10 Nutrients your diet is missing

Coronavirus disrupted your daily routine and diet, which can lead to disastrous nutritional failures.

You can not deny that Covid-19 has changed the relationship of America with food. WhileTakeout and Drive-Thru are always optionsMany Americans cook at home more (and perhaps for the first time) with recent social distancing rules in place. Whipping Up Nutrients can be delicate when trying to eat processed food filled with carbohydrates, sugar and grease. And it's more important than everStore your pantry, fridge and freezer with a variety of foods To help your body stay healthy.

However, as some foods may be out of stock every time you head to the grocery store, you can start realizing that your diet has started to pass when you have been quarantined. You may be able to turn on processed, canned or frozen foods for most of your meals (because they are thefoods that tend to last long), which can lead to eating less cool and dense nutritious whole foods to which you are used to.

To keep your health and your plan on the right track, we asked for three dietitians recorded for the key nutrients you should seek during this period (or supplement if necessary) and the food packaged with each. To find out more about food that is worth added to your diet during this time, read on the11 nutritional foods eat during quarantine.


Vitamin D

cod liver oil

To keep your immune system in advanced shape, make sure you get enough vitamin D. "Vitamin D is essential to immune health. Have adequate levels of vitamin D and complement with vitamin D reduce the risk of obtaining harmful colds, influenza and respiratory tract, "says Dietian registeredRobin Forout, Mrs., RDN, HHC, integrated medicine dietine and spokesperson for the Nutrition and Diet Academy.

And that's not the only reason you should add vitamin D to your diet for quarantine. If you stay in more hours of the day you have made before coronavirus, your skin notes less sun. "In the winter months, anyone who does not generally supplement a vitamin D deficiency or insufficient levels of vitamin D" says Findan.

"While some foods have small pieces of vitamin D, it is virtually impossible to get enough vitamin D food to get your blood levels in an optimal beach," says forout. That's why she advises that take a complement of "2,000 to 5,000 IU per day caught with a meal. Especially if you spend most of your time inside. "

Food to eat more vitamin D:

  • Cod liver oil
  • Red salmon


cooked quinoa

"Adding proteins to meals Helps keep you full. Protein is essential to satiety, our muscles and our bones, "says Sammi Haber Brondo, MS, R & D, CDN, dietary nutritionist registered and owner ofVegetables and chocolate. "Although it is unrealistic to expect all your meals to contain sources of fresh and varied protein, you can get more protein frompantry staples alone. Many stable canned food, dried and frozen are actuallyLarge sources of protein. "

Food to eat more protein:

  • quinoa
  • Canned beans
  • Dried lentils
  • Walnut butter

RELATED:10 canned foods, you should always keep in your pantry



Pumpkin seeds almonds sunflower seeds magnesium foods

"Magnesium is required for more than 300 chemical reactions in your body, so it is essential to make sure your body works optimally," says Findan. "With regard to immune function, magnesium is required to activate vitamin D. So even if you take enough vitamin D, but you are insufficient or insufficient in magnesium, vitamin D will not protect you actively."

She says, "By some estimates, 80-90% of the United States do not receive enough magnesium. Because we need magnesium to make calming neurotransmitters such as serotonin, low magnesium rates can actually contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.Alcohol and caffeine deplete magnesium levels, so it's something to keep in mind when we appreciate a happy hour. "

Foods to get more magnesium:

  • Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Seed Butter
  • Spinach
  • quinoa
  • Almonds
  • Cashew nut
  • Black beans


fresh thyme

"Antioxidants A wide category of plant chemicals, AKA phytonutrients. They play a decisive role in global health,inflammatory balanceand immune function. These compounds help inflammation of body balance, which is essential to immune function, "says ForoutTo". While all plant foods are high in phytonutrients and antioxidants, some specific edible herbs are particularly high in compounds that help your body fight viruses, support your immune system and inflammation balance. "

Foods for more antioxidants:

  • Thyme
  • Oregano
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Resveratrol
  • L-theanine

Vitamin C

Red yellow green bell peppers

"Vitamin C is one of the first lines of the defense of our body against any type of inflammation. This particularcoronavirus is noticeable to trigger uncontrolled inflammation when our immune system tries to fight it. Thus, the more vitamin C and other antioxidants, the better your body can balance any inflammatory reaction, including the type of inflammation that our immune systems start against bacteria and viruses, "says Findan.

"Taking 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams a day has been shown that the duration and severity of upper respiratory infections in children and adults. In times of stress (physical and emotional stress), our adrenal glands operate overtime, this Which means that they are overtime. Using vitamin C. So, our requirements are currently higher than usual. "

Foods to get more vitamin C:

  • pepper
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Lemons
  • Papaya
  • Strawberries
  • kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Citrus

"If you can have your hand on a buffer vitamin Cextra charge, I recommend taking it at this time in addition to eating foods rich in vitamin C, "said Forouttan". Because we are all stressed, we will need a lot of vitamin C and a supplement can help ensure that our blood levels are kind and high. "



Crispy brussel sprouts

"Green and green vegetables are among the richest food sources. But these foods can often go hurt earlier than grief vegetables if you shop less frequently," says "Whitney Linsenmeyer, PhD, Rd, LD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Assistant Professor of Nutrition at Saint-Louis University. "Choose robust green vegetables (that is, Brussels sprouts will last longer than asparagus) and do not be afraid to proud frozen or contained versions."

Food to eat for more folate:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Fortified breakfast cereals


Delicious oysters with slice of lemon and glasses of white wine, top view

"Zinc is super critical for appropriate immune function and works in different ways," says Foretan:

  1. It supports the physical barriers that our bodies secrete to protect us from viral infection (aka mucus)
  2. Zinc ion shape interfere with viral replication
  3. Zinc increases the activity of our innant immune system and can increase the activity and growth of white blood cells. This micronutrient is also required for our adaptive immune cells to recognize infections and manufacture antibodies.
  4. Micronutrients protects against oxidative stress and inflammation caused by the combat activity of our immune system.

"While eating foods rich in zinc is important, taking aZinc supplement (20 milligrams a day) within 24 hours of the first signs of a cold can shorten its duration of about 30%, "says Findan.

Foods to get more zinc:

  • Oysters
  • Beef
  • King crab legs and blue crab
  • Clams
  • Lamb
  • Chicken
  • Vegetarian sources have less than feed but are always good to include: tofu, natto (higher than tofu), hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, beans and lentils

B vitamins

Seeded whole grain bread

"Complex vitamins B include niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and others," says Dr. Linsenmeyer. "These nutrients are needed for processes that helpMaintain good energy levels and cerebral function. "

Foods for more vitamins B:

  • Whole grains
  • Dairy
  • Bean
  • Me


Pistachios falling out of bowl

"There have been reporting that melatonin, your body's sleep hormone" is perhaps very important to protect us from coronavirus-related listening inflammation, "says Findan.

"While our brain makes this hormone in response to darkness, modern life interrupts this process and the elderly (which aremore susceptible to coronavirus) Do a lot less. The blue frequency and artificial light blocks the synthesis of melatonin that negatively affects our sleep cycles. In addition, melatonin is one of the natural antioxidants of our body, so that the melatonin rates of our body can affect how much our body balances inflammation and disrupt sleep, which weakens the immune function, ", declares Findan.

"You can optimize melatonin by gradation lights in the evening, turning off the electronics an hour or two before going to bed, avoid or reduce the artificial light in the evening. If you choose to complete with melatonin, 0.5 to 2 mg is everything you need. "

Food to eat for more melatonin:

  • Pistachio
  • Green beans
  • Black and red rice
  • Cherry pie
  • Red grapes and some wines, including Tempranillo, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon (yes, really!)

OMEGA-3 fatty acids

Chia seeds

"Many Americans have trouble getting enough omega-3 fatty acids to start. So it can be a nutrient of concern if your plan is more limited than usual," says Dr. Linsenmeyer.

Foods for more Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Chia seeds
  • Nuts
  • The flax seed
Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answer Your most urgent questions ) here are the precautions You should take the grocery store, the food you should have by hand, the Meal delivery services and Restaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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