are cracked in a cup or muffin box and cooked at 350 ° F until cooked on the control. Some add butter to the top.


You will end up supporting the entire egg and this method is the practice, so you do not have to slaughter on the stove!

The inconvenients:

A cooking grease is inevitably used to prevent eggs from sticking to cup or tin tin. In addition, prolonged cooking time can harden eggs and reduce nutrient levels. In fact, according to a study published in the journalfood chemistryWhen the eggs are scrambled and then cooked in an oven of 350 ° F for 40 minutes, only 39 to 45% of the vitamin D found in the eggs was maintained. On the contrary, when you have curled or boil eggs, you can keep 82 to 88% of vitamin D eggs.

Final verdict: 2/5

The dietary sources of vitamin D being limited (most people "consume" vitamin D by sun exposure), the fact that cooking decreases vitamin D levels resulted in a significant amount of time in their notes.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: eggs
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