A major side effect to eat ice cream, says science

Those who love ice cream before the bed may want to read on ways to interrupt your night

Let's admit it. One of the best feelings in the world is to finish a delicious dinner, to catch a blanket and light netflix, and cozying with a bowl in your favoriteice cream for dessert. While eating ice cream on a regular basis has been known forlead to weight gain, likely to lead to a long-term and even negative heart disease riskImpact Our Gut MicrobiomeIt's not all wrong. The ice cream can also bring us necessary nutrients like calcium, as well as bring us a little joy related to food from time to time.

However, there is a potential disadvantage for eating ice that some people may not be aware. A major side effect of eating ice cream, especially if you enjoy like a dessert before you sleep,is it It could disrupt your sleep.

How diet-height foods - particularly high as ice cream play a role in sleep quality.

Research is always made on the relationship between what we eat and how we sleep, but many studies have found that our diets actually play a role in the good night rest. For example, according to a study of theJournal of the American Heart AssociationThe lower quality regimes and contained higher quantities of calories (especially in the form of added sugar) were associated with a poorer sleep quality.

Although these results cover a wide link betweenQuality of sleep and dietSome recent discoveries have proven that added sugar is one of the main culprits of diet-related sleep problems.

In a 2019 study found in theAmerican Journal of Lifestyle MedicineThe questionnaires and plan reviews were used to discover that very few students reported having a "good quality sleep" after eating higher schemes in added sugar.

A separateThe Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine The study found a positive correlation between higher amounts of added sugar and a poor quality of sleep, specifically indicating that added sugar leads to a lighter sleep with more interruptions all night.

RELATED:A major side effect feeding sugar has on your heart

Birthday cake ice cream

Why eat too much sugar can cause sleep problems.

So, why eat too much sugar leads to sleep problems, exactly? A possible explanation is that eating sugar, especially before going to bed, can actually delay the natural transformation rhythms of our body.

Because of our circadian rhythmWe live in our deepest sleep and the best when our body temperatures are down and that our melatonin levels increase. This usually happens later in the evening, which helps us experiment with a deep sleep and a natural state of drowsiness.

In a study of theBiological rhythms, a group of men with regular sleep habits has been higher nocturnal meals in carbohydrates and sugar. What they discovered was that their cardiac rates and their body temperatures were raised until 8 hours after their high carbohydrate evening meals. This is an example of the consumption of more sugar and carbohydrates slows down our circadian rhythm, which leads to a poorer sleep quality.

How many sugar to disrupt is it in your favorite iced creams?

In a single portion ofBen and Jerry Fudge Brownie Brownie Ice cream, there are 36 grams of sugar and 32 grams of added sugar. You will also find 26 grams of sugar and 17 grams of sugar added in a single portion ofBlue Bell Vanilla ice cream.

With a lot ofunhealthy ice cream On average around the same amount of sugar, you should definitely be suspicious of the size of the portion when you eat ice cream at night and you want to have a good night's night.

Sugar is not the only ingredient of ice cream that prepared you at night.

Another thing to consider when you reach the ice cream before going to bed is that if you like your ice with an extra chocolate, you might also keep you restful sleep.

Chocolate contains caffeine andtheobromine, a natural antioxidant known to have stimulating effects. For those who are sensitive to caffeine, the consumption of chocolate ice could even increase your agitated sleep chances even more.

To take with

When you reach a grocery ice cream card, try reading the labels to see if you can find one with lower amounts of sugar. In this way, you can enjoy your favorite gray and always get a good night's sleep.

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