14 inflammatory foods make you fat

Do you put yourself in the failure by eating these inflammatory foods?

Youcut calories, adjusted in time at the gym and never eat after 8 hours. So why you still can not deflate this rescue tire suspended around your belly? Consider this: yourbody could fight against your weight loss efforts because you eat too much inflammatory food causing chronic inflammation.

What is chronic inflammation?

You can think ofchronic inflammation as a home security system. Before leaving your house every morning and when you are ready to settle for the night, you press buttons and turn the alarm. In doing so, you secure your home and protect yourself from invaders.

The response to inflammation of your body works in the same way. Your immune system is the home security system and inflammation is the alarm. An alarm or inflammation - is triggered whenever the system detects an invader. In the case of your body, this invader can be something a knee bruised to an allergic reaction to pollen. In an operating system, your immune system will eventually disarmed the alarm.

This is not the case with chronic and low grade inflammation. You see, above the sporadic inflammatory culprits, such as injuries or diseases, there is a more insidious author who probably triggered your alarm every day: the food.

Foods that cause inflammation are one of the main contributors to chronic inflammation.

Research shows that an important contributor to chronic inflammation comes from what we eat and you will soon find thatMany of the following inflammatory foods have a place in your diet.

When you eat them daily, you will constantly turn on your body's alarm system. Since your immune system alarm is never disarmed, over time, this incessant inflammatory response can lead to weight gain, drowsiness,skin problems, digestive problems and a crowd of diseases, fromDiabetes Obesity to cancer.

If yourWeight loss efforts have a wafer Before you reach your objectives of your body, make sure you hit these inflammatory foods on the sidewalk and replaced them with their healing counterparts:anti-inflammatory food.

We have found more than 40 examples of these foods that cause inflammation and have classified them in 14 different inflammation food groups.



Sugar glazed doughnuts

Common culprits: soda, snackbars, candies, baked candy, coffee drinks

I bet you could have guess this one. According to an examination in theJournal of EndocrinologyWhen we eat too much glucose-containing sugar, the excess glucose our body can not treat fairly quickly can increase the pro-inflammatory messengers levels called cytokines. And that's not all. The sugar also removes the effectiveness of our germinal capabilities of our white blood cells, weakening our immune system and we make more likely to infectious diseases.

How can you reduce inflammatory sugar? A simple exchange is to overwhelm high blood glucose preliminary rulings (including the growing of blood sugar) for low-station alternatives, such as whole grains and foods with healthy greases, proteins andfiber. A study in theNutrition log Discovered that on an equal calorie system, overweight participants who have eaten a low IM diet have reduced the levels of the inflammatory protein of the C-reactive biomarker, while participants on a high GI diet do not 'have not done. Sugar is not only added to obvious products such as candy and soda bars. It also hides in theseFoods with added sugar.


Vegetable oil

Pouring canola oil into pan

Common culprits: mayonnaise, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, crackers, bread, potato chips

Once we have become aware of the harmful effects of trans fat arterial, manufacturers have changed to inject their products with or to fry their food in vegetable oils such as soy, corn, sunflower , safflower or palm oil, it was not much better. Indeed, these vegetable oils have a high concentration of inflammatory fat, omega-6 and are weak in anti-inflammatory grease, omega-3. In fact, Americans eat so much oily vegetable products than the average person has omega-6 toOmega 3 Report of about 20: 1 when it should be 1: 1.


Fried food

Deep fry french fries in oil

Common culprits: french fries like French fries, fried chicken, fish sticks, chicken calls, onion rings

Another problem with these fries based on vegetables and oil is that they contain high levels of inflammatory advanced glycation finished products (ages). These are compounds that form when products are cooked at high temperatures, pasteurized, dried, smoked, fries or grilled. Researchers from theMOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE I found that when people cut processed and fried foods that have high age levels, inflammation markers in their bodies diminished.


Refined flour

Loaf of bread seedy grain roll english muffin whole wheat crackers on wooden tray

Common culprits: pizza, white bread, crackers, pasta, pretzels, tortillas of flour, breakfast cereals, bagels

Refined wheat flours have been stripped of theirSlow digestion fiber And nutrients, which means that your body violates them very quickly. The more quickly your body digests food containing glucose, like thesecrab, the faster your blood sugar level can picotage. This also points out your insulin levels - a compound associated with a pro-inflammatory response. ANutrition log The study revealed that a high diet in refined grains showed a greater concentration of the inflammatory marker, PAI-1, in the blood. On the other hand, a diet rich in whole grains resulted in a lower concentration of the same marker as well as one of the most famous inflammatory biomarkers, the C-reactive protein (CRP).



Dairy products like pitcher milk container yogurt cheese on tablecloth

Common culprits: milk, soft cheeses, yogurt, butter

Although a moderate consumption of yoghurt can actually help reduce inflammation with its intestinal healing probiotics, the dairy is also a source of inflammation inducing saturated grease. In addition to this, studies have connected fatty dairy products with disturbance of our intestinal microbiome, reducing levels of our good intestinal bacteria that are key players in the reduction of inflammation. And finally, dairy is a common allergen-30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant, according to theFDA. Anyway, any type of allergen can trigger inflammatory reactions through the release of histamine. If you feel particularly bloated after some cheese blocks, consider cutting the dairy from your diet.

P.S. Do not worry about not having enough calcium if you cut the dairy: a 2014 study published in theBritish medical newspaper found that the intake of high milk has resulted in a strong impact of bone fractures in women. Instead of relying on animal products, you can include moreCalcium-rich foods that are not dairy in your daily diet.


Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sugar packets
Eat this, not that!

Common culprits: added sugar products, no-calorie "Diet" Non-alcoholic beverages

A 2014 study published inNature Discovered that the consumption of artificial sweeteners in mice and humans improves the risk of glucose intolerance by changing our gut microbiome. Researchers also noted an increase in Bad Gut bacteria that have already been associated with type 2. diabetes when our body can not metabolize glucose properly, this can lead to greater release of inflammatory cytokines, as is the case. sugar and refined carbohydrates. On top of that,Artificial sweeteners disrupt the composition of our intestinal microbiota by decreasing the levels of good bacteriaBacteria, which are known to help release anti-inflammatory compounds.


Artificial additives

Holding mms in hand

Common culprits: breakfast cereals, processed foods containing fruits, candies, ice cream

"Artificial" means that the product is not naturally found in nature. And that means your body does not generally have a way to treat it. Ingredients such as artificial color - made from oil (oil) - have been linked to the crowd of health problems, disrupting hormonal function to the production of hyperactivity in children, to the production of tumors in Animal studies. And a meta-analysis in the newspaperAlternative therapies in health and medicine I found that our immune system tries to defend the body of these synthetic dyes, which activates the inflammatory waterfall. Another study of researchers toState University of Georgia I found that additives such as emulsifying agents used to thicken foods can disrupt the bacterial composition of the gut, resulting in inflammation and weight gain in animals. The evidence in humans is sparse, but your better bet would always be to avoid these ingredients and stick to their natural counterparts.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Saturated fats

Slice new york pizza

Common culprits: burgers, pizza, candy, chips

We may have just absolutely saturated fats from theirConnecting cardiac diseaseBut that does not mean that they are away from the woods. Indeed, several studies have connected saturated fats with inflammation of white adipose tissue (fatty fabric) triggering inflammation. This white fabric is the type of grease that stores energy, rather than burning energy like brown fat cells. And when your fat cells become larger with larger saturated fat entries, they release pro-inflammatory agents that promote systemic inflammation, according to a review of the journal.Expert examination of cardiovascular therapy.


Conventional meats made from cereals

Raw ground conventional beef

Common culprits: beef, chicken, pork

Since livestock, chicken and pigs have not changed on a grain diet, many producers need to charge their animals with antibiotics. These drugs prevent not only animals from getting diseases in narrow fattening deviations or becoming sick of their non-natural diet, but they also help them (and we) earn faster. Absolutely, it means that we eat higher meat in inflammatory saturated fats, havelarger levels of omega-6 inflammatory From corn and soy regime, and our body thinks it is in a constant state of attack due to ingest the remains of antibiotics and hormones. Even worse, when we grill meat at high temperatures, it creates inflammatory carcinogens.

Take steps to eliminate meat food causing inflammation of your diet with these tips:

  • Limit the consumption of red meat to less than three times a week
  • Make sure you take meager cups fromfourte-fed oxen For your protein. This healthy sourcesupplies Saturated and transversal greases healthier as well as inflammation fights on omega-3s.
  • Add a little lemon juice to your meats: acid acts as antioxidant, protecting harmful carcinogens producing during cooking.

Processed meats

Sausage and hot dogs on grill

Common Culprits: Bacon, Hot Dogs, Bologna, Sausage, Jerky

Transformed meats are the worst of both worlds. They are usually made from red meats rich in saturated fatsand they or theycontain high levels of advanced glycation finished products (ages), inflammatory compounds created when these transformed meats are dried, fumes, pasteurized and cooked at high temperatures. Not to mention the fact that these meats are injected with preservatives, dyes andartificial flavors which also register as foreign attackers to our immune system.


Gluten bread bought from shop

Loaf of bread on kitchen counter in plastic bag

Common culprits: bread bought store made from refined flour and white

Many breads on the market can go for flour and yeast to baked bread in just a few hours. But this shortening of the fermentation period causes a decrease in the amount of starch and gluten. Yeast can usually pre-digest for us. Without helping digestion, it may be more difficult for our body to digest the gluten of bread, causing inflammation in the mucous membrane of your intestines.Expertise Believe it may be a reason for rising gluten sensitivity among Americans. Another theory is that modern wheat strains contain a super starch called amyloctin, which has beenshow have inflammatory effects.

To avoid this food that causes inflammation, consider making gluten-free swaps:

  • Serve hamburgers in lettuce wraps
  • Use cauliflower crust as a pizza base
  • To do the toast avocado using a smooth sweet potato instead of bread

In any case, buns purchased in store must be a pass if you have trouble losing weight. However, we issue the leaven of the light of the bakery. Levain bread is one of the surprisingfermented foods providing healthy probiotics to helpcure your intestine-Ehy to help reduce inflammation!


A second round of alcohol

Alcohol wine glasses
Kelsey Chance / Dessplash

Common culprits: beer, wine and liqueurs

Some research has shown a glass a day can actually reduce the levels of the C-reactive inflammatory biomarker protein (CRP),Too much alcohol really has the opposite effect. This is because the process of breaking alcohol generates toxic by-products that canDamage liver cells, promote inflammation and weaken the body's immune system.

On the other hand,drink moderation can make advantages. Flavonoids and antioxidants found in wine, as well as in probiotics of beer - could actually contribute an anti-inflammatory effect, according to a study published in the newspaperNutrients. We can not say enough, "all in moderation!"


Trans fat foods

Po boy sandwich and french fries

Common culprits: fried restoration dishes; bakery products like donuts, cookies and muffins

Since partially hydrogenated oils, also known as trans greases, do not occur naturally in food, our body does not have an adequate mechanism to break them. And when our body detects an unknown foreign object, it can stimulate an inflammatory response. According to the Mayo Clinic, these trans greases can cause inflammation by damaging the cells of the mucosa of the blood vessels.

And a study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Discovered that women who ate trans fat foods have also had higher levels of systemic inflammation markers, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP).

Fortunately,The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a global initiative that will beEliminate trans artificial greases by 2023. And while we banned the trans fat from our packaged food supply, youwill still see the trans gras on the restaurant menus. As such, be sure to avoid eatingTrans Fathered Food Restaurant.


fast food

fast food hamburger

Common guilty: fast food packaging

Even if you do not know how to pronounce, you need to know what phthalates (thal-ates) are. This is because many of us eat without knowing it, this class of disruptive chemical toxins of the endocrine system. Similar to BPA, phthalates are used in packaging and plastic foods and drinks, they do not stay there.

aEnvironmental Health Outlook The study made the headlines for its conclusion that people who often eaten the rapid restoration have more dependent on the dose of the levels of phthalate metabolites than rare eaters. And there are more bad news for all-breakfast lovers-day.

A separate study published inEnvironmental Science and Technology The phthalates found associated with the inflammation CRP marker while another studyEnvironmental healthConnected exposure subsequent phthalates with metabolic syndrome, illness as often associated with increased levels of inflammation. inflammation lowering is only one of the things that get to your body when you renounce fast food !

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