15 signs that you have food intolerance, according to dietitians

Your nose of bloating or constant mystery can report subtle signs of food intolerance.

Never noticed that biting into a grilled cheese sandwich or a cubire inGreek yogurt Free a series of uncomfortable gastrointestinal side effects? You may be a victim of food sensitivity or intolerance.

What is a food intolerance?

"Food intolerance is a digestive problem that results after eating a particular food or food", Jim White, RDN, ACSM Ex-P, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, tells us. Food intolerance is different from a food allergy in that it does not produce an immune response to the specific food or food group. This means that your immune system is not triggered and will not produce a response to histamine. "For example, if someone has a peanut allergy and ingests a product containing peanuts, they can experience anaphylaxis and require immediate medical attention, while someone with lactose intolerance that consumes a product containing lactose can have a belly pain can have a belly pain. Although less severe in response, food intolerances should not be taken lightly because they often result in a decrease in the quality of life. to the pain, discomfort and avoidance of certain foods. "

Whileblocker and the gases are two of the most common side effects, food intolerance can trigger other unconventional weird reactions. These are the 15 signs you may have food intolerance, directly experts.



Tired man

"Fatigue results from ainflammation and immune response. Your body must work harder because the food is not completely digested, so the food and has a more taxed effect on your body rather than on the energizing effect you hope after eating. This can lead to fatigue and inflammation. Fatigue can also result from a food allergy because your immune system spends a good amount of energy that tries to remove the invader of food protein. "

-Gina Hassick, MA, RD, LDN, CDE, NCC

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Bloating and cramps

Bloated woman putting on jeans

"Enzymes are protein that act on certain foods to help broke them. Some people lack the enzymes needed to properly decompose certain foods. This lack of food degradation or digestion can result in the feeling of bloating or stomach cramps . One of the most common intolerances that produce this symptom is lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is caused by deficiency in the lactase enzyme which breaks down the disaccharide or sugar in milk called lactose ".

-Jim White, RDN, ACSM EX-P Jim owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios



Woman with a headache

"The sulphites are conservatives that are commonly found in wine, dried fruits, some condiments and other pre-packaged foods. A person who has sulfite intolerance can feel headaches, migraines and even symptoms Similar to asthma after consuming these products. There is no true essay to diagnose this intolerance, however, keep a dietary newspaper and eliminate these foods from the diet could reveal intolerance if the symptoms resolve. "




Woman stomach cramps

"Gas and bloating are often caused byFodmap food. People often do not realize that long-term Fodmaps avoidance could control the symptoms, but that does not deal with the reason they react badly to extremely fermentable foods. In my practice, I usually see that of bacterial proliferation. Tolerance to high Fodmap foods improves when people treat the underlying cause. "

-Miriam jacobson, MS, Rd, CNS


Articular pain

Man sore holding wrist

"Articular pain results from inflammation that can result from a food allergy or intolerance. Any reaction of the immune system has the potential to trigger joint pain."


RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.



Woman checking skin

"The symptoms of food allergy often vary from food to the other. Some foods such as nuts and fish are accompanied by anaphylactic reactions, which can be threatening from life, if they are not treated with a spinjet . Often an anaphylactic reaction will include symptoms such as an itchy throat, breathable difficulty and hives. However, many minor reactions are also accompanied by urticaria, normally in the face region. This type of reaction normally indicates intolerance to A food consumed in recent minutes or in the hour. The hives are normally indicative of a more serious reaction, but can also be triggered by a sensitivity to nightshade vegetables such as aubergines or red peppers. "

-Leah Kaufman, Ms, rd, cde, cdn

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Diarrhea and constipation

Bathroom toilet paper and dog

"The most serious form of gluten intolerance is celiac disease. Celiac disease is a self-immune disorder where the body attacks the hub of the small intestine in response to the presence of gluten (the protein found in the wheat, rye and barley). Essentially, gluten confuses the body to tackle rather than the foreign substance. This disease presents widespread problems, including constipation, diarrhea, malabsorption of major nutrients such as Whether vitamin D, iron and B12, rashes, headaches and migraines, steatorrhea (oily stool), chronic fatigue and chronic weight loss.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a less severe form of gluten intolerance where the body does not have an autoimmune response, but still does not work ingestion of gluten wells.Studies Show that 50% of gluten-sensitive individuals have diarrhea and 25% may undergo constipation. Each case of these problems does not point to gluten intolerance. However, so persistent, these symptoms can be explored. "




Woman with arthritis

"Just as people with migraines generally have an immune component, an immune component can also trigger arthritis. Inflammation of intestinal hyperbability leads to higher levels of immune modulators that create inflammation."


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"Stomach burns and acid reflux follow when food is not completely digested or when the acid occurs through the esophagus and burns tissues in the esophagus and throat. When your body is sensitive to a food, it takes more energy to digest and could cause maintenance in the digestive system, but at that time we can not see what is happening internally, we often feel like burns of 'stomach or acid reflux. "

-Erika angle,Doctorate, CEO and co-founder ofIXCELA.


Runny nose

Sick man

"Although it's less common with allergies or intolerances, a flowing nose is often a sign that your body tries to clean itself and when associated with other symptoms can sometimes mean that you can have Food intolerance. "


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Acne and rosacea

Woman with acne

Although a food allergy differs from food intolerance, intolerant people to certain foods should avoid triggers. "Skin problems such as hives, rashes, itching, acne, eczema, rosacea and pockets may be signs of food allergy. A food allergy results when the immune system of your body reacts on an allergen. When you consume a food that your body thinks. is harmful (even if it is not), your immune system responds by creating antibodies against diseases called immunoglobulin E (IGE). Each time that you eat a food containing thatprotein, your body is triggered to release IgE antibodies and other chemicals or "mediators" such as histamine, in efforts to attack and expel the invasive protein of your body. Histamine is a powerful chemical. The symptom of allergy you feel depends on where histamine is released in the body. If it is released in the skin, you are likely to experience one of the skin issues mentioned above. "


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